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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Jae

  1. I honestly see no disadvantage for most classes, so long as you know how to play them to their utmost limits.
  2. I have his picture on my laptop. Who wants it?!
  3. Dj Melodie - Sound of My Dreams
  4. Knuckles = Better for Hybrid TSS/Asura combo. Mace = Better for Full Asura.
  5. Slow day at work (: so I left a little early. A friend sent this image to me via her phone. Lol. I just got back home too. Hehe.
  6. Wait I flamed someone? O_o I was pretty sure I complimented somebodies picture & I got a warn? HUH? btw Ming. You predator.. HEHE
  7. Apathetic to work.
  8. Jae

    Jerry's Wish List

    Because stealing makes you cool. /endsarcasm
  9. At work. It sucks.
  10. Mine was named Daryce Matsuda the first love of my life. We dated back in elementary in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. Till we broke up because of going to separate schools. First love of my life, will always be. We still keep in contact and reminisce about the past. Haha. My current girlfriend hates her to the utmost extreme too.
  11. Jae

    Jerry's Wish List

    Talk to me in game. I'll buy you new shoes, give me your address. A burger? Pay pal you like $3.00 Happy Meal at McDonalds. Elite SinX Dagger? Why not. (: Lol
  12. For some reason I thought it was a emo post.
  13. Leave offers on here or PM me on Omnipotent
  14. Jae

    Concerning the Wiki

    You guys need to understand Nick, and a select few others, have real access to the Wiki page. Maybe you guys need to take time out in your day to help them out by posting it. THan leaving a message for them to possibly fix it.
  15. Cale do you wear make-up?
  16. Jae

    Huge Extension

    I'm not fucking Jay. Read the god damn Forum Name jesus christ. And I don't care if you came up with the idea. Amitsu put it on here for everyone to look at, and wanting to accept it. Instead of saying something, DO IT.
  17. Jae

    Huge Extension

    AMITSU'S IDEA IS GOOD, THOUGH WE MAY DISLIKE EACH OTHER. You fuckers are just jealous he came up with it, and you didn't. Go cry a river. He just has to refine his ideas a little. Why can't it be implemented? It would give us all something to do instead of causing more drama like Valiant vs Trancension. Fucking eh I would LOVE to take this thing on with a bunch of my friends. Getting something in the end that's worth it? Makes it even all the more sweet.
  18. Jae

    Random killing

    Count me in!
  19. Saddest day of my life was when my mother had her first heart attack. Knowing that happened that just cut her life in half. And knowing she still smokes cigarettes. That cuts her life in half even more. Knowing that info. It kills me to know I won't see her for the next possibly 20 or 30 years.
  20. Oh my, I don't own a single pair of boxers in my closet. Teehee does that make me naughty?
  21. I get it Kittie. I get.
  22. I love your quote Rajaa in your signature.
  23. Jae

    Huge Extension

    Actually I like the idea of the MvP just not most of the items. Great story back line. I would love to tank this guy and try to actually just earn the title that we killed it. Lol. So yes implement it just not the item drops.
  24. OH LOOK IT'S SUPERMAN! <-- *points to Cale*
  25. Forum trolling the only way to talk shit. Because you have no balls to do it to their faces!
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