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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Poringly


    Lol, hello and welcome to our server I hope you can have fun in the server. :) If you need any guide click 'here' and if you need the other stuff click 'here' and or click 'here' if you need a shortcut guide. and you can try @request if you need any help from our Gm staff ( Try @stafflist command in the server, but it haven't been updated yet, so yeh xD. )
  2. Lol yeah, it look totally nice <3. Just hope they got implemented. :3. I try to make one in Emblem image ( Since i can't do sprite ) and it wasn't look very nice. x.x; Well, i was hoping for bit smaller tho, but w/e. Its hawt<3. Luv it :DD. Thanks for showing me Dani/Veg/Mac. :3
  3. Ommggg dannn, whatt happenn too youuu? o_o

    Semi break? D:

  4. Ikr. :c Too bad no one had their sprite. x.x; Its nice, but i dont really think the server want a Big Wing/aura. Since people will just spam them up when they got big size candy.. and yeh, i wish we had some more item tho.[/b]
  5. Do you have any sprite that has smth to do with Disgaea? Liek a Main character sprite or anything? @__@.
  6. Ey, are you on in server atm? @_@.

  7. So, any news from gen? x.x;

  8. Oh, its just that i lost my item and i already found it just now lol, it was makin me panic before i found it. and yeh, do i kno you? :c

  9. Err no, i mean it was liek : Example : I forget where i put my Kiel Card and i try to find it in my whole id which i should check 1-by-1 ID and char which take lots of time especially when ur in a rush so i think why cant we just make a NPC or smth to find it for us. Like NPC would say : The item is in ur Sinx char name "..." or smth like that. :D
  10. Hiiiiiiiiii Daaaannn!

  11. Hiiiiiii Cccchhhhaarrrrllliiiieeeeeee<333

  12. Hiiiiiiiiiii Addaaaammmmm.

  13. Anniiiieeeee, harro. :D

  14. I cant find it man,

  15. Idk if this has been posted,, and Topic says it, so it would be easier for us ( Who has lots of item or char that is ) Well, it happen liek this : I was looking for my item and i got 4 ID ( Which mean 48 Character to check, and it takes lots of time, and i've checked almost every char i got and i couldn't found it. ) it really takes lots of time finding that stuff one-by-one so why not making a NPC / New @Command for this / Item searcher in forum or w/e. :c Sry for any typo/mistake done, Ty for your time reading this. :3
  16. Poringly

    Woe 2.0

    Oh nice, but does this mean you will accept this Suggestion sooner or later? >:o
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