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Hi Dandan♥~ :3
o, Hi! ♥
How's you? :D
Lol nice. ;D
Well, let's see, how's ur life? :3
Hppy Bday Dude~~! ;D
Ehh, so long. o__o
&& Omg, cool! xD;
I wish i can go there too. :[
Ahhhh. Nice. ♥ ~
Hmm, i'm in my holiday until 10 Jan 2011, so yeh. ;D
But it's kinda borin tho since my fam didn't go anywhere. :s
Hi men. :3
Hi mom ♥!
/kis. ;D
I see. xD; , So how's ur frend & ur life? :3
Lol o-o.
What time is it there? and uhh, try take a nap? :3
So how's u? :3
♥ .
Y so nice? ;D
Yea, sometime. xD;
Thanks han! xD;
But actually, im not really gud at the emblem-y signature thingy :[
Im just avg in dat. :3
Ahh, i see. ;3
&& how's u? :D
& oh, sry i accidentally remove you as frend. :[
I'm gud too, ty for askin. xD;
So how's ur life? ~ ;D
Hi~ :3
♥ !
Hi!! How's u? :D
ermm, im thankin you for the merry christmast. ;3
i was tryin to make some nice emblem *-*
But im out of ideas. D;
No, i dont really want to be a gud boi. :[
Ty, i think. xD; *Hugs*
So, whatchudoin~? :3
Hannnnn~~~~ /kis. ;D
Ty! && mayb i will, mayb i wont. xD;