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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Well, hi ana, nice 2 meet u. :D

    My name's erwin. :3

    && how's u?

  2. ^What he said, also ppl can abuse it once they found it, like ur on a last min breakin but u got Dec Agi/Slow Grace and you will have to do something to do w/ it. so yeah. :3 &&; Ppl abused Mvpin in tat map. =] Since the people who doesn't know that map, will have to sacrifice their hard work,ygg and time to find the mvp while the one who know that map can just mvpin peacefully. :\
  3. ;D

    How's u? && *Hugs lot more than you do* :3

  4. Ahh, i see. :3

    Soo, Wanna b fren? :3

  5. it's part of human life. :3

  6. Ikr! :3

    && I'm gud, ty for askin. how bout u? :3

  7. o___o

    Just once? :s

  8. Hi! :3

    4 star 4 u. :D

  9. Ahh, nice 2 hear. :3

  10. Hab anyone play the New event 'Poringball'? o wo

    1. Perishable


      ya. u hab to click on the soccer ball to push the ball towards. red team against blue team scoring goalie

    2. Danny


      I tried the test beta before 3: before we had to use Classes which had push back skills, like Paladin's Shield Smite, Lord Knight's Bowling Bash, Sniper's Arrow Repel, High Wizard's Jupitel Thunder lol. It was pretty hard at first.

    3. Poringly
  11. n___n.
  12. Awwie, i wish i can get on when ur hostin. x.x;

    I miss chu. :3

  13. n0p3, Even tho my Forum name's Poring but i dont really have anything to do w/ poring in game. =[

    Ppl alrdy took em up, so i got nothin to come up with. D:

  14. Ahh! Thanks! :3

    I just wish they taste gud tho. :\

    Since i dont really like puttin anythin on my apple. x3

  15. Hai, 5 Stars 4 u! :3

    && *Hug*

  16. Q.Q.

    You always ditch me ( sometime tho ). u____u.

  17. :o!

    Are you still playin? :3

    I rarely saw you hostin event nowadays. o-o

  18. Omgg Hannn! Leave Danny & b my GF! ;D ,j/k. :3

    So how's u? :D

  19. Hi! n___n.

    Do i kno you? :3

  20. Hi! *Hugs* n___n.

  21. Yea, me 2. :o If they're goin to be changed, i prefer dis wing. v An extremely sexy version of the fluffies. ♥
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