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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by HealHard

  1. The best update i have seen so far. really makes Fro more interesting now. awesome work! keep it up!
  2. Decode, you miss the point why the items drop in price actually. When everyone who needs the item gets it, then prices drop. And at the moment we are talking about a thing that takes at least a month to get. 12 people a year can get it. whats the server population?... so prices will never go down as even a small change will make this item desired by everyone. And only few people going to have those eventually. Moreover, they gonna have 2+ of those. So uhm... They gonna op it or abuse it. Newbies never gonna get it. And not a single asian will get it, unless they buy it. Sniper bow is not a correct thing to compare with, since it is donatable and costs 8 times less then this white rucky in game.
  3. You should work on your logic, herlove. 1. - Answer: Yes I know because 2-5 AM is not an option to GvG for some people 2. - Answer: because they may become able to attend to it. 3. - Thats what you are trying to prevent? Stop ruining our economics. 4. - Specially for you, my oh-so-gifted friend. New item because there are too many old items that will become overpowered without any effort. 5. - that means you fold, yeah? ok. settled.
  4. I disagree with item change and I dont care about the reasons why your guild dominates GvG. Since most of players on server can not attend to GvG, rewards should not be overpowered. White and teal stuff is expensive already. step one: suggest to make smth like euro-GvG. This attracts more people to GvG. step two: suggest to make a NEW item that will be smth like a mega-ruck or w/e. Do not modify existing ones for obvious reasons. Result : people have even abilities to get new awesome rewards. Nobody has those items yet and noone would be able to speculate on their price. Unless you have saved raw gvg certs. Resume: I disagree with your ways of changing GvG rewards. P.S. once more: YOU KNEW that you pay 8 certs for just a RUCK. And dont mix up Your personal wealth with needs of server. Most of people dont care about GvG. At least for now.
  5. @HerLove When you got that ruck you know its the same effect as all others, right? then why did you spend your precious GvG certs on this useless item? You should make such topic when those rucks were released. And now your guild just dominates gvg so you want to sell these rucks OP. Good enough for you. Disagree.
  6. I will agree if LKs waste 1 spear(any) on each spear boomerang and spiral pierce. And remove Mistress card effect from FSet. Lets make life more complicated for ppl! (sarcasm. i dont like this idea.)
  7. True, useless stats should not be present in donation weapon. and stave crasher needs a buff. agree
  8. HealHard

