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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by yape

  1. B>THANATOS CARD[9000kqpons]
  2. S>Blue Imperial Valk..
  4. yape

    Guild Sub Forum!

    1.Guild Leader's name. `YaPe` 2. Guild Name. Agamemnon 3. Description of your guild. Woe Active, Making friends, Helping the Newbie in guild. 4. How old is your guild. 08-16-09
  5. Stay Cool.

    Play Hard.

  6. yape


  7. Im Yape.. Stay cool. Play hard. ^^
  8. imma pm u man!~
  9. MMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. ValkR = 50qpons Tao = 50qpons Phree = 50qpons TG = 45qpons Kiel = 45qpons FBH = 45qpons Incant = 35qpons DL = 20qpons LOD = 8qpons
  11. Who is this guy???!!!

  12. yape

    Welcome me !

    Welcome to FRO brah!....
  13. yape

    TRade >><

    how about pally set to seinx set???
  14. do you have 1 more??? imma trade my F.dun for your F.dagger...
  15. already sold??
  16. B>Vit Belt | Flower Aura | F.Armor | Shoes | Cloak........
  17. yape

    B>Flower Aura...

    B>Flower Aura... just pm me here.....
  18. I kill so much but dont drop card... T_T
  19. wanna buy it???
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