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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Lol idk. :3

    When's ur anniversary again? :o

  2. Well, [1] Agree. [2] Agree. [3] Agree. [4] Agree. [5] Kinda disagree atm, since if we do that, it would be liek Champ would be killed easily, liek Example : There's a Champ in pneuma that was fighting a Ranged Char( Sniper ) and his friend ( Either GS/Biochemist/Soul Breaker Sinx/etc. ) So when the Champ was in pneuma, the Sniper keep doing Phantasmic Arrow on the Champ that will make the GS or the Biochem or the Sinx kill the Champ easily and thus most of the Champ dont have HP so much especially the Full Asura type one. So well, i suggest it give's percentage like 30%~40%( Just like when you spam Tarot on someone, so its not Low %. ) [6] Agree [7] Agree
  3. Poringly

    Saying Hi

    Errr, Hi and well, All you're character will eventually went "null" if you haven't played more than 6 months. the only way to resolve it is by : 1.Remake( That is Delete ur char and Remake ) 2.Abandon old ID and make the new one so you dont have to delete anything, just few item transfering. :3
  4. Errr, not much x.x; Source : [x] Ign : S&H.
  5. spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam D:

  6. You play again now?

    and can you gimme pie pls? ;-;.

  7. Men, What's ur Clown name again? there's just lots of Clown that i think they're you.. :s. Im confused D:

  8. Its kinda hard thou since we cant vote for every 12h anymore, D:
  9. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, ZOMG IM BORED LIEK HELL. Fin.
  10. Nniiccceee~ :D.

    and hi Niro :)

  11. I dont think she use any cheat or Hacks or sprite edit, Annie. Well i think she practice a lot with her AV, if you curios how, try Make secret char and ask her to teach you ( This works on me but i still can't spam so much , i think cause of my ping D: )
  12. :o!!!

    immmm booorreeeddddd tooo ddeaaadddd! D:

  13. Do you do sprite? :c

  14. Poringly

    O Snap X2

    omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg Hppy Bday Girl~
  15. We're in 12 from what i see now :s and do we have a New Voting Item in the Big Update? It would be nice if we do :3. http://www.gamesites200.com/ragnarok/
  16. i still do, sometime. :x

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