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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by yape

  1. That items is for some quest requirements,
  2. yape


    Selling : Blue Emp [1.8k], Orange Emp [900], Green Emp [800], Purple Emp [1k], Green Imperial Valk Helm [3.5k] , Skull Aura [2k] , 10 GVG Tokens [12k]
  3. yape

    Pc>Blue Emp

    i sell blue emp for 1.7k... slash GG
  4. And also non Gm's can help you too.... ^^
  5. Halloween UPDATE!! ^^
  6. If i was there i can invite you on my guild. Heh
  7. yape

    B>Loki's Blade

    B>Loki's Blade [??]
  8. Ahihihi! I saw my Sinx [Alvarez] carrying 5 thanas at your posted picture,, ^_^
  9. B>Dorcus = 800 B>Forsaken Shield = 90 Pm me ingame : Stegedon / Theodore / Pause Break / ~Yape~
  10. Wow nice!!!
  11. Click Printscreen then use Paint and when your in Paint, look up right side search EDIT then PASTE. Then if your done save and upload to any website that has photo uploader like www.photobucket.com. Feel free to ask me. :rock:
  12. Time to QUEST!!!
  13. https://twitter.com/dirkclan1 http://www.facebook....ura?ref=tn_tnmn
  14. Nice! Advertise ForsakenRO on a social media website people!!!
  15. B>2pcs. Loki's Seal for 3,000 Tokens B>Sinx Cape. Offer me
  16. I got bugged at the Heith, Npc. Swt!
  17. what is tea water???
  18. Hi! Can we add Socket enhancement for Ice Pick? Thanks...
  19. yape

    S>[0] Ice Pick

    S>[0] Ice Pick Offer me..
  20. Good luck!!!
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