ND ladder sounds fun but i see it a little bit other way. FRO is item based and that means that players got only one main goal here: getting better stuff to own.
If you take this goal away with allowing to ND-ladder i dont see any future donations to server, as you will be fine making tokens in ND-ladder with [minimum gears + low ping + huge gang] formula. New players never going to win that one. And also we have ND-pvp room where kills count for ladder. What happens there? Feeding or nothing at all recently.
Same shit gonna happen to ND-ladder. Moreover, as it was said if wing reward will be doubled each week SGWs and RAWs gonna loose their shine in eyes of players who dont have it. Everyone gonna have them and thats BAD. Cus once again, FRO is item - based. Some items MUST be difficult to get. That what makes server so addictive (and brings donors also).
Speaking if you want to do this for newcomers... tell me one thing: where the heck they gonna get enough yggs to ladder for the whole week with pros using ND-gears?
When i was noob all i wanted was fset with cards. then emp. then sacred golden wing.... While growing from noob to pro you actually Learn. You learn the rules of this little world, you learn to pvp, you get frends and enemies. This is sort of alter-life lol. And when you say "lets give noobs a chance to skip the best days of their life on this server" i say NO, cus selling one PVP wing will give you full gears for one class! And its the most freaking interesting part. Improving yourself, getting DQs to get your own stuff, trying to prove you worth smth to pros... And then, you can ladder. Cus thers nothing much left to do after that.
Instead, lets just fix our normal ladder. As it was suggested by me somewhere else, restrict parties in PVP room. and it gonna be fine.