    Kitty Claws

    Yes, its all true. And elite Katar is almost as good. I thought of this: lets make after-cast delay reduction 40% and +10% redux + reduce weight to like 200. Its a chance to wear 2 kiels and being able to spam SBs, so u can wear fsoldier, which is a must nowadays and also sacreds or another kiel/mayap depending on situation.
  9. And i love PVP w/o those hats. makes it more offensive. if u want reducts, use Feather beret. Its legal one. And plz nerf the Poring tower hat too. it seems to be forgotten =)
  10. Updated. Sell me SGW pl0x )
  11. Updated.
  12. More Updates. Kiels sold, dropped price on Arch RS and ghost avians
  13. Updated. Bump
  14. Sold by trade to Bloo.
  15. Well, snipers have just normal redux. Same as all other classes. High damage is ranged ONLY with no chance to do any damage to guy in pneuma or the one that uses defending aura. Dont forget about noxious card. It really cuts damage down. Clowns have tarot, stalkers can get another skill to damage/push back etc and snipers can just wait and run. Considering strip, the chances are quite low and it appears only when sniper normally attacks you with bow or you melee him. If its normal attack, that damage is low and easily yggable. If you are sinx then it may be a prob, but any class can strip you... so i dont see big deal at this point. Considering weight carriage, its nothing special. lvl 10 enlarge weight limit is the only chance for non-str based characters to be able to carry any significant amount of yggs. And high HP is a bonus for having those drawbacks. btw 500k is smh like 300 vit and vit belts and 2 taos. Not pvp case. Anyway, i cant tell that snipers are overpowered. Strong, but not OP. Oh and about magic... A good prof still outdamages ANY class if the target is not wearing GTB imo.
  16. ND ladder sounds fun but i see it a little bit other way. FRO is item based and that means that players got only one main goal here: getting better stuff to own. If you take this goal away with allowing to ND-ladder i dont see any future donations to server, as you will be fine making tokens in ND-ladder with [minimum gears + low ping + huge gang] formula. New players never going to win that one. And also we have ND-pvp room where kills count for ladder. What happens there? Feeding or nothing at all recently. Same shit gonna happen to ND-ladder. Moreover, as it was said if wing reward will be doubled each week SGWs and RAWs gonna loose their shine in eyes of players who dont have it. Everyone gonna have them and thats BAD. Cus once again, FRO is item - based. Some items MUST be difficult to get. That what makes server so addictive (and brings donors also). Speaking if you want to do this for newcomers... tell me one thing: where the heck they gonna get enough yggs to ladder for the whole week with pros using ND-gears? When i was noob all i wanted was fset with cards. then emp. then sacred golden wing.... While growing from noob to pro you actually Learn. You learn the rules of this little world, you learn to pvp, you get frends and enemies. This is sort of alter-life lol. And when you say "lets give noobs a chance to skip the best days of their life on this server" i say NO, cus selling one PVP wing will give you full gears for one class! And its the most freaking interesting part. Improving yourself, getting DQs to get your own stuff, trying to prove you worth smth to pros... And then, you can ladder. Cus thers nothing much left to do after that. Instead, lets just fix our normal ladder. As it was suggested by me somewhere else, restrict parties in PVP room. and it gonna be fine.
  17. HealHard

    Vote Items

    Would be awesome. I got Droping maya hat by accident and was extremely frustrated. i wouldnt mind loosing like 30-50% of its value for tading it back.
  18. Agreed to prohibit re-laddering for several weeks. And also just prohibit parties in PVP room. it gonna be more like LMS helping (if any helpers) instead of huge devoed gangs.
  19. updated and working. leave offers)
  20. Leave your offers here or PM Hold'em.
  21. HealHard

    Guild Vs Guild

    Also some situations to add. For example, i was stripped by drax in one GVG and ran from him for a long time until strip has passed and then i managed to kill his sniper. I think its a fair move. GVG is about tactics. We should just state the rules when running is ok. GM can easily watch the player(s) that are outnumbered to see if they are wasting ppl's time or waiting for 2x attack or strip effect gone or if they are trying to split the group of enemies or waiting untill enemy's FCP is over. Its not that hard maybe? But at this point our GVG Judge must be a trustworthy person. So if Judge thinks that person is just hiding w/ no chance to win he tells out his location. Maybe we should have some voting on few GMs who can host GVGs to make one(two?) actual Judges. And only Judges can host GVGs. seems great. Oh yes, please kick dead people out :) this would make them want to last longer in gvg to see what happens inside.
  22. Each server i played had its own mechanics. Some of them had +100 equips and 4 slots in all armors, others were hardly customised... i saw it all. and when you like the server it means you like the mechanics it offers. ForsakenRO has its own style and its about Yggs, kiels and other stuff. If you like it, then stay and enjoy your time as i do. otherwise leave please, i like the way things are.
  23. HealHard


    I believe this command still should work, as there is always way to know if there is any GM on. lets say you just have an empty account and you go BC some bad phrases about GMs. if you get ban, then you need to wait before feeding, otherwise gogogogo to pvp. moreover, @whogm will show afk GMs also, which gonna be a stress factor for cheaters.
  24. I think that those hats is just extra work for spriters and scripters, since they gonna have the same effect. If you need eye-candies go find some unreleased HG. I see no point in making those. WOE 2.0/3rd Classes/Next frigg quest or w/e else is more important than this one lol.
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