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Everything posted by Nick

  1. God of War, this is the update that was finished like 2 weeks ago. Meaning the cards update will be *even* later, since Genesis takes aaages to update.
  2. Oh I see, you post this when RM members are asleep so they won't see it first CONSPIRACY!
  3. Our drops (orange) backpack was recolored from scratch, using sprites released into public domain. (Angeling Rucksack) None of our graphics are stolen.


    *insert bug img here*

  5. i love you <3

  6. HEY IT'S FUCKING TUESDAY WHERE'S THE MOTHERFUCKING CODE HUH? oh and I actually tested my code now. Fixed some typos but otherwise works like a charm. Heh. Here's my entire working code, feel free to copy/paste into an empty .cs file and run. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace DatabaseTesting { public class MyDatabase { public List<TableStruct> Tables; public MyDatabase() { this.Tables = new List<TableStruct>(); } public void AddTable(TableStruct table) { this.Tables.Add(table); } } public struct TableStruct { public List<ColumnStruct> Columns; public List<RowStruct> Rows; public TableStruct(int numCols) { this.Columns = new List<ColumnStruct>(numCols); this.Rows = new List<RowStruct>(); } } public struct ColumnStruct { public string Name; public ColumnType Type; public int MaxLength; public ColumnStruct(string name, ColumnType type, int length) { this.Name = name; this.Type = type; this.MaxLength = length; } } public struct RowStruct { public List<object> Fields; public RowStruct(params object[] data) { this.Fields = new List<object>(); this.Fields.AddRange(data); } } public enum ColumnType { TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT, BIGINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DOUBLE_PRECISION, REAL, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, TIME, YEAR, CHAR, VARCHAR, TINYBLOB, TINYTEXT, BLOB, TEXT, MEDIUMBLOB, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGBLOB, LONGTEXT, ENUM, SET } class Program { private static MyDatabase db; static void Main(string[] args) { db = new MyDatabase(); // Then do something like this in a foreach loop through your xml content: TableStruct curtab = new TableStruct(2); curtab.Columns.Add(new ColumnStruct("id", ColumnType.SMALLINT, 65535)); curtab.Columns.Add(new ColumnStruct("str", ColumnType.VARCHAR, 255)); curtab.Rows.Add(new RowStruct(0, "hello")); curtab.Rows.Add(new RowStruct(1, "world")); curtab.Rows.Add(new RowStruct(2, "lol")); db.AddTable(curtab); // Output content StringBuilder outstr = new StringBuilder(); foreach (TableStruct tab in db.Tables) { foreach (RowStruct row in tab.Rows) { foreach (object ob in row.Fields) { outstr.Append(ob.ToString()); outstr.Append(','); } outstr.Append("\n"); } outstr.Append("----\n"); } string str = outstr.ToString(); } } } It is advisable to set a breakpoint after the "string str =" and look at it, since the program itself just exits right away. Of course, the struct-based implementation is rather case-specific. If you want I can make a far broader database lib that supports a variety of formats etc. using a nice class-based system with functions etc. next time I get bored.
  7. There isn't any practical difference between C#.NET and VB.NET since they both get compiled into the exact same bytecode using the exact same libraries. We're talking about VB.NET though which is different in nature to VB. (Basically standard VB but with the .NET library and stuff, which is what OP was talking about). And loldreamweaver I use Notepad++
  8. Idk. Experience I guess. :/ And yeah I did just write that out..
  9. C++? YA SUP http://www.lenigasm.com/test/ Oh and I never got past stats / job bonuses. Bored. Hey now I know what to work on next time I get bored though.
  10. nono use chepet trust mi
  11. Nick

    Why don't we...

    Because you could write a bot to register ~100 accounts and trade the coupon to your main account in an hour or so instead of it taking 50 days.
  12. da f0k? leni hasnt been on fro for a while

