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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. supream

    My Case

    didnt apo JUST make a topic about this.
  2. supream

    Whitesmith Job.

    alright ill give my input. make axe and dagger increase cart term by 10-20%. due to the fact its their ONLY offensive skill. make the weapon lower coast of the skill by 30%. i mean come on i dont have a trillion zeny to play this class. thats one of the reasons i quit it. increase their hp from tao to 50% instead of 30%. due to me having 170 vit and only 208k hp with 1 tao dosent seem to make sense because this is a tanking class basically. also they have no ranged skills and no, throw tomahawk is not a ranged skill for whitesmith to use. and for this last one im not sure but make cart boost undispellable, idk if others will approve since it can be spamed. Atroce card is fine as it is. those are my thoughts.
  3. supream


    while we are add it can we make ashura 4 slotted and increase matck o 15% instead of 10% since its the only magic dagger they can wear. also theres no elite weapon for ninjas that increases m atck.
  4. supream

    Ninja Shuriken

    u have to read the suggestions madox i made this a while ago. it hasnt been rejected people stopped posting. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=16181
  5. LOL i ment to say care. but this is just like making rop look like emp in your pc. dosent change anything.
  6. supream


    link please?
  7. supream


    i have cocky attitude. this is one of my better features i presume. but there is a time to act like it and not. this is a GAME no need to be so srs about nothing. if it dosent effect you in life then its not worth blowin ur head over. the comments in this topic is most likely to get it closed.
  8. i support this 100%. it was stated somewhere under the new fking set post where they wanted to make more weapons custom to the class like scarf. everyone can wear it and they get special benefits defined by their class. also, this will help classes like snipers who take off thier weapon to swtich to dagger and become 90% over weight and cant attack.
  9. those fields along with spl_fild and stuff like that come with the third job update. you can probably get those fields without having the third job skills implemented. noting there really just some new cards and mvps with good drops i guess.
  10. as long as it dosent give u unlimited spam who cards
  11. its not really op just no point really.
  12. not like i put any cards in the belts anyways. i mean i could use a orsirs so i can just warp instead of going back to town. maybe even a siroma or imp card to increase damage with bolts. not alot of cards for accessories that are good.
  13. personally i like the enlarge weight limit, but other people may not.
  14. supream

    Tarot Card.

    well they can do what they were suppose to. they just disabled the warp and the cloak break. fcp still protected against this. i tested it before, and the card that dose random effect of any cards is ok. but i get comaed with a break card, and the card that lowers your attack and mattack.
  15. supream

    Tarot Card.

    lol i was just about to make a suggestion about this. can we also fix tarrot so that each card dose the effect its suppose to do. i dont like getting comaed and damaged in the same card.
  16. i vote #3 because i like how he or she in graved ro into the pen. also there is a nice poem to read with remarkable penmanship.
  17. supream


    i r thankful for u for letting me use ur cards.
  18. supream


    making backstab that strong wont happen lol. backstab was spammable some time ago. not on this server the official server. i mean trying to spam backstab is impossible. u have to use it then run all the way around someone to use it again. god forbid they move. making the skill useless. all skills people have can be used in a way if ur good. but the way this skill is set up its useless. like for an example counter attack on a lk. no one uses it, but it still works like when u fight sins. if u spam it they wont be able to hit u. but for this skill its useless. since all the skills stalkers can copy can be reduced to and everyone QQ's about fcp why not let them have this skill they can spam.
  19. supream


    backstab was originally like the way i suggested but they nerfed it due to the power it had and people having to spam pots to stay alive. but since for private servers were everyone has yggs and can heal themselves it defeats the purpose of the nerf it got.
  20. snipers can beat sinx with there super traps. just because they backslide dosent mean they can move around. pallies with their defender makes them useless. champs yea. hw even fight if u keep using arrow repel. if not meteor kill. same with scholars. ninjas, not even clowns can kill them easily. lks can be killed somehow with snipers. they can kill stalkers to same as with sinx, just wear gr and immunes. high priests cant do anything unless they are link so just use ranged dispell. clowns, impossible to beat them with sniper unless u get lucky.gs, yea basicly that class sucks with its hp so easy kill.
  21. supream


    i mean they are going to turn around regardless. taking it out would just make u able to hit them 2 or 3 times before they turn around. just saying since all of the skills the stalkers can copy and use can be reduced to, and fcp makes it so they cant strip. why not have a skill that they already know and can spam.
  22. i was just implying for guild purposes not for yourself. so like guild leaders can have drops in there instead of each others accounts so when its time to pass out drops they dont have to wait for the person with the drops to come on.
  23. supream


    since this is stalkers only attack skill they know (not including ones they can copy) can u make it so it can be used without having to hit the persons back. its a strong skill. it would be like stalker bash.
  24. u guys think there should be one so only leaders of the guild can access it?
  25. supream

    Pvp Ladder.

    i agree i lost ladder due to this to.
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