o-o. No one voted yet, Guess ill go first then! ;D
I vote for [ 2 ] Baby Bloo. Creativity Ranking : 4 Reason : Because He think diff than the other like the other by putting dark & light element together && to think something diff rather than just having an Dark & Light element on their signature..
Technical Ranking : 3 Reason : Well, it wasn't very challenging because it's doesn't really need a lot of changes when you make it & its simple but nice. ;3 Execution rating : 4 Reason : It's nice to see someone are able to make siggie just with the brush and photoshop effect. Theme Fitness rating : 2 Reason : It doesn't really fit it tho, well, i kno it was dark + light = twilight / sunset , but i dont really see the 'dark' element/part in the siggie.
*Dis is just based on my opinion, other may think diff :3 *
P.s : Uhh, wish, try make it a lil easier for us to vote, cause its kinda long and makin us lazy to vote. well, yea i kno its for gettin a fair votin but still.
P.s.s : Sorry if there's any mistake i made.