  13. You should put 4 Chepet cards for maximum damage.
  14. LOL 5 PEOPLE ON.
  15. Oh and if you want to do it with something similar to my way, I can help you with outputting it to csv and escaping the strings and stuff; if you tell me the specifics of the CSV format you're saving into / the XML you're loading. Sorry for double posting but you've read my last post so I doubt you'll read it again if I just edit it.
  16. Sigh. Anyhow, pat, if you can, I strongly advise you to stay clear of the DataSet class and make something real. I personally used .NET's xml classes to load the content and parsed it myself, storing it in my *own* variables and not some abstract DataSet crap. That way you can define a struct, for example something like: public class MyDatabase { public List<TableStruct> Tables; public MyDatabase() { this.Tables = new List<TableStruct>(); } public void AddTable(TableStruct table) { this.Tables.Add(table); } } public struct TableStruct { public List<ColumnStruct> Columns; public List<RowStruct> Rows; public TableStruct(int numCols) { this.Columns = new List<ColumnStruct>(numCols); this.Rows = new List<RowStruct>(); } } public struct ColumnStruct { public string Name; public ColumnType Type; public int MaxLength; public ColumnStruct(string name, ColumnType type, int length) { this.Name = name; this.Type = type; this.MaxLength = length; } } public struct RowStruct { public List<object> Fields; public RowStruct(params object[] data) { this.Fields = new List<object>(); this.Fields.AddRange(data); } } public enum ColumnType { TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT, BIGINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DOUBLE_PRECISION, REAL, DECIMAL, NUMERIC, DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, TIME, YEAR, CHAR, VARCHAR, TINYBLOB, TINYTEXT, BLOB, TEXT, MEDIUMBLOB, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGBLOB, LONGTEXT, ENUM, SET } private static MyDatabase db; static void Main(string[] args) { db = new MyDatabase(); // Then do something like this in a foreach loop through your xml content: TableStruct curtab = new TableStruct(2); curtab.Columns.Add(new ColumnStruct("id", ColumnType.SMALLINT, 65535)); curtab.Columns.Add(new ColumnStruct("str", ColumnType.VARCHAR, 255)); curtab.Rows.Add(new RowStruct(0, "hello")); curtab.Rows.Add(new RowStruct(1, "world")); curtab.Rows.Add(new RowStruct(2, "lol")); db.AddTable(curtab); } Then you'd have something like: DATABASE | | |- TABLE |-------| SMALLINT(65535) id | VARCHAR(255) str | | |--------------------|------------------| | | 0 | hello | | | 1 | world | | | 2 | lol | | |--------------------|------------------| | - Of course, you could add more tables onto the end with MyDatabase.AddTable(), until you have all the tables with their respective data loaded into the MyDatabase. After that you can do something like: StringBuilder outstr = new StringBuilder(); foreach (TableStruct tab in db.Tables) { foreach (RowStruct row in tab.Rows) { foreach (object ob in row.Fields) { outstr.Append(ob.ToString()); outstr.Append(','); } outstr.Append("\n"); } oustr.Append("----\n"); } Which would produce something like: 0,hello 1,world 2,lol ---- Of course the exact implementation would be a lot different, and you'd have to escape the strings and whatnot. Still it's just a _general_ idea on how I'd do it. Note: Wrote all this on the posting page, so none of it is tested. Not sure how good it'll work lol.
  17. Help plz Lvl: 255 Class: Clown Build: Pvp IGN: Fujitsu Siemens tell mi stats/eq pls
  18. Not sure, that's how my biology teacher explained it. We haven't done anything in-depth though.
  19. @suggestion: pointless, unnecessarily annoying.
  20. 1. Actor doesn't do .spr files at all other than for displaying purposes, actor handles .act files. 2. Spr Conview sucks imo, I use ROSprToolkit for everything. It's what I used for all of the emp auras / fhelms and whatnot kekek.
  21. Nick


    Quoted for truth. Quoted for truthily truth.
  22. Uh, it's biological too. Light, especially bright light "depletes" some of the photoreceptor cells in your retina (they can no longer sustain the chemical reaction that "charges" the membrane's potential thus being electrically neutral even when stimulated), and they take a bit to regenerate. This is why shortly looking at the sun causes a black "spot" in your vision for a bit, and why walking from a bright room into a dimly lit room makes everything appear black for a few seconds. Your eyes "adjusting" in this manner is simply "regenerating" the nerves. (The actual effect is a bit more complicated, I use these terms lightly) So what happens when you look at an orange light source, especially a bright one, is that the "orange" nerve endings (red with a bit of green) get "depleted", so there's an abundance of working blue ones; therefore giving everything on that patch of the retina a blue-ish tint. That and, to some extent, what Shield said. Biology Class 9, didn't you pay attention?.. in b4 "nice googling/wiki'ing" wrote that off my head..
  23. letmegooglethatforyou.com
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