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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. supream

    Woe Castles

    man people do defend their castle. the only castle i see that breaks now is pront. i dont see anyone going for influ's castle. and back in the day not as many people played. well i guess people just like the thrill of the break, not having to fight there way thru a thousand people.
  2. supream

    Ifrit Rings...

    nothing wrong with that
  3. i guess i have to demonstrate. i played sniper and pawned with focus arrow. i did it so much people decided to gang me. ill try creator.
  4. what happen to da anialation event
  5. yea i mean fcp bottles go for 3:1 which is totally cheap. so 5:1 would be like normal price. i dont even use vr on my elite weapon.
  6. seems like they wanted snipers to do 15k per hit to people with shields and 80k to people without. the range and the traps make them ok. focus arrow dose 21k per hit and is spammable. just make phantasmic arrow get thru penuma and give sniper bow reduces from demi humans.
  7. u know in the update it said avain wings are the best wings out there. its not a SHOCKER or a SURPRISE that they are better.
  8. supream

    Urgent Issue

    i see people with similar names like mine. dosent cause me to get mad about anything. special characters are annoying, just because people agree dosent meen its going to go into effect asap might take weeks to put it in.
  9. my ds dose 9k or 10k with people with shields and 22k without per hit so that doubles to 18 or 20k per ds or without 44k so the ds dmg is fine. av dmg is fine as long as no one sprite edits. it seems like its op cause of the tarrot and av combo. the av dmg is fine. de agi dose make ws useless.
  10. well not to get off topic but snipers are balanced except for the fact of penuma. ws only have cart term for an attack and cart boost can be dispelled. gs would be balance if the fix the tao. and av dmg is fine just take out some tarrot effects.
  11. supream

    A Suggestion.

    fine i just get my stalker, use full reduces and strip u guyz.
  12. supream

    Urgent Issue

    i have my system of loaning using questions only people i know for a while know. or even have them in a guild so they can just share using g storage. but i guess i agree.
  13. so rude edu. but stalkers arent op they are just annoying with the stalk skill and strip. the attacks that they can copy can all be reduced and they have no attacks of their own except backstab and stuff which dose no dmg. so they arent op
  14. supream

    A Suggestion.

    this dosent seem like it would work who would know if they are dual clienting or not.
  15. not this again just wait it will be fixed someday
  16. u know how hard it is to skip trap and arrow shower while getting tssed. also penuma wouldnt be usless since it still blocks av acid bomb fs and other ranged skills
  17. i know what he means. he wants those pre paid cards that you buy out of target. but u know this isnt a official server. and im almost 100% sure that geni dosent have the resources to put those in target.
  18. i agree with all i think they just nerfed ranged strip cause its onliky like 3 cells now instead of u hitting the person and stripping. being able to push people out of penuma wouldnt be op since champs can use ranged attacks and be safe from all snipers attacks dosent seem fair. idk if arrow shower dose move ankle snare or not but arrow shower destroys the traps when u use it.
  19. supream

    This or that

    same thing so both? bmw or cadillac
  20. :withstupid:
  21. ill use my super novice get a link and wear sniper dagger with my 100%dmg to demi humans.
  22. supream


    we have a economy?
  23. or you could just extract it to your desktop and then put it in the fro folder.
  24. supream

    Asura Spam

    so you guys never noticed that after u use zen fury zen and try to asura it says skill failed?
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