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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. =].

    So, how's chu and uncle? :3

  2. Lol. xD;

    Tat's not bein greedy, tat mean i b hungry. =[

    && Thanks! :D

  3. Hi! Welcome to the server. =] Hope to see you ingame. :D
  4. Auntie~♥ /kis2.

    P.s : I luv you more than my mom does!! D:

  5. Just a bite? =[

    I'm hungry, so can i hab a full-size apple rather than just a bite? xP

  6. Q___Q! So you tellin me that i'm uglier than pudin? =[

  7. Lol yea, coz the stupid creator of my avatar put it in .jpg! Q.Q

    && Mastering's lot more blurry in game. =[

  8. Poringly


    Well, i agree, & nine already already say it all, so yeh. :D ---------------------------------------- &&; Well, its not as if they got paid, its a voluntary work, so yeh. :\ && They're a human too. They can't just solve everything when you keep doing @request. o wo~ ( This doesn't mean i don't agree ). Edit : Typo.
  9. Hppy Bday dood! :3

  10. Hppy Bday yo! :D

  11. Ahh, I always tho that Width is the one to show how tall the signature is. x.x; Sowee. =[ --------------- Anyway, Here's my entries this week; Source : [x] The monster sprite got from a sprite sheet, tell me if you need the link. :3 Edited by : Photoshop CS3. IGN : Precious.
  12. Hmm, idk. x.x;

    Anythin will do<3.

  13. Ya, tat's y im callin you tat b4. :D

    So, how's chu? :3

  14. Mastering's blurry.=[

  15. Hi~ Welcome to teh server. n___n. Hope you can have fun here. :D
  16. *Hugs chu tighter than chu hug me<3* . And im great. xD;

    How's urs? :3

  17. Well, Barbie, i b sry if i ask too much in teh SOTW, i just wanna make sure so i dont have to remake when im wrong. :D

    && Sry for double-comment. :3

  18. Ermm, is it have to be that small ( I mean the length )? Cause I think we need at least 350~500 Length for a siggie. @__@; Sry if im makin any mistake here. x.x;
  19. Lol hi~ I think we got lots of new thing since the last time you on? x3; Edit : Typo. =[
  20. Ruriee~ QQ.

    Where r chu? =[


    v See tat? I muss chu more than he miss u ♥

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