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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish

    New Events

    The biggest problem I see with this is that there would be no way for the GMs to be monitored. Therefore, I can see a lot of players accusing the GMs of cheating.
  2. Wish

    New Events

    Novice LMS has been thought about, but it would need to be a higher-level novice. I believe that it is at level 150 when novices can actually attack and be attacked. The best way to do this would be to use level 255 novices. Not so sure battling with a GM would work. As seen in the Dice event, 1 GM can eliminate several players with one or two skills. Limits would have to be placed on the GM. Also, how would there be a winner? Edit: Moved to correct forum. Please do not post directly into accepted suggestions.
  3. Most lag is related only to your connection to the server. Try reconnecting or restarting your modem. We've already accepted multiple suggestions to move merchants to a specified map. We simply need a map to move them to. As for this, Genesis already gave his answers. - Rejected -
  4. Wish

    Pet Event

    Elaborate, please? How would it be hosted?
  5. Your connection. Most players play without lag 99% of the time and lag only slightly in WoE.
  6. XDDDDD Ysopro?

  7. Welcome back. :)
  8. Wish

    Lol, that's good.

  9. Wish

    Hiya! :)

    Welcome back. Hope you enjoy your time here again. :)
  10. Wish


    Hey, welcome to the server! You can find a lot of our custom quests in the quest guide section of the forum. If you ever need help, you can post on the forum, @request for a GM in game, or simply ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Also, feel free to PM a GM on the forum. Enjoy your time here. :)
  11. Wish


    Haha, welcome back to the server. If you need help, check the quest guide section on the forum or ask a GM. You can also ask around in @go 25. Many people would be willing to help you. Enjoy your time. :)
  12. LMFAO. XDDDD Ily.

  13. Wish

    Ahaha, I didn't get another message.

  14. Wish


    Welcome to the server! If you need any help, we have a guide section with helpful information get you started on custom equips or builds. You can always ask for support on the forum, @request for a GM in game, or ask around in Forsaken City (@go 25). Have fun, and enjoy your time with us. :)
  15. LOL. What does that have to do with anything? XDDD

  16. Alright, working on it. Thanks!
  17. Thanks, Ily, too. <33

  18. I'll love you on a boat. /gg

  19. Wish

    Ahh well. I'm heading to bed now anyway. Talk to you later. :)

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