Ok, but what happens when we pull out of the war in Iraq, leaving many of their military leaders alive? Couldn't they see it as "Oh, they're scared of us. They're too weak to find us. We can dominate them." and then bring the fight back to US soil? I know that the war sucks for the Middle East, but do we want the fighting on our soil any more than they want it on theirs? If Bush had ignored the attack on the Twin Towers, that would have sent a message of weakness, that the US was too scared to move out and deal with terrorism. What Obama is being ignorant about in the war is that he keeps saying "I'm studying the situation", not listening to the advice of the generals. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Obama has no experience on a battlefield. So why isn't he listening to the men that do? I know he's nervous about making a decision, but his hesitation is losing more lives than acting would.
As for the economy portion, he's new to it, yes. But he's not learning from his mistakes. Sending all that money to the companies that were going under didn't work in the first place, so he's doing it again. I believe that this is part of the no common sense tyrantlu was talking about. And yes, it appeared that the New Deal worked. However, who's to say that the economy wouldn't have righted itself faster if the government kept out? We can't know either way, because we can't see a different history. Yet throwing money into businesses obviously isn't working in this case, so why keep wasting the money? Obama is all for waiting to make a decision about the war, yet he doesn't mind throwing away the money of US citizens.
Healthcare. Perhaps it works for some Canadians, but many wait months to be admitted. Also, from what I hear and see, the Canadian healthcare system is bankrupt, or going bankrupt. I agree that our healthcare system could be better, but I don't believe that the solution is to take on another country's healthcare. What bugs me is that so many citizens of the USA are against this, well over 60%, yet Obama keeps trying to push it through. As a president, it is your duty to listen to your citizens. That is the point of the USA.
Yes, Americans may be caught up in "rights" and "freedom", but that is because those are our founding principles. Those are why we broke away from Europe. If we don't keep that, we aren't the US anymore, we're a variation of it.
Also, Bush was doing a fairly good job up until people started threatening him. Many people in the democratic party started trying to control him. This was also him panicking as he saw what American's were feeling, or some of them. Like Devotion said, one's followers (I say followers because I can't think of a different word right now) truly affect one's leadership.
I am too young to vote, yes. But I watch this just as much as anyone else, possibly more than some who did vote. I will tell you, during the election year, our school newspaper team asked many of the adults and seniors who they would vote for and why. It is true that most of the African Americans said "Obama because he's black". Now, I'm not saying that all of them said this. But that reason came up over and over again. What we need, I think, is a president in for the right reason. Not because he speaks well, or because of his/her race or gender. This is hard because of human nature, and you can never really tell how a president will be based on his campaign. Also like Devotion said, it's a lot like a gamemaster. You can tell some things from their applications, but you never know when people will lie.
Last note: I was not thrilled with any of the people who were running this past time, either. A lot of the time, it's picking the best of two bad choices. I can't say that McCain would have been any better than Obama is, but I look at this and think that he couldn't have been any worse. Now, I would apologize if Obama shapes up before his term is out. But the thing is, he doesn't seem to listen to anyone aside from himself. Things only seem to get worse. I suppose that time will tell, but those are my two cents.
Edit: Sorry for the really long post. x-x;