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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Idk when, i think it would be soon? :[.

    and men, Do you do sprite stuff? :o

  2. http://deathnote.neoseeker.com/wiki/Ryuk << It doesnt mention ur Date of birth. D: When was it? o.o
  3. popular demand? o.o

    hi men. :D

  4. and yeh, i know you guys want Thana Card drop rate improvement for the PvP Balance. But well, The Server economy is a bit in a mess so if we improve them now it would go more messier(i think). :s Thus, if there's more people got Thana, the new one will definately be more hard to PvP in this server since they can't beat up Thana user or whatnot.Thou we need more people in this server so it would be more fun in everything. But Geez, we dont even know our Server Circumstances about which will ruin our economy or not.So i think you guys should wait at least until Genesis say that it's about time to add Thana Drop Rate Card. Sry if i did say sumthing that's useless. o.o Well if i go straight to the point that is : Wait until our Server owner can agree that this will Fix our economy and Let's try not to spoiled Pvp with thana card especially to the new one. :)
  5. :o!! Hii :D

    Can you help me? :[

  6. I cant think anything else unless a mermaid, well i was thinking of Nemo actually but its kinda too hard for me :[ So then, its a mermaid! :3 Stock here. Ign : S&H.
  7. Wish Granted but, You bought too many puppy at once and they all left your house and eat your food after you leave them all alone. I wish i was a Spriter!(Rly D:)
  8. Poringly

    This or that

    Neither. Spider or Ants?
  9. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, What? I dont spam D: Im just lazy to say stuff in word o.o; so i put image. D: End..........
  10. Well, Ty then xD; Thou you need an ID for the 4th Link. :3 Anyway, Ty and sry for the bugging. >:
  11. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, End.
  12. Omg cool! Tyvm :D. Thou some of the link doesnt work :[
  13. Everything? o-o;
  14. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, End.
  15. ^ :O!! Where'd you learn em from? >: Tell me pl0x. D:
  16. Poringly

    Locked Out

    Ouch.. Permanent tattoo? OR The temporary one? :o
  17. My vote goes to [ 1 ]Nines, Because its liek day and night every time, you can see the moon and the sun in the same time. So its like You sleep every time you want and doesn't need to worry about the darkness in the night. o-o; You're sig is nice but frankly, you need to work on the text better. :)
  18. Ur point is? ...
  19. Im sry too, was busy >:o , Idk just bored? :s , How's you?

  20. Sigh i see, kk Tyvm. :3.
  21. Well, From this guide by ratemyserver.net : http://ratemyserver.net/socket_enchant.php They say there's a Socket Enchant Npc or also known as Slot additional NPC for some weapon's. The guide say they're there but when i Check there's no one in the exact Coor and map. Are they here in this server? @__@; Sry for any typo / weird stuff. o-o;
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