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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by supream

  1. hey i guess, i mean u kind of knew me as my ninja badeoffury, but i was noob back then(if i was ever "noob"). yea, but i own everyone know :D. and to those who dont like my post refer to this. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net//index.php?showtopic=19120
  2. supream

    Pk-No Pk

    when i joined the server i thought the description said this was a pk server. disabling pk and having everyone bunched into the room would make people leave no? i mean when people joined the server they saw that this was a pk server so thats what they wanted. also no it wont make more people win the ladder, the same people will win. non donation people will most likely not win the ladder. also how will anyone know whos cheating or not. 30 people in a room whos to say.
  3. supream

    Dead Space 2

    yea gens right. with new game + u get to keep all ur gears but on hardcore mode u have to start all the way over.
  4. supream

    Dead Space 2

    ur thinking of hardcore mode. almost no amo to go around, bare bottom health and 3 save points. also when u do this mode u have to start all the way over with no gears of what u previously had.
  5. we all feel like this.
  6. comparing a private server's woe to the official servers woe is stupid. we have about 200 people playing, more or less, and the official server has like 20k or something, not for sure on that. even so, having a guild were there is 65 people on all stuffed in the emp room isn't the best idea cause it would lag everyone. they would split up into groups ofr 5 or something to break and leave 40 people or so to defend all the castle rooms. even when they did this the main mass of their guild was in the emp room. since there is only about 30 or less people on for the larger guilds, which only about 2 or 3 people have that many on, about 90% of them have to stay in the emp room while they send their best breakers and maybe a few support characters out to help them break.
  7. supream

    I Own You

    lol last off topic post i guess but how did that happen? just pm me dont post here.
  8. supream

    I Own You

    i dont know why i get pvp challenges the outcome is always going to be the same. they think they might get better but they dont. heres a song i found that explains everything. i dont play dota just found this while trying to figure out what dota was, just pay attention to the song not really the video(this is all a funny ego boost joke, no harm intended). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwmSMIsAeDA
  9. supream

    Guild Of The Hill

    sounds like regular woe a few months ago with no one defending and everyone breaking.
  10. why do lks have to lose anything more? i feel as if we didnt get a good enough compensation for what we already lost.
  11. supream

    Ninja's Hp Boost

    have u tried their hp with the holloween gear yet?
  12. i use to play it. i just get called a noob for locking you in a unbreakable tager grab over and over again.
  13. would be kind of easy to get these tokens wouldnt it? any card can be easy to get. if you did the increase soil gltich (which will get you suspended) you could get 3k cards or more in no time.
  14. supream

    Black Ops!

    sometimes those are the perfect types of games to unlock perk pros and complete challenges. winning isnt always what they need.
  15. sounds entertaining. better then sitting around saying im bored. make sure u make the mobs strong, like the little mobs have like 1.2m hp each and the bosses have like 20m or something. im not up for boses with super charged powers and annoying hp. i rather them have 20m hp or something, maybe more cause of asura and do alot more damage then normal, then have 200m hp and just be annoying. and for the last part, common months? to tell the truth i would lose interest in the quest. months is way to long for a quest. the stupid god quest on the official server didnt take months.
  16. supream


    the number 3 isnt in any language i know.
  17. supream

    Sp Increase

    as i can see i made this post in my thoughts of lks not getting a good enough compensation of losing the other benefits from the what the weapon previously had. currently i have 290 sp with my build. i just wanted somthing around 370 sp, like a 150 flat increase on sp with fbh on. thats it. or at least sp consumption reduction on it, but it makes perfect since that adding 150 sp or some sp reductions would be over powered then having the coma back on the weapon or giving spiral another boost so i can do 10k on shields again. considering you people say that lks have "tons of hp", yggin due to sp is just as the same as having puny hp. well not considering we wont die from asura or something that dose a ton of damage at once. if u ever looked at it like if you were dueling with a white smith. their hp is terrible, so if u were fighitng a sin you would be spamming yggs, but for a lk sp is the problem. instead of spamming for hp ur spamming for sp, making it almost the same. im not asking for 700 sp on fbh or 60% sp reduction. all i want is like a 150 flat boost with fbh on, a 20-25% sp reduction or something with a combination.
  18. supream

    Black Ops!

    yea i know just like in zombies. most of the people who play are noobs -_-.
  19. champs dont need a nerf at all. the other suggestion has already been denied.
  20. first person to use glacier fist in a battle, and use it good.
  21. supream


    google dosent have a a phone, it comes on a phone sort of like a app. google dosent have music, or a portable music player. google dosent have its own computer line. what it dose have is the most visited cite, good search engine, email, email phone calls(new one), internet browser, and maybe a little more. dosent even seem like google is competing with apple on the same services, except for a homepage.
  22. supream

    Black Ops!

    you must not see the kill steaks, no dual wield shot guns, different perks, no riot shield, and smoother frame rates. silencer seems pointless to me. u can still here someone shooting at u. you really dont need one as long as u dont plan on camping, even with that they will find u soon.
  23. supream

    New Ladder Prizes

    that would screw over clowns but who cares.
  24. he wants the person with the best ratio to win.
  25. to confusing for me to vote. i dont think its even this hard when voting for the president.
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