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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by Jae

  1. Bump or trading for a SGW + Coupons
  2. Jae

    Bad Tippers

    I once tipped a waitress $20 she thought I was hitting on her. So I got her number and we hung out a few times. Now we're just great friends. (:
  3. I never start shit it just seems that people have to say something all the time even when it's not worth dating. Amitsu go land a fucking plane on your nose faggot. How do you see over that?
  4. I added that in because I'm boy perfect quit talking like you know everything I simply defended a friend because you constantly, or somene else, has to leave a smart ass comment about how they look. If you can't take the heat get the fuck out the kitchen. Not like you're prettier than Versace. Sorry to say it tea. So quit trying to "look" smart it doesn't work well for you. Anyway we need people who constantly throw comments at people to post pictures. At least the people who are posting pictures constantly have a reason to defend themselves. So either post pictures or shut the fuck up.
  5. I'm chubby I'll admit that. Only reason I even posted that was because everyone seems to hate on others saying how they look like this, and how they shouldn't be looking like that. Or how ugly this person is because they do this. Everyone just needs to quiet down we all have our flaws. But my case is if you're ugly you'll forever stay ugly unless you pay to make your self pretty. As for me I just have to lose weight and tighten my body up a little ;D SO EVERYBODY QUIT HATING ON OTHERS! ): it's making me sad.
  6. Any crap offers will be automatically ignored. Nothing under 7,800
  7. American History X All About The Benjamins The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Titanic The Notebook Scarface Godfather Godfather 2 Carlitos Way City of God I have a hell of a lot more I just can't remember.
  8. Jae

    The backlashes.

    I agree, but Water is healthier than anything else ;D By the way I know a girl who can drink more than I can, and I'm TWICE her size o_o
  9. So true. You can always be ugly! You know what I always say to people who hate on others when they're ugly themselves? You'll always be ugly, no matter what you do. Go under the knife 10 times and you'll STILL BE UGLY AS SHIT. Me? I'm chubby yeah, but if I lose weight I'll look better than you ever will. Sorry but go kill your self. :D
  10. Preferably less make up on the first one too Rajaa. I think you have a great face that doesn't need make up. (:
  11. Jae

    Bad Tippers

    It depends on the server but I never look at the gratuity. Usually if the server is a crappy waiter I usually leave the 15% depending on how much the bill is. So if it's a $40.00 bill I'll usually leave like $5.00 if they're a shitty waiter. Now if they're a GREAT waiter/waitress. I'll leave a great amount. If the bill was say $50.00 I would leave $15.00 just because of how hard they're working. It all depends on the situation. I can understand the position they're in since when I was 15 I was a Busboy/Waiter my self so I know what they're going through. But having a bad day doesn't mean take it out on the customer. (:
  12. Jae

    The backlashes.

    Eat carb like foods before you eat. Drink a few cups of water after you're done drinking. When you wake up just drink massive amounts of cups of water through out the day, take Vitamin C, and you'll feel fine.
  13. There are a ton of builds you can use it's not that hard to beat somebody. My Stalker was a ND stalker. He had like 390 Dex, 200k hp, unfreezable, unstoneable, and he out lasted almost everyone because all I did was be a patient player. Stalkers aren't meant to be a class that is so straight forward like Lord Knight, SinX, or Champion. It's a class that's meant mostly for support/survival. It's a class that is a lot like a runner class. It does hit and runs.
  14. Diamond In The Back - Lupe Fiasco
  15. Colored Contact Lenses.
  16. Are you serious? To the question above.
  17. You guys suck at stalker. I've beaten every class easily with my build. You guys really have to re-think your strategies. Just ask them I even made a Stalker to prove that they're fucking godly as hell on this server. Entity is the name, being a ghost is my game ;)
  18. Jae

    Wikipedia Site BROKEN

    I know I just think it might have been an error in the actual system or something. But yeah I just wanted to notify people with this post so no one was like "WTFUX MEN HEY SOMEONE SPAM JORGE TO GET THE SITE BACK UP".
  20. That is so much eyeliner. Don't lie you!
  21. Jae


  22. Kanani <___< fake ass Hawaiian. AUEHEHE. Anyway... Vapo you changed the picture, that was cheating. I preferred the zen picture. ): Asian culture isn't that bad is it? Q____Q lol But yeah those are nice pictures, although your new one is a fun one.
  23. You remind me of this High School girl I used to know way back when. LOL no offense intended but you went from dorky girl to all natural college woman. Haha.
  24. 1,100 for it PM me on Omnipotent
  25. Jae

    Draw With Me

    I've watched it like 6 times each time I've cried. =/ I don't know I think I might be overly sensitive but still.
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