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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Jae

  1. Jae


    I was actually going to put down Benadryl but I know a lot of people who have allergic reactions to it. Bold part! I co-sign that.
  2. This picture is crazy. We have nothing like this in Hawaii. It would be great to be able to buy a huge ass pizza for parties. QQ to bad Hawaii is so far behind in these type of things. I heard the mainland has already started the G4 network. We're still on G3 and it's considered "NEW". -____-
  3. Jae

    teen clubbin

    Extremely flirty.
  4. Jae


    Well that's only for the people that are seriously looking to be 100% dependent to sleep on a consistent level. I've used Lunesta a few times (half a pill or so) just to get a full nights sleep on certain occasions. I've never gone past 8 hours. I've never taken an entire pill or a every day basis. That's just a little to much in my opinion. If you don't want to take pills then simply find a way (like a hobby kind of) to make you fall asleep. Go work out, jog, go out with friends, spend time with the boyfriend/girlfriend, or maybe walk your dog. There are plenty of things you can do to get your self "sleepy".
  5. I have a pair of these. One of my favorites.
  6. Jae


    Find me anywhere on the internet or on the news (make sure the site has credentials) where a person got the Swine Flu via eating Pork.
  7. Jae


    Maybe ask your mom/dad to get you some Lunesta.
  8. Confidence my friend, confidence. Take it slow at first. If you have friends that are girls right now just hang out with them and begin to slowly open up more. If not then I think you need to start by just going to the gym (great place to meet women) and just open up while you're there. Just start off by saying "Hey!" be very confident and out going. Usually that's what I would do and they open right up to me. It's really not that hard. Maybe you can go more into detail as what you do wrong. How old you are, your background, etc. Like be dead honest with your self, look in the mirror and ask your self what you see is wrong with your own self. Great way to reflect on life too. ;D hope that helps!
  9. Specific WOE build's are all based on preference. But the one I used was. Helmet: Golden Valkyrie Helmet (2 Kiels) Rucksack: Panda Rucksack (1 Kiel) Emperium Aurora: 1 FSoldier Card Armor: 2 OL's GS Pistols: Thana/Incan, 2 TG, 1 Skeleton Cloaks: 2 Hollowrings Boots: 2 FBH 2 Dex Belts Bullets = Blood Bullets/Silver Bullets ;D I had 150 Str --> Carrying Yggs Agi --> None Vit --> LAST THING YOU PUT INTO Int --> None Dex --> 300 Luk --> None I put it in the order of Dex, to str, to agi, to Vit.
  10. If you're being serious about this go to your doctor and ask them about "Ritalin" or "Adderall" and which is best for you. Honestly I wouldn't take either since both can be addictive, in there own ways. Good luck with your problem. P.S. Sometimes the best way to get back to work is taking a breather & doing something fun.
  11. I think that's her possible boyfriend, good guy friend.
  12. Jae


    Where's Tony in all this.
  13. Kirby.
  14. Jae


    I heard near the same thing. That it wasn't that great of a movie. But it was just fun to watch. I wouldn't mind seeing this movie. It has Hugh Jackman in it.
  15. Get a Sniper, SinX, Professor, and Champ. Profesor uses a Dead Branch to summon a random monster. Uses Hocus Pocus to turn it into an MvP (at random). Sniper, SinX, Champ, and Professor all kill it. :D just try to find a private map.
  16. Bumppppppp
  17. Jae

    the last remnant

    This game is total and utter fail. IN MY OPINION.
  18. o_o what.
  19. Higher offer I got so far was 7500 to low! Offer up :D
  20. It's simple if you want to use Bowling Bash as your main attack. Learn to use Lord Knight. If you want to learn how to play a Stalker, be patient. If they Alt + F4 you know they lost. If they go "LOL U STRIP ME" just tell them "That's what stalkers are meant to do". <_< if they still can't understand that. Then that person is a fucking idiot.
  21. Teheheehe
  22. Bump Trading for SGW + Gold Valk + Coupons or Coupons
  23. Or trading for SGW + Gold Valk + Coupons
  24. Kiss my ass it's the internet, do something with your lives other than forum trolling people. Get a job, get a boyfriend/girlfriend, go to school, go to college, do something. SOMETHING other than forum trolling. You guys have way to much time on your hands. And I can actually rant about this because I make $166k a year. Kiss my ass I'm successful and I'm planning on making 7 digits by the end of the next decade. Quit sitting there saying how you are going to do shit, do it.
  25. Jae

    Rants On Me

    Only reason you dumb fucks complain about me having money and saying "Oh how you talk about money" is because you guys say how I am rich and you guys are all just fucking jealous at the point that I work hard for my money. The point of me saying this is because you guys don't have money so you complain about others who have it. My face looks retarded? Yeah right so I'm successful in life, and a very lucrative dating life, and I've dated some of the hottest girls that would be "considered" hot on these forums. I'm being rude to him because he's a little faggot at times, and I'll rant on you even more teacup. I don't brag about my girlfriend OR wealth you all do it for me. If you've noticed my posts I never talk about it until you guys bring it up. So keep riding my nuts while your at it. Yeah I AM RICHER THAN YOU. At least I work for it, and do something about it while we're at this. I work, I pay my dues, I do what I do because I have to. So go QQ more about you saying how I'm rich and a filthy fat guy who probably spoils his girlfriend. GUESS WHAT YES I HAVE MONEY, YOU DON'T. GUESS WHAT ELSE, YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT IT BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
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