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Everything posted by HealHard
Alien Vampires - Control The Universe he who can control the spice, controls the universe aaaand F*ck pop music.
says the person who cant afford fcp tickets. anyway, back to topic. one seed costs 75k (if you buy them 4:1 and 1 tok = 30 mil). its not such a big deal to spend some zeny for bottles too. also, creators dont use bos/converters. this saves money. i dont see any reason they should become cheaper to use. additionaly as it was already mentioned, their AD skill is the best stun lock in game, and they can always switch to bolts or mammonite if they are out of bottles. cheap enough.
You dont have TOKENS to buy FCP tix? Rich people buy them while others farm them u kno? You should go farm them. And plz next time dont suggest to remove stalker full strip cus they always strip you. nuff said. -1.
already removed. only legendary remain now. I mean they are not removed but you can not make this quest to obtain elite weapons anymore.
MVP cards cost 10toks average. You need like 2k to partly gear a character. 200 mvp cards... not so many but noone needs mvp cards. the key to attract new players is top tier content and obvious way to achieve it. literary, there is nothing to do when there is no events. pvp is barely motivated (and in pvp room it is just very annoying to stay 24/7 to watch other players feeding and SSing them).Fro has some nice pvp balance so noobs will get attracted if they see nice battles of skilled people. then they would try to kill mvps/farm/donate to get the gears to be able to access that pvp content. but at the moment even if you can give them free valks and fsets that wont help them to stay. you need to make some new neverending pvp motivation, then it would help.
SBK was great in early days of RO when it was affected by weapon property. that was the era of soul breaker sinxes....
sniper delays are somewhat ok atm. at least you can spam DS. asura is a bit slower then before. i suppose that lowering asura and TSS delay to 0 wouldnt hurt anyone because breakneck is not compatiable with champion class. got little time for now but i am willing to test the rest. thanks.
i dont know any other way to kill fatass lk. and yeah, you die. and in 1 vs 1 lk duels you died also. fLoVeR. remember the name. i lul when you kill someone ;D yeah, i know i am pro. and no thx. no buffing ninjas.
i mean not ygg spamming rate but skill spamming rate. there is no need to spam ygg if you get no damage. tweaks should make server aftercast delay lower. to make it perfect, it should allow maximum human spam rate. I would say 0.10 - 0.15 - 0.20 sec delay on skills (according to my feelings; cus you need to do 3 actions: [1.skill 2.aim 3.click] using skill and click take little to no time, aiming is fast when person stands at the same place). so even if person spams at maximum speed its yggable and bn users will get dc alot - so that still makes no point in using bn. well i bet you are right, but we play this server and we also know what we love about it? thats why we post about it.
nobody can be actually killed with this rate of spam. only profs with 4 kiels + full matk gears + mind breaker are somewhat dangerous cus they kill in 2 bolts which is 1 cast with doublebolt. sinxes are now top one killers. champions cal only rely on one asura. no oneshot kill? better luck next time. paladins are now immortal. totally. and yeah, i think that closes the list of playable classes for now. sadness
that was the key mechanic of forsaken ro. fast spam vs fast ygg. that what made pvp here different and interesting. i personally dont care about BN users THAT much to ruin the gameplay. IMO.
tested clown just now. 4 kiels allow to 2 AV spam with sidewalk technique. without it you cant spam. sometimes it pops out 3! and DS now got some global cooldown, not aspd based. I would better have breakneckers on this server then this....
now i cant spam FAS even on 4 kiels. and DS became unspammable too. edit : champions cant even zen-fury-zen now fast, not only asura.
100 % this is whats happening. gvh got 2 kiels while captain hat only one. thats what happens
3 kiels are not what they used to be 2.5 hours before this topic was made. it is actually impossible to spam on three but it was possible before the patch. i do not use breakneck or sprite edit. but i cant spam on 3, like i used to. using 4 kiels solves the problem. it was NOT like that before. 4 kiel strategy will kill pvping cus Stone Curse era will come. All i want is to get kiel effect to that it was before the change.
it came out that it affects everyone.
Well after the latest serverside changes it became impossible to spam with 3 kiels. I suggest to boost kiel effect to make it spammable on 3 kiels, cus using 4 completely ruins the pvp balance. thanks.
thats why everytime i own your ws/champ you go ninja? and try using 1 str belt. damage is pretty same.
Ennio Morricone - A Gringo Like Me
I know what i speak about. skill to get out of corner? you mean shadow leap? oh yeah it takes lots of skill to hide and leap. And ninja IS invulnerable to any kind of damage if played right. Spams champs... try to spam as a champ. ill watch you sweat.
Ninja is the MOST overpowered class at the moment. the only reason they dont PVP in PVP room is that all people who currently play ninjas are unskilled and cant live without warping when they get cornered. And if you cant push him to the corner you cant kill a ninja. So buffing them is not nessesary at all. And another reason is this: if you want to ladder a ninja a person can just avoid you hitting and pushing ninja back with ur own cicada and removing it from combat. That means ninja stays out of the battle and gets no kills. Mechanics are these so its a trolling class. you can infinitely harass people but you cant be sure you can kill someone. buffing to avoid damage does not stack with killing. And GSes cant really ladder due to land protector. alot of people have profs as they are top damage dealers so its very likely that you will get easily countered with that. And TBH there were several GSes who did win the ladder with valk weaps. So IMHO none of those need buffs. Not all classes are able to ladder. Some are good for 1v1 like ninja others for WOE (GS).
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