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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Poringly

    This or that

    iPod! Loser or Fool?
  2. Okay Ken, Im bored, Talk to me!! D:

  3. Poringly

    This or that

    Navy. :3 Yellow or Teal?
  4. Well, ya, they've been made by someone in THIS! Link by eAthena member ( If you scroll down you'll be able to see it, OR Click Here,Here, and Here if you're too lazy to see em. :3 ) P.s : and yeah, the wing and Headgear is nice, Can we add em? Especially the Animated one. D: -Edit : Fixed Link!-
  5. Poringly

    This or that

    Soda ofc.<3. PS2 or PSP?
  6. Okay, Bumpin on these. :) Im want more. :[ Well, other than the one that Veg made ofc. :D and Thanks. :3
  7. Man, im bored. *Sigh*

  8. Lol yeah, i get what you mean. its kinda boring too since there's nothin to do. and Sry lol, i was always Afk. :x.x:

  9. Lol, No worries, its fixed. :)

    ,Sorry for the trouble and Thanks :DD.

  10. Lol yeah, Thanks and Sry for the trouble i make. x[

  11. Lol that's a lot. o-o;

  12. Lol kk, What's ur email again? @__@.

  13. o_O.

    That's a lot. :o

  14. Lol i mean the one you use the most would be great, since they're so awesome. xD;

  15. Omg Ken, What shud i do to customize my tittle? o-o.

  16. Men, do you kno how to customize our tittle? o-o.

  17. Err, idk the best one? i think @_@.

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