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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Nick


    xBlueberryx isn't ignored tho @@~
  2. ya dats wut i suggested first but leni recoloured it and it looks kinda weird with dat gold.
  3. Uh no, I can extract those myself. Not a lot to dig through for em, unlike the attack sprites. O AND
  4. Oouh I didn't realize you had it saved using the square characters thing before archiving it. Didn't realize unbolloxing works. (In fact I didn't mean the korean characters, I meant the ÇÁ¸®½ºÆ® stuff because that's what I'm used to working with and I can "read" most of it). Anyhow, only .zip does that, it seems .7z and .rar preserve it just fine. Right, that works for me then. Ty brb converting. Edit: Looking at it, it seems you only included the Àΰ£Á· sprites, not the ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ directory which includes the drag/drop sprites, nor the texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º which includes the collection/item images. Ah well, it seems we can edit those later.
  5. HOLY SHIT, UPLOAD THEM AS .RAR PLEASE 7z and .zip don't conserve the korean characters, .rar does.
  6. IM STRAIGHT AND IDC IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT, IM NOT GONNA HIDE IT AND BE SOMEONE ELSE!!1 ppl already pmd me saying "get off the server you stupid straight" and "hetero hetero hetero hetero hetero" over and over again and idc!1 h8rs im strait if u dnt like it deal w/ it! i will now proceed to drool over leni's pics and post cybersex convos and make out with her in all your threads no h8 plz! btw @ h8rs its not like im anti-bi or anything, I honestly don't care whether you're gay or not, it's still annoying tho ;c there's some ah... stuff icarus has posted that I'd prefer not to happen again, gay or not. o_o merely mentioned he was bi because i thought you were wondering why he was drooling over your half naked pic. ;c ...woah I just noticed your name was Hated. sorta ironic given what you posted abt getting PMs..
  7. ranged damage is nerfed during WoE so AV sucks. also thana shouldnt rly work because most people default skolls either way :/ otherwise all it takes is one thana gs.
  8. Nick


    "» Pat" sucks.
  9. Nick


    pat, the fuck happened to your Blueberry name. now its all faggy. at least it isn't weeaboo ps. how can I change my name to ♥~¿!1~iluleni~^^<>»»`ň¡¢K·ā$k³ÿ´««~@@~ineluli~!!1?~◄ ?
  10. coma tarot? yknow what's fun? my pvp build. sekrit tho!!@@~
  11. huh i dont get what that list's based on.
  12. Nick

    Leech Protection

    Because not everybody can afford that, and people will want to pvp before they reach that requirement. Otherwise there's no incentive for new players to join as they can't pk. It's not that hard to give reasons why you disagree. Oh and @Maiku's suggestion: It's more than enough to job level yourself to 50/70 and simply buy a crapload of skill points from the NPC.
  13. robots? sup.
  14. Nick

    Leech Protection

    How about PvP is turned off until you're like level 230.
  16. icarus is bi. and horny. not a good combo when combined with your pic.
  17. Nick

    Leech Protection

    Oh and if you have a priest + clown instead of ganbantein it's nearly impossible to prevent dieing, because once you move, you die, and once the priest moves, you get instantly hit if the clown is smart enough to spam AV with basilica up. Same goes for other classes. So w/e. Anyhow, if you're at lhz there's more than enough other safe spots to go to, and if you're at thor's.. well.. I found safe spots for the people I was leeching on lowrate, so it shouldn't be too hard here.
  18. Nick

    Leech Protection

    Really, there are some things you wouldn't expect from people, but I've seen active priests that are too stupid to keep up basilica. In fact everybody I PK usually falls into that class.
  19. in b4 sausagefest
  20. Nick

    Leech Protection

    I vote no, because if I'm getting ganged by like 10 people and they have a priest with basilica up so they can re-buff, I enjoy killing the priest before he can re-cast Basilica. More drawbacks (ganging) than benefits (leeching). Just find a different spot ffs.
  21. Nick


    wait, fuck, i didnt realize that was an actual disease. USE THIS LINK
  22. Nick


  23. Nick


    fuck i think im sick with Porphyric Hemophilia irl. already got the sun damage and such disclaimer: didnt realize this was an actual disease. this is a joke topic, nothing serious.
  24. OMG you didn't release the pally cards just so royal mafia's pallies have a harder time defending during WoE CONSPIRACY!!11
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