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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Hppy Bday dood! :)

  2. Poringly

    Fire Ring

    Y so Pro? :[ && tat's kewl. :3
  3. Tat's wat happen to me 2. :[ & Based on my experience the newb end up kiiling the new newb. o-o;
  4. i really like that, it looks nice :] Wasn't tat's the one we have ryt now? o-o;
  5. The one which says 'Posted 26 June 2010 - 12:10 PM'. o-o
  6. Oh sry, by w/ i mean will not with. x.x;

  7. I kno! :3

    I just pm dis one cos its safer, no one w/ stalk our chat. xD;

  8. Hi! Long time no see. xD;

  9. ^Hab you try &? o-o && Tha hat is kewl. <3
  10. Poringly


    Agreed, i'm totally clueless abt dis. :[
  11. Poringly


    Hi welcome to the server! :3 I hope i can see you in game. xD; P.s : The text color is cool btw. :3 But the avy hurt my eyes when i starin at it. :[
  12. Bored as usual! =]

    1. Miracle


      go out and have some fun yo.

    2. Danny


      o.o do a quest? Go play something different? Something on the game consoles... or..... worst... STUDY @.@

  13. Lol? Wat happen 2 u? :[

  14. Ty for Lan and Charlie for makin me addicted to tis song! >:3
  15. Hi! Welcome to teh server! :P If you got any question you can pm me in forum, mayb i can help. ;D
  16. You mean i b racist? :[

  17. There's no such command yo ( I think.. )! :3

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