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Everything posted by Nick

  2. What's so hard about conversion to CSV? You have the tables and columns loaded, just output them? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values A quick google search shows that .NET doesn't have any native CSV implementations, so just make one yourself. If you want me to help you with the CSV conversion framework or w/e post some of the specifics of what the xml file looks like, as xml files don't have "tables" and "columns". I'm thinking you have an SQL-like database stored in an xml format? If so, post what it looks like and how you're parsing and loading it. Then I can help you on how to start writing something to output it in different formats. CSV itself is rather easy, except for stuff like escaping commas, newlines, quotes etc.
  3. Nick


    irc://irc.deltaanime.net/ForsakenRO wow fucking IPB won't let me link something with an irc:// protocol instead of http://. Just copy/paste it to your location bar then.
  4. Nick


    Ugh god they look nearly as over-saturated as Mac's. The format is horrible too, and your preview pictures are horribly pixelated. The colors don't look right and they wouldn't match ingame palettes *at all*. And next time you post a picture post it properly so I don't have to go through 4-5 links just to look at them. Waste of time tbh. Also this is in the wrong section, can't you read?
  5. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥




  7. Nick

    Are you bored?

    From now on, you can't tell lies, are you ready? Not rly, so I can still "sweet talk" my psychotherapist to make me not have to go to therapy for 3 weeks. Think back eight months ago, were you single? Yeah, probably. What do you carry with you at all time? My house keys. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? Leni When you say you don't care, do you mean it? Depends on who I say it do. If you look straight ahead past your computer screen, what do you see? A wall, also the edge of my bed. Kissed someone in the past twenty-four hours? Leni via -ekiss- qq; Is something wrong right now? Yeah, leni's afk. Are you mad at someone? No. Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? I guess. What were you doing right before you logged into myspace? Myspace? What's that? Are you jealous of someone right now? No. Do you have a piggy bank that's actually shaped like a pig? My piggy bank is shaped like a credit card. Do you want to start over with anyone? No. Do you like anyone? I love somebody v.v.v.v. much. Has anyone called you perfect before? Yeah. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Yes very. What are you suppose to be doing right now? Nothing. True love or 1 billion bucks? I already have true