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Everything posted by HealHard
every single newbie i see in-game is wearing knight set because it cost 10 tokens. that means that newcomer needs to farm 6k hydra cards for example and buy the set. its is sad to say, but lets face the fact that class specific sets are not massively used anymore. this suggestion is not bad, but it wont help anyone. so i think that GMs should not waste their time buffing or nerfing elite stuff. Let them work on xmas update please.
New Glitter Angel Rucks(Pink,blue Purple, & Other Color)
HealHard replied to XloveorwarX's topic in Archive
so according to you I should post something myself before you will kindly allow me to like or dislike your works? this is suggestion indeed, and you posted your works here, so I am going to share my opinion regardless the fact you like it or not. And you should consider what Nelle said. would be much more useful. -
you suggest it just to make suggestion? noone even uses elite sets, because knight sets are better and universal. why should GMs edit things that already become classic? pointless and useless.
New Glitter Angel Rucks(Pink,blue Purple, & Other Color)
HealHard replied to XloveorwarX's topic in Archive
Teal dotted one is really ugly tbh. Others are ok but i doubt that we need more rucks. -
Why do you think that all classes should get maximum boosts out of items? sets are desinged the way to boost some classes , because they need it. thats the the part of the server's balance. Disagree on this suggestion.
leave offers here.
Big numbers theory says this to me madam (not EXACTLY 1 out of 100. but 500 out of 50000 gonna work). server runs nearly 5 years already and all those Ice Picks are being accumutated. and you say that IP[0] is/rare valuable... its cost 20 tokens. Not to be rude, but its not rare nor valuable at all.
Dorcus is fine, boosting HP is not needed. we already have baloons and haloween hats that can make champ HP skyhigh.
I suggest to add the same warning as the decarding NPC has instead of scanning your slots and counting free space.
Whats the point of adding this quest if only two(!) gonna be actually slotted (i mean ice pick and mailbreaker)? moreover - IP[1] has 0.01% drop chance, while IP is 1%. chance to add a slot to IP is 10% so 1 IP[0] of 10 gonna become IP[1], which gonna boost the number of IP[1] by 1000%. ten times more slotted ice picks. i dont have one, but still i gonna say no, as that 0.01% drop rate was made on purpose. Mailbreaker breaks armors fast enough already. this item wont benefit much from adding slots anyway. I think implementing this will be quite complicated, as we do not know how this slotting quest gonna work with custom gears. If somebody finds the way to abuse this, imagine what gonna happen. i say no to this suggestion
Great! looking forward for the fix. TY=)
here is the issue: Uploaded with ImageShack.us I guess peco's head should not be covered with the cape. i guess same issue with paladin one (not sire cus i dont have that one).
I think that effects can be changed later and at the moment we really need to make them universal, as their cost far too high for class specific item ,as it was already mentioned. Considering coding, id suggest to make it this way: one NPC consumes a cape from the player (you need to list 18 capes here) and gives him out SMTH(idk new item). Another NPC exchanges this very item to another cape(again, 18 variants, pretty much like copy-paste from prev NPC but reverse effect). 36 totall?
1. yes - less cheaters means more fun 2. yes, basilica is abusable rest - IDC xD 3.1 yes, 2 weeks is too long 3.2 yes, this helps economy and helps people. 1st place 5 pvp tok, 2nd - 2, 3rd - none or 1 (so 2 weeks = 14/16 pvp toks instead of 15) 4. yes, would be fun
2000 -> 1100-1400 is a HUGE debuff. smart people gonna reduce that to 9k dmg so it will become totally useless. do you know that desrease agi prevents you from using CT? and you need all those rebuffs again? I already showed you that thow does like 20k dmg already. I see no real reason to decrease this damage (maybe by 5-10% at MOST). Remove pneuma as it was already said and buff CT.
100% agree to that.
Considering my damage - i tested it on myself(2 window mode) and the set up was described. You want to tell me that those numbers are fake? then try it out yourself. About tomahawk - if you have ranged skill why do you want to use melee one as primary? Most of classes use ranged skills and WS does not have any means to shorten the distance to melee fast. But if the foe has pneuma/def aura etc it comes handy. Considering buffs - WS relies on his buffs alot more then ANY other class. thats the point. And again - dispell is NOT triggered with your Tomawak nor with any other skill that damages you. Its only for continuous melee damaging which WS can not afford - his damage is far too low for that. But even if WS slots VR into his Thor damage is going to be lower anyway (compated to TG or w/e). And your qoute is funny because i got almost every class with valk weaps so i dont really care about nerfs or buffs. WSes were given decent power to become a true PVP class. But if you find their weaknesses then you will be able to win. IMO players just did not adapt to WS new powers so they think its overpowered. And i already showed you the way to reduce damage to 20(!)k per tomahawk(without full redux even). What do you need more?
