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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Zombee

  1. Zombee

    S>freyrs X2.

    Leave offers, thanks.
  2. Zombee

    B>clown Bragis

    Already sold it to him.
  3. If you quit, I want the Psilocybin name!
  4. 1. Can we please get the Old Morroc map back? I miss it. :L 2. Can we have actual PvP maps? Like Izlude, Morroc & Alberta. The current PvP room's normally empty. There's really no objects to PvP around for LoS & no tactic to play out while getting teamed because the current one is just a deathbox.
  5. 1 or 2 asgards?
  6. Zombee

    Open This

    How much for the blessed?
  7. Zombee

    B>clown Bragis

    PM me, I got it for you.
  8. Too easy, pick a different class.
  9. What class?
  10. Donate for a cape, sell it for tokens and buy multiple fking sets ^_~
  11. Yeah Im almost positive you can endlessly kill the same person if capable.
  12. I used Braintree, the default option. Basically you just type in the card information and it automatically goes through. Works the same as google wallet, without needing to sign up.
  13. Still looking? Let me know.
  14. Thanks.
  15. Leave prices.
  16. Thanks. x]
  17. As to where you can get them, at this current moment idk where online I could find them. The ORIGINAL download link was on eathena, however I have the files ( along with some other pretty sweet wings ) downloaded somewhere on my other computer and I can find them if you guys truly have an interest. As for stats, something all classes can benefit from. Damage % & reducts. Maybe reflect on the retribution ones. Also, colored Travelers helmets would be awesome. Same states as the Valkyrie helm maybe? That could be found in here; http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2800-item-recolor-collection/
  18. Ola. Played nlRO ( so if there's anyone still alive, let me know ), came here like 5 years ago and stopped playing. Came back for nostalgic reasons. Hit me up in-game; Mutilate, Dozen, Iconic, Lure.
  19. Why isn't there Wings with amazing stats? All these low headgear items look like ass, and not the 'damn she's got a nice ass' kind, the Ron Jeremey hairy cellulite ass.. Need dope wings, with dope stats, so I can invest money into purchasing them. Thanks.
  20. Ok.. You could be a little more specific and give me a name so I know whom it is I'm speaking with.
  21. Ahh, figures & I don't entirely blame them. Hello. ;p Guess I should give a small list of the names I used. Tigroarten, Detox, Insitle, Skeet Juice, Relic, Bang Bus, Zombee.exe, ~DoeBoiX~, or any doeboix for that matter. Brad for whoever really knew me. & Jake under my newer alias (DoeBoiX) when I got sick of people being too scurred to come @ me.
  22. Any heavyweights from nlRO chillin around here?
  23. lol hey what up

  24. Descent, really? I think you mean decent.
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