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Everything posted by Jae
Lol I think he actually does have Photoshop skills it's just everyone is getting butt hurt that everyone else is voting for his stuff over theirs. It's a test of skill. If YOUR friends thought YOURS was better they would vote for it too. I just prefer Tony's over everyone else. Why? Because his stuff has intrigued me thus far. :D Just saying.
I vote for number 2. Because I want to get more people pissed off. And thus further more it kind of says "Pusy" without the extra s in it. I thought it was intriguing someone had the balls to do that. Go whoever did number 2. My hat is tipped at you ;D
Fuck yo couch Erin. Happy B-day kid.
Uh the one on my left is 19. The one on my right is 19. Why?
LIES YOU LIE! :( ok I know you don't lie lol. Thanks though Char. Thank you, really. Thank you. :( MEANIE.
Ok, ok, she's the pretty one. I'm the fugly one.
These too, kind of old.
Just waiting for mine to test it out :D
Think of it this way. WOEing = Free Item Donating for the Rune of Power = Exclusive but still attainable. Either way it works out.
Dora The Explorer!!! Sorry I don't know how to quote.. lol <-- kekeeke
ShadowzCross <3 :D Hey looky who it is.
o_o man lots of new photos to look at lol
Basically my solution is that you put Coma back to what it was. You take out the Coma for skills. Reduce SB down to .75 seconds of delay. Take out the Break of the Cloak/Shoe/Accessory in the Tarot Cards for Gypsy/Clown. Take out the delay that you put in for the skill Asura for the Champion class. That's what I'm proposing you do. My post should have made that pretty clear Jorge.
Alright this is a perspective of someone who constantly PvP's on a daily basis (if I'm lucky too). If a class that's based upon damage isn't able to cast the huge amount of damage that it's actually allowed too for example LK. That's the specific class that I actually main as my character that I play on a constant basis. I usually use 2 FBH FKing Shoes, 2 Pharoah Golden Valk Helmet, Thana TG TG Skeleton Worker for the most out put damage. This is included with 2 Mix A's or 2 Str Belts + 297 Str. That's the MOST damage you can get out of that class and I can reach 16-18k on Usakoring. There is no possible way to make someone run out of yggs with that kind of damage. I've also been trying to use Spiral Pierce, with 3 kiels if I may add, with 2 FBH. It can do 2.4k on people x5 that's 12,000 damage per hit. Now if a person on average has over 200k+ HP and I can carry a constant of 250 berries (which usually no one goes max damage no) It would be near IMPOSSIBLE to kill somebody in that manner. The only way we can actually "trick" someone is by making them THINK we're going to Coma them and forcing them to put on a shield that actually lowers there defense. I don't see in any manner how that could effect game play since it's been like that for a while. If I die to Coma it's because I was unable to switch to my proper shield that would have saved me from that effect. I also use Vital Strike, Spear Pierce, Spear Boomerang, and a few other essential skills. It still makes it almost impossible for me to kill somebody without being able to "coma" them. Now taking away a vital part of a classes build is just going to destroy that entire class COMPLETELY. Look at it this way it's as if putting a Muay Thai boxer against a regular Boxer. Which is going to win? The Muay Thai fighter, why? Because he has more potential then the other. You just wouldn't do it. I also ran a few tests on a few friends just now (maybe not more then 5 minutes before this post was made) and it took me literally 2-3 minutes to actually cast the Coma effect on them at 195 ASPD. Another example is the Assassin Cross class this class is actually MEANT for pure damage but it can also be killed off quite quickly since the most possible damage would be with 2 Daggers. This is how most people would see it as the most efficient way to kill another off. If you take away another way to honestly kill a person it just makes this class viable to be considered the worst class ever. How many people are actually considered the BEST TOP PVPER in the server because of this class? I really don't see anyone as the top PvP class member because of how balanced it USED to be. If you take away a Boxers left jab, what does he have left? A right straight but nothing to blind the left side while attacking another. It's always a give & take but taking away something that is actually essentially needed is just a dumb reason. Fix the root problem also from the Champion and the delay from the