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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Omg you made me go jealous. :c and wow, U SO PRO Desi. :3.
  2. ^ Err what? >:o
  3. Poringly

    Hi O.o;;

    Lol @__@. Tips : If you want more friends, or at least a friend to chat with in fRO you should do step no.3 and talk abt smth nice liek ur life or ask his/her life, but srsly, try not to annoy em, most ppl here is kinda sensitive :P
  4. Poringly

    Woe 2.0

    Agree, it seem so much fun. :3!
  5. Hi<3 sry didnt relpy ur Msn. D:

    was afk.and is it just me or Desi seems mean. >->;

  6. Poringly

    Hi O.o;;

    Well, hello and hope you have lots of fun in the server :3! Goodluck ma'am! Well, [x] 1. Lol U PRO O_o. :DD [x] 2. This server HP got a little bug on smth and still bein fixed, so Try other job until it fixed? this is just my opinion you dont really have to do what i say :3 [x] 3. In this server, you should be the one who starts talkin to em, cause most of people here wont say anything to stranger unless they need help on smth. :) [x] 4. Lol nice, Good luck with em.
  7. and.... nothin, i just wonderin. :3

  8. OMG, You do sprite? o_O;

  9. Oh lol, Ty then. and yeh, Hello~~

  10. Sry for interupting,but do i kno you? :s

  11. Rly? :o.

    Butbut, i saw teh guild 'Equillibrium' in the server. o-o.

  12. My name is Erwin, Erwin Imperfection in Fb. D:

    Dont be in suprise when i comment in ur status pl0x<3.

  13. Man, Ur remaking Equillibrium? o-o.

  14. Well, nothing important much but,, Can you give somekind of boost to the New Event item Peacock Headband Hat or smth? Well, they currently 'Peacock_Hat'/'Peacock Hat'[1](15907) Effect : All stat +15 Enable to use Lv.1 Sight Well i was just thinking, that wasn't it kinda a little to standard ( Uhh a bit UP? Idk :c ) Since most of the other Headgear was also give All Stat +15 and their own various effect. So place/not so i was thinking, why cant we add smth up? It cost pretty Expensive thou. @__@. Sry for the unconveniet with this post or smth. x.x; and yeah, Nice Update! Luv it<3 Keep up the good work. xD
  15. Lol you know what, Ur right. well then, im sry for the inconvenient, but well i do Ranged Strip(Doesn't know if it really happen maybe i was atking him when walkin then go away from the person that looks liek i was doing Ranged Strip) Lol oh well, Sry Ami.
  16. Poringly

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, Its a busy day everyday. :c End/Fin.
  17. Well, i did my own research of Ranged Strip and.. here's the result : i use my own Sniper and Paladin to do this. Was my Sniper wearing 1. Baby Leopard Hat ( Divest Helm , 7% Success ) 2. Composite bow with 4xMetaling Card ( Divest Wep , 5% ea which mean 20% total ) Or here's my Sniper's equipment : [Link] and here's my Paladin wearing : 1. Irish Hat for the helm. 2. Pike for the weapon. #1 Image of the stripping. ( Wep ) #2 Image of the stripping. ( Helm and Wep , but didnt really show the Helm divestment. ) Here's the status of the Paladin Which got stripped. ----- Sry for any weird language or w/e. >: Peace :3. Edit : It take around 10min or less for the Divest skill to come out.
  18. *Eateateat*

    Yummy~! Ty xDD;

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