We are balancing top tier PVP here, so your remark about fluffy is irrelevant. PVP system is up - go get your sacred if you dont have fluffy. Making 1 extra cloak is not too much at ALL. Since when is changing cloack is "...change their entire set". Moreover, i did not mention Angelring armor here(and it would help againt BoS) and didnt mention elemental resist pots. Also there are stalkers with great redux + there is Poring tower hat. Isn't that enough for you? If a few people know how to redux then its other's problems who dont know how to do it. And considering pneuma - i use it manually far more effective then if it was triggered by chance. This is obvious IMO. P.S. 1. this thread is named "Lets talk about Whitesmiths" not "let's nerf WS" 2. LOLOLOLing makes your post so emotional, meaning you lack statements to oppose to my position. 3. And yea, dont be rude, be constructive and think before posting (thats about autopneuma).
ok lets add some tests..... Character: Whitesmith with Thor's: 283+157 str. Inca+TG+TG+skel worker, 2x FBH, Converter, + Captain hat!. Target: Champ (2x Noxiouses in cloak, fluffy Wigs, Frigg+usako). Result: 29k dmg --Changes: champ with assump(from blue ifrit ring) --Result: 19200 dmg. W/O capt hat: - 23k on tg tg skel inca W/O assump from ifrit --15k w/ assump from ifrit Now lets test Inca + tg +tg + Phree weapon (which WS normally use): - 25k dmg W/O assump --17k dmg with assump W/O capt hat: -19k w/o assump --13k with assump And once again, WS can not properly use displess/ ifrits themself. so once you got assump it will last for a long time. Moreover, you can use pneuma yourself vs tomahawk. Damage is not that outstanding. Ranged dispell from VR doesnt even trigger using Tomahawk. WS can be easily forced to GTB with dispell/magic attk. WS does not need increase of Thow Tomahawk skill SP cost because with 2x FBH full mana pool goes on 1 rebuff. With GTB WS needs to ygg while rebuffing!!! The only thing that might be changed is useable pneuma. Make it autocast and this will be quite enough. Other possible variant is adding endure as someone said or maybe adding some chance to trigger Kyrie.
WS is not that overpowered if you use dispell + decrease agi. without buffs they do half damage and it takes time to rebuff. moreover, they use converters and dmg is ranged, so u can pneuma/noxious/angelring/ifrits vs them. Moreover, WS cant normally use dispell and ifrits themself cus their damage relies on STR belts alot. -1 on this.
It is not the method of making imperials worth its cost. GVH is obtainable via WOE and uhm it needs something different then an fhelm. Do it like Blizzard - buff stuff instead of nerfing. Just make imps +4/+5 stats. it gonna do pretty same BUT fhelm will remain recolorable and GVH will be almost as good as imp but far more common. and Imp will become expensive and somewhat usefull as well.
restore the GVH bonus and recolor Gold Imp. thats all id needed basically.
Indeed. Lets transfer one castle to euro woe. Not only because it will reduce lags during euro, but also because it will turn up the heat during american woes. maybe we will see guild alliances again? who knows. 100% agreed on this suggestion.
I would like to talk about Odin's Avenger compared to Pally Halberd. So here is Odin: Str + 30, Vit + 30, Max HP + 10%, ATK + 100, Increase damage with Shield Chain by 210%, Increase damage done to Medium sized monsters by 35% And this is Halberd one: Increase Damage done to Demi Humans by 17%, Str + 20, Dex + 10 + 15% HP Actually, we can see that Halberd is just worse then Odin's. Was it supposed to be so? they cost 30$ each so i guess we should add something to Halberd to make it different from Odin's at least. So, here is my suggestion on a Halberd stats: Increase Damage done to Demi Humans by 17%, lvl 10 enlarge weight limit Str + 20, Vit+ 20 Dex + 10 + 15% HP Explanation: Odin will remain great offensive weapon for Paladin and Halberd will become more supportive one.
Lets say i have about 20 fsets. how much time do you think i should waste upgrading gears? my answer is - zero. its good and balanced as it is. and dont think farming is what people love to do in FRO lolz.
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