Asura. People complained about how Thanatos Throw Spirit Sphere was over powered, not many people complained. That was one of the most deadliest moves on the server and you took it away because it was CONSIDERED "OP". I didn't see much wrong with it now that I think about it since you've added a effect for the Champions with the Thanatos card to GIVE damage. That was fine it was a Give & Take. But now that you've actually taken away the only real chance to kill somebody is gone? I play with some of the most adept people on the Champion class (Crono, Unbreakable, Yukumaru, and Ascendant). When I fight them now it's like playing with a baby in it's crib punching it in it's face because they're so easily killed. It's not like someone is able to obtain a Thanatos Card in a matter of days to months. It takes a ton of time unless they donate for coupons, which in turn benefits the server honestly. I think the delay should be taken out and Root be put back as it was. Now that this class is utterly useless since you can't even force people into GTB because of Coma (which by the way is only a .04% chance if you use 4 LOD cards which in turn again ISN'T THAT HIGH. 99.96% chance to live and .04% chance to die... that's a fair trade.. lol) Being able to switch items through Root as well is just retarded. I have no trouble playing against the best players of that class with 1 hand because I have no worries as of anymore. Practice makes perfect if you want to perfect the class you need to put time and effort into it. Nothing happens over night. Coma with skills? I think this was an extreme bad decision. I could do 2.2k Spirals + use an LOD and Coma them magically because of the skill. That was funny because people actually get MORE mad. If they can SEE you using an Edge at least they have a chance to switch Shields. I have fought people the past 2 days and it just seems that everyone is getting more and more irritable since you can basically murder somebody with AD now. Even if you use Deviling/GTB/Edge. You can use Thanatos <-- Which in turn by the way is near impossible to get now a days. It's still extremely hard to kill somebody proficiently with this class. It's not hard to obtain Glistening Coats to FCP your self. People are just lazy. Now the Sonic Blow I found this as an "ok" update just it was way to nerfed. Nerfing a skill that caused the SinX class to be feared was a little unethical. I can understanding wanting to cool it down since in fact it was actually Over Powered. But I didn't mind since I just fought back anyway while mashing the Ygg Key. But maybe the Cool Down shouldn't actually be 2 seconds, maybe around .75 Second rather then 2. It just appeals more to people and it'll actually cool down peoples tempers. Now taking away Coma completely from a class that's like saying a GM shouldn't have his powers. Really now? Is that the best decision..? :)
Oh I didn't know that. Wow Basilica is quite nerfed then. Like I said if anyone here needs a HUGE description as to why things should just go back to as it was. Be my guest and ask. Just be sure you have the patience to read it.
Honestly with the way things are now I don't see much improvement that can happen. Right now if you decide to take out Coma from the LK class they're just totally under powered. Bowling Bash can do up to 18k depending on the gear you have on (that's the highest I've gotten against someone with Usakoring). Now if I'm up against a Creator who can Coma me but has over 320k+ HP (which most people I know DO have) it's NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to kill. It would waste my berries due to stun lock from AD and consuming berries while I berry using BB (since GTB also adds the extra consumption of SP). Now the Basilica I haven't seen my self but I thought it was a pretty interesting update. I think it's fine as it is since it should mostly just be meant for people in the party. Other then that I agree with this one update. Giving SB a huge delay like this was just a bit much. Maybe if you just added a tempered down delay a little more like maybe just a .75 instead of 2 seconds. It would cause people to not rebel against this decision, rather they would be all for it. I think you need to take into consideration the people who are actually in the constant PvP notion. We're here BECAUSE of the PvP not because of other things. If you heed the words of the people, rather then just 1-2 people. You would hear a crowd roaring at your face asking the same. I can give a higher in depth, and more intellectual, post if you want. But as of now my brain is slightly tired from work.
