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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by sessions

  1. That would be sick nasty. And it would probably give the server a little boost in population especially if done well. I don't know anything about spriting but I'm sure this would be a huge task.
  2. sessions

    Sonic Blow

    You don't need 4 kiels for arrow vulcan spam.... Just expect carpal tunnel syndrome. Also 3 kiels does not equal 90% delay reduction. You apply the 30% reduction to the delay and then apply the next 30% reduction to the newly calculated delay and so on and so forth
  3. Actually I expanded upon them.. But hey whatev's.
  4. sessions

    Dice Event

    I don't fully understand what is being suggested but whatever. Dice is fun to try and survive the gm's and so what if you log out? There are plenty of chances to win events on this server.
  5. sessions


    You do hack. On your LK though. Not on the champ. I know that you were ygg seeding but still tanking that crap was intense.
  6. As I have stated before, I do not play sniper... I simply say they suck because I rarely see any and when I do, they are killed by everyone (including myself) Long range strip = non existant Coma = Hardly any chance Traps = Snap + backslide (which is 90% of pvp) AND their duration is awful I honestly do not understand the argument that "omg u suck. u just dunt play rite. learn2play [insert class name here]" If they are non-existant in pvp it is for a reason. I also do not understand why you would not be for a benefit to the class you play. That makes no sense to me whatsoever.
  7. Alright, I'm just interested in seeing this being implented should be nice to have these changes.
  8. When is this going to be accepted? I want that +10% hp bonus on my stalker stuff. :O
  9. Yeah getting jupitel isn't needed since you can just backslide away and besides why would you want to get jupitel when it pushes them back so damn far if you spam it. Getting spear of ice and backslide once then spam their brains out would be a much better method. And Stalkers do need a boost, in hp, not for evading people they can easily do that themselves. And Sac+gr+rays/devs=fail damage
  10. And make Tao obsolete? Noo. Something else more aligned with some class balancing. (it's late so I have no suggestions as to what the card should do) But a useful drop of some sort would make things interesting... It would also be interesting to see other worthless MvP's (worthless meaning its card sucks/no ice pick etc etc) given a useful drop. I like the idea of the wings drop from Satan Morroc. Naturally they should be Satanic looking.. Meh its late, that's all the input I've got.
  11. sessions

    ROP appearance

    I would be up for a change.. The current ROP's are bland
  12. Amen. Bump for the fate of snipers indeed.
  13. LTS FTW And I actually haven't played any events other event other than the ones you listed, LTS, novice dodgeball, and GvG 5+1+1+1=8<---I would like to try the other 12 Oh wait forgot password. I love password.
  14. Yes, giant splashes of blood when you hit someone.
  15. Updated again, buy my rucksack please :P
  16. Thanks for pointing that out. i feel dum nao.
  17. Maya is fine. GTB however should be reduced to something like 50-70% in my opinion... But not enough people will agree and hell will be raised if it ever happens. Plus, it is not that difficult to get high MDEF and completely nullify magic damage. Oh well, life on a high rate server for mages/profs is just farming, summoning mvps and WoEing.. Just dont expect to do much pvping. This change won't be happening again
  18. ^You're just showing off.
  19. Well my friend Purified. (pd priest) got bored and did this: He was very bored.
  20. sessions


    Its easy to use storage for costum items since they're always at the bottom. Finding cards however is a pain so maybe keep them organized in groups but organized again alphabetically within the groups (if that's possible)
  21. bump
  22. More input or a nice "Accepted" would be nice :O
  23. sessions

    Full Asura Champ

    If you aren't using FBH in your shoes best combo is Goldenring Goldenring TG Civil.... If I remember correctly. If you do go for FBH you can still stack one golden on your weapon so I would go for something like Golden TG TG Civil. (play around with adding a skeleton worker card in your combos as multipliers are better than adders) Multipliers = %dmg increase card of a different thing (i.e. demi-human, medium size etc etc) Adder= %dmg increase card of the same thing (i.e. Two Goldens.) This is all assuming no Thanatos is available.
  24. sessions


  25. sessions

    High Priest.

    You could try being a perfect dodge + coma priest. Those are a bitch to kill. Items needed: Helm of Hermes Transparent Wings Fox cards in boots Valk Manteau +10 Various other cards that give PD... can't remember them at the moment LoD cards + Dragoon Warlord cards (strip shield for getting rid of gtb) Use all your various skills to help dodge stuff that PD does not cover. Or go full support and get some bacsojin cards. That would get you into some guilds as when defending somebody's got to heal that emp (or at least try to).
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