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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by sessions

  1. I honestly could not agree more.
  2. Yes well being asura'd is not fun. And being sac'd by a pally with 600k+ hp is not fun. Having your stuff broken / stripped is not fun. Being frozen is not fun. Fighting someone until their yggs or your own yggs are gone to decide who wins is not fun. AV is not fun. Being coma'd is not fun. Being attacked by a sinx with EDP is not fun. Being desperado'd as soon as you enter a new room is not fun... And the list winds on... Let's change it all. Oh hell, lets just remove cards from the game, a lot of cards are not fun. Let's just remove Pvp and WOE. Sorry, this is borderline flame. Too much sarcasm maybe All I am saying is that making a skill null and void is not the answer.
  3. That is what your thread is about... Mine is about nerfing in general, not this specific one. That is why I created my own topic.
  4. I know absolutely nothing besides a few assassin crosses are completely quitting. (Lol.) What I have heard: Sonic blow nerfed? Confirmation would be nice as I really do hate being ignorant. Anyways my rant, though it would seem to be a OMG I CANT DO 7 SB'S ANYMORE, is not one of those. It is simply a rant about nerfing in general. For the record. I do not play sinx. (for those about to say "Find a way around it and stop complaining") Nerfing a skill will not achieve class balance. (That is, I assume the reason for today's killing of sonic blow) All it will do is make the sinx class even more one-dimensional than it already is. (EDP + attack someone fast) And lets be honest, everyone likes clicking on skills to attack, not just clicking on the person :thumbsup_still: I have not been a member on this server for long, however I have played RO for quite a while. In my experience nerfing skills of a class DOES NOT help anything. It is simply an uncreative (dictionary check on that word) way to attempt to achieve class balance. When nerfing starts it generall does not stop. As of now I have been quite impressed by the GM team here. Impress me more with your creativity in achieving what every RO server tries: Class balance. And don't ruin "oh my (insert deity here), (insert class) is so overpowered. Bring the lower classes up to the "overpowered's" level. Don't bring a class down. Thanks and Ps. If I'm wrong about the nerfing... disregard everything I've said and have a nice day.
  5. Selling Bacsojin Card (used for champ elite quest hint hint) IGN: Sno Cone pm me
  6. I've seen 55 before, but I cannot honestly say I know for sure.
  7. One thing to say: pointless arguments are fun to read.
  8. Ill buy the f armor, cloak and shoes if you still have them IGN: Sno Cone
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