This is in no particular order. Derek - First person to ever really be cool with me. I use to KOS him in the past when he played on Rath but that was because I wanted him to play a stronger character rather then a Sniper. Now he's a legend on here known as "Crono". Kekeke I still KOS you men! AND HE ALWAYS LEECHED ME KEKE! Erin - I've known her years back when we played on another server. Really great friend! She always stresses to much over WOE/Friendships though. Sometimes makes me want to back hand a bitch, for her. Chris - A great friend, cool leader, and someone I could actually talk to on par with. He took my advice, I took his. I found his intellect interesting since he seemed to actually "think" for him self.. pretty rare to find somebody like that while playing games. Sean - He supposedly leeched my first character ever. But I think Derek did that. He was more fun to KOS in the past. Now days he's just to much work to kill >:( David - A friend, a foe, and a great rival. I find his skills in the Lord Knight class unparalleled. I can say that him Jon and Will are the only guys who give me extreme trouble when it comes to fighting the LK class. Jon - Ah yes the famous Sarduarkar a great friend and fellow Korean! He taught me how to play the LK in the beginning giving me tips here & there. I hope he's doing good in school! Sanj - We've never had quarrels and we were always good friends when we met in Limitless. To this day he's still a great friend to talk too. Peter - Very down to earth friend he's just a really chill person. Easily one of the most easiest person to talk to in my opinion. Kuoch - He helped me out when I came back to play Champion. I didn't know much about him even when we were guild mates during the Limitless phase. Haha but now he's funny as hell and to pro at Halo QQ makes me sad. Tony - Never really knew about him until I came back. He's a funny guy. WHAT U GOIN TO DO WIT DA NERF TO CHAMP NOW MEN? Jay - Ah yes the infamous Zack Fair. Hit low, die fast! I still remember your Flee Assassin back way when. Used to KOS you too... Hehehe my how the times have changed! Justin - Easily one of the best players on this server. He's so proficient with every class that I've seen him play. But his most memorable one was Benefit & Bouyant. Crazy man! Still remember when you got those Green Wings lol... Elli - We weren't really friends until I came back from my hiatus! Other then that she's been a great friend, really enjoyable to talk too. I've had my ups and downs with her. But hey I've helped her through her problems, as she has for me! Mike - We always clashed in the past since we both have extremely pronounced attitudes. Now we've become great friends. He is also known as the famous Remy LeBeau haha! Dina - Very to him self and a cool person to talk too. He's always funny to listen to in vent too. Calling people bitches & niggah. Serenity - Yes we've known each other a long time as well! I loved all our little talks I've had an enjoyable time knowing her as my friend. Dean - I didn't really know about Dean until recently, when I came back again. He's a extremely good player when it comes to PvP. I did know of him in the past as "FataI" when he didn't actually have the name FataL with the L. Lol he was, and still is, a great SinX! Ming - I knew him as "Knight of Heaven" when I first came to this server. Now days I just see him on Rice Picker with his Sakkat on. Lol the only Chinese person I can actually stand on the internet. Kekeke :) Pat - I've enjoyed my talks with Pat about college & life. It's intriguing the type of people you can meet on the internet. You'd be surprised at how easily his temper flares :P Terminus - Another famous LK/friend. I just never dueled him, ever. Laiger - He's just.. gay... he was a incredible Champ but he's lost his touch a little. Haven't ya buddy? Rajaa - Probably the only girl I enjoy talking to other then Erin. Only one mature enough to keep my attention rofl. Jakiss - Although you quit I'll still remember the infamous "Taco Bell" the only Brown Champion who was fucking up bitches left & right. Hahaha! Plus you have the worst attitude sometimes. Will - Probably one of the few people I can actually say I respect. He's a really great guy. Extremely fun to duel with. YOU STILL HAVE TO GET XBOX LIVE MAN! DKillah - Only person who actually played a Clown in our old guild Limitless. I love his humor. Tyler - Wouldn't stop talking about my girlfriend, eventually we started to duel a lot via SinX duels. Incredibly funny and he was part black... keke I loved to call him a niggah