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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Usual, nothin much, nothin to do. x.x;

  2. Lol, Why po? The green one is better ( I forget the name x.x )

  3. Oh i see, ty then. :3

  4. http://i35.tinypic.com/1674200.gif


    Orange - The post of someone, i cant see other post than that.

    Blue - The thing that i can see his/her comment if i click the link

    Green - The Topic starter. :)

    Well, tyvm for the help and sry for the trouble since i can't seem to edit my comment x.x;

    Once again, Sorry and Tyvm. :)

  5. P.s : what shud i use to download for takin a pic/SS my desktop? @__@.

  6. Whatchu doin~? :3.

  7. Rly? >:o

    i dont think girl can do fappin. :c

  8. but it only show the post of the Forum topic creator and the other person comment, nothin else, sry for long word x~x;

    and Harro. :D

    and sry for troubling you, Tyvm :DD.

  9. Well, actually no before but now,, its yes, >:

    My forum reader becoming weird x~x; it doesnt show liek

    Example :

    Name1 : bla bla bla.

    Name2 : bla bla bla,

    Name3 : bla bla bla.

    but instead it goes liek you need to click that person post to see his comment


    Name1 : bla bla bla

    *You hab to click to see name2 post, click it but only show hos post a

  10. Uhh, Vokuvokuvoku, Can you tell me what text ur using? @__@ sry for the trouble :3

  11. Lol sess, nice quote.

  12. Harro Kittie. :D

  13. I think server down. x.x;

  14. Hi jas, im bored :[

  15. I can't feed ur Love, x.x;

  16. Poringly


    Err and yeah, The max level and job level is 255, Our max ASpd is 195,and yeah you get 1 Vote point/coupon from each vote :) and i dont really know the rest, you should ask a Gm for that. :3.
  17. Oh lol i see. x3.

  18. Oh i see, Lol xD.

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