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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Am gud! :D

    & u? :3

  2. <3.

    Y so nice, mom? :3

  3. QQ, It's k, i shud be the one who'd sorry. x3;

    Oh well, guess ill gib you lot's of kiss w/ my pet nxt time we met<3.

  4. Good luck to all applicants! Hope to see you soon. :3
  5. Lol. Nothin to do? :3

  6. O wo. Idk how 2 respond to that. :s

    && Hi auntie! :D

  7. DAN! Wat happen 2 u guys in game? o wo

  8. Poringly


    Hi! Welcome to the server! :D && There's 3 diff type of token actually, Event Token, Donation Token & Vote Token ( You can get Event token by winning daily event the Gm hosted or Join SOTW in forum, Donation token as Kuoch has mention and Vote token as you vote for us in forsaken-ro.net/voting. ) :D
  9. Things to do when you're grounded! :D
  10. Have the Valentine NPC added? :s

    1. Cirrus


      Yes they're added.

  11. The Rucksack Quest NPC is in our Fcity Quest Room. :\
  12. lub chu too! :3

    Happy Heartz Day! :D

  13. Hppy V'Day! *Gib Chocolate* :3

  14. Totally! :3 && Thanks guys! :)
  15. Oh, Trixy's not Cole GF, it's someone else, Idk who, one day she just come to me and say " Can i join your guild? ". That's it. x3

  16. Lol. xD; , and i think Trixy's Cole's GF? I hab no idea. :\

    No, i dont really talk that much anymore, and yes i've been planning to play another game, but i haven't DL it yet.

  17. Poringly

    Hi Guys!

    Hi, Welcome to the server, John. :3
  18. Poringly


    Hi Barney! Welcome to the server. :D
  19. SOTW #42 : Theme : Chocolate. Source : [x] Ign : S&H. n___n.
  20. Lolol. Hppy B'day for u 2!! && Hppy NY! l :D

  21. Nice~ :D Edit : What NPC should we talk to to start the quest? :\ & "Valentines Gift Boxes with assorted Valentines chocolates added" , how do we get em? o wo
  22. o wo .... Idk how to respond to that.

  23. Ouch! Lol, K then.

    I was doin nothin that's why i ask you that. xD;

    & School sux, have to wake up early everyday. = w=

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