HAHAHA! John - Who can forget Yukumaru? Fucking bad ass Champion still is to this day! Ryan aka Patchworks - Ah yes the reason why I even CAME to ForsakenRO. He decided to give me his equips when I joined! Sarhan - We helped start the generation of High Vit + OL SinX's that came around as a fad With [ Armani ] + Slipher great times. Thomas - Though we didn't talk a lot I dueled him A LOT! He got me started into dueling Champions later on I advanced on to practicing with Chris because of him. Dani - First time we talked in the PvP room.. She comad me 3 seconds later.. QQ lol Thai - Probably the richest mother fucker I know on here, next to Shawn. Shawn - Oh yes one of the few people who are actually "older" then me on this server. Hahaha I hope he's doing great with his kids & wife! Leni - Although I didn't meet her until much later on she's been really nice to talk too. I hated when she was on her fuckin Creator "Planet Boom" shit is rape -___- probably one of the few creators who ACTUALLY annoy me & kill me! D:< Plus she my boyfren ^^!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~ Josh - How can I forget about my friend Icon? He's always been the one I could actually relate with. Probably one of the most maturest people on this server. If it weren't for the fact he wasn't as rich as some of us. He would probably rape mother fuckers alive. Huy - One of the youngest people on this server, and yet he's probably also one of the mature kids on this video game. Got to say he's an incredible PvPer too. Updated List
This is in no particular order. Derek - First person to ever really be cool with me. I use to KOS him in the past when he played on Rath but that was because I wanted him to play a stronger character rather then a Sniper. Now he's a legend on here known as "Crono". Kekeke I still KOS you men! AND HE ALWAYS LEECHED ME KEKE! Erin - I've known her years back when we played on another server. Really great friend! She always stresses to much over WOE/Friendships though. Sometimes makes me want to back hand a bitch, for her. Chris - A great friend, cool leader, and someone I could actually talk to on par with. He took my advice, I took his. I found his intellect interesting since he seemed to actually "think" for him self.. pretty rare to find somebody like that while playing games. Sean - He supposedly leeched my first character ever. But I think Derek did that. He was more fun to KOS in the past. Now days he's just to much work to kill >:( David - A friend, a foe, and a great rival. I find his skills in the Lord Knight class unparalleled. I can say that him Jon and Will are the only guys who give me extreme trouble when it comes to fighting the LK class. Jon - Ah yes the famous Sarduarkar a great friend and fellow Korean! He taught me how to play the LK in the beginning giving me tips here & there. I hope he's doing good in school! Sanj - We've never had quarrels and we were always good friends when we met in Limitless. To this day he's still a great friend to talk too. Peter - Very down to earth friend he's just a really chill person. Easily one of the most easiest person to talk to in my opinion. Kuoch - He helped me out when I came back to play Champion. I didn't know much about him even when we were guild mates during the Limitless phase. Haha but now he's funny as hell and to pro at Halo QQ makes me sad. Tony - Never really knew about him until I came back. He's a funny guy. WHAT U GOIN TO DO WIT DA NERF TO CHAMP NOW MEN? Jay - Ah yes the infamous Zack Fair. Hit low, die fast! I still remember your Flee Assassin back way when. Used to KOS you too... Hehehe my how the times have changed! Justin - Easily one of the best players on this server. He's so proficient with every class that I've seen him play. But his most memorable one was Benefit & Bouyant. Crazy man! Still remember when you got those Green Wings lol... Elli - We weren't really friends until I came back from my hiatus! Other then that she's been a great friend, really enjoyable to talk too. I've had my ups and downs with her. But hey I've helped her through her problems, as she has for me! Mike - We always clashed in the past since we both have extremely pronounced attitudes. Now we've become great friends. He is also known as the famous Remy LeBeau haha! Dina - Very to him self and a cool person to talk too. He's always funny to listen to in vent too. Calling people bitches & niggah. Serenity - Yes we've known each other a long time as well! I loved all our little talks I've had an enjoyable time knowing her as my friend. Dean - I didn't really know about Dean until recently, when I came back again. He's a extremely good player when it comes to PvP. I did know of him in the past as "FataI" when he didn't actually have the name FataL with the L. Lol he was, and still is, a great SinX! Ming - I knew him as "Knight of Heaven" when I first came to this server. Now days I just see him on Rice Picker with his Sakkat on. Lol the only Chinese person I can actually stand on the internet. Kekeke :) Pat - I've enjoyed my talks with Pat about college & life. It's intriguing the type of people you can meet on the internet. You'd be surprised at how easily his temper flares :P Terminus - Another famous LK/friend. I just never dueled him, ever. Laiger - He's just.. gay... he was a incredible Champ but he's lost his touch a little. Haven't ya buddy? Rajaa - Probably the only girl I enjoy talking to other then Erin. Only one mature enough to keep my attention rofl. Jakiss - Although you quit I'll still remember the infamous "Taco Bell" the only Brown Champion who was fucking up bitches left & right. Hahaha! Plus you have the worst attitude sometimes. Will - Probably one of the few people I can actually say I respect. He's a really great guy. Extremely fun to duel with. YOU STILL HAVE TO GET XBOX LIVE MAN! DKillah - Only person who actually played a Clown in our old guild Limitless. I love his humor. Tyler - Wouldn't stop talking about my girlfriend, eventually we started to duel a lot via SinX duels. Incredibly funny and he was part black... keke I loved to call him a niggah HAHAHA! John - Who can forget Yukumaru? Fucking bad ass Champion still is to this day! Ryan aka Patchworks - Ah yes the reason why I even CAME to ForsakenRO. He decided to give me his equips when I joined! Sarhan - We helped start the generation of High Vit + OL SinX's that came around as a fad With [ Armani ] + Slipher great times. Thomas - Though we didn't talk a lot I dueled him A LOT! He got me started into dueling Champions later on I advanced on to practicing with Chris because of him. Dani - First time we talked in the PvP room.. She comad me 3 seconds later.. QQ lol Thai - Probably the richest mother fucker I know on here, next to Shawn. Shawn - Oh yes one of the few people who are actually "older" then me on this server. Hahaha I hope he's doing great with his kids & wife!
So I can't tell if you're for this or against this. It's simple to see someone cheating by feeding a person over 50-100 kills if it's the same character. If people don't have common sense like that then it's simple. We're all born with brains to comprehend from what is RIGHT & WRONG. Simply put if you see a person laddering off the same person on a consistent basis you just need to know it's common sense to know that person IS CHEATING. So anyway Shield, ahem, if you can say if you're for or against my idea that maybe people who are actually purposely trying to get others banned <-- Should be an offense in it self.
I hate PD/Flee builds that's why I use my Three Phreeoni, 1 Thana card weapon to fuck them up.
I don't PvP ladder but I just saw this as a thing I should have brought up.
*Uh you know how killing someone "naked" in PvP is considered "cheating" in a sense? *I don't think it should be, since after all PvP was created for the sole purpose to actually FIGHT others. *So when another person PURPOSELY creates a character just to "SPY" on another. *Because he wants to PURPOSELY get someone banned. *It should be considered "illegal" to that person and via not a reason to actually ban a participant from the ladder. *So when a person is just mad because he can't win, he'll make a character on the side something no one knows. *Runs into PvP and screen shots it because he can't win? *That's unfair, biased, and judgemental in honest. *I can understand when it's a friend vs a friend it might seem like cheating. *But if it's another participant vs another. *It shouldn't be considered "cheating" at all. Something I talked to Genesis about but if anyone is in contact with Shield, and or Tidus. Please refer them to this thread. Aka right now a friend that I know of (Ascendant) is trying to ladder. But if someone who dislikes him is just PURPOSELY (<-- IMPORTANT PART RIGHT THERE) it shouldn't be counted as cheating. What is PvP made for? It's made for the sole purpose of killing. We're just lucky to have a prize at the end. So I say that the GM's re-think they're steps about this rule. I've thought about this thoroughly for a long time now I see no invalid points in my suggestion. What do you think?
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