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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by sessions

  1. Noooo. That would be stupid.
  2. I was not aware you had to press "enter" to exit battlemode and type... I have always pressed "space" before typing and then "enter" to say what I just typed and to re-enter battlemode. I see nothing wrong with the current /bm besides the occasional DDoouubbllee thing that occurs.
  3. I dont know about pneuma piercing persay, however maybe making one of the skills snipers have (one that has knockback ability) pneuma piercing. If there were to be pneuma piercing arrows there would need to be damage reductions on the arrows. Or make it so that you cannot hit anyone unless they have pneuma up. Needs to be some sort of balance with forcing snipers to switch arrows around. These are just ideas I'm throwing around I really haven't given any much thought... I still stand by the damage reduction first and foremost as an essencial addition to the elite bow of both Snipers and Stalkers.
  4. Yes.yes.yes. Stalkers need more hp since their stats get spread out very much by the need to strip while still hit decent damage/ have health (except bow stalkers since they have it easy with strip/damage combined) and I can rarely survive an asura while using raydrics and even if I survive with devilings I don't like getting raped by everyone else.
  5. Completely 110% agree.
  6. Sexy idea.
  7. bump
  8. sessions


    If it was possible to add a delay... Maybe. I just have not-so-fond memories of a certain class leaping to the emp in ridiculous speeds... past any defense aaaaaand. Break. Emp down. On another note it would be kind of refreshing to see another class at the Emp besides those ugly sinxers.
  9. First thing: I do not play sniper. Even if they are long ranged, they're going to get hit by something and not having 55% demi-human reduction ability like most (*cough* ALL) classes is complete crap. Give them some defense, because their offense certainly is not bringing much. I also believe that giving them long-ranged stripping has already been suggested by L2Aim and it would be redundant for me to suggest the same thing. I am focusing on their pitiful defense.
  10. I agree with both of you completely. (Especially because I main Stalker :O)
  11. sessions

    Snipers Suck.

    Snipers cannot get the same 20% (f shield) + 35% (usakoring) that other classes can, while still being able to have a damage output. My suggestion then: Give the Elite Sniper Bow some reductions. Wouldn't have to be on par with the shield, could just be something like 10-15% demi-human reduction. Because I mean seriously this sexy class needs a boost somewhere. Another possible suggestion: All elite bows have the reduction (i.e. Stalker, Clown, Gypsy). The Sniper needs it the most as it is their main weapon and quite frankly, they are fail currently... But it would be nice for the other classes also. That is all.
  12. Alan Rickman is fucking brilliant. He makes my day everytime I see him on screen :) I actually like the movie, unlike the cool kids ripping on it. It was pretty true to the book, which is as much as you can ask for because quite honestly when the movie = the book exactly the movie blows. It's a tricky balance that I think has been handled well so far in most of the Harry Potter films.
  13. That movie was crazy depressing... :O When it had finished everyone just sat in the movie theater like "Shit I dont even have the will to get up anymore.. Life sucks" Everyone just say there for like 10 minutes.. It was crazy.
  14. So yeah, selling or trading it. Only other rucksack I am interested in would be Usakoring (unless you have an absolutely fabulous offer...) Leave offers/ igns here OR Broadcast for me. (Sessions)
  15. Okie dokie, BC for Sessions hopefully Ill be on :)
  16. sessions

    Pro Fags

    Bullshit he is. Unless he snuck in O.o
  17. sessions

    Full Asura Champ

    Try 3 kiels + 192~195 aspd. Whatever works for you
  18. sessions

    WoE Castles

    Yesh please. In my opinion, just add the warps to the WoE time NPC...
  19. Yeah I know lulz :D Just saying, thats pansy candy ass dmg on a monster.
  20. I would have to agree.. This happened to me once
  21. I know what your saying but hardly anyone has negative defense and as far as in know incant "ignores enemy defense" so you hit them as if their defense is 0 so I think even though they have negative defense you would still hit as if they had 0 (if they had negative defense than no incant would be better than incant) so defense really has nothing to do with your damage with incant.
  22. Hmm... i had like 271+139 strength 170+100 int<--- from the shelter cards I did it on a few people and still no luck and when I tried full int the damage was almost the same. Maybe I just need to get an ice pick or something (since I don't see me getting a thana anytime soon) although when I was trying it on people at lhz a seyron windsar walked by and I hit 46k's on it so well what is that crap... :O
  23. Btw how the hell are you doing 38k+ with incant? I've tried many things and my highest damage without usa was 28kish when someone had dev's on I could hit close to that much but from your screenshots it looks like you used it on multiple people and they wouldn't all have devs on sooooo yeah. (psst I used high str, str belts, incant/phreeoni/zipper/zipper katar 170ish int and shelter cards soo I dunno whats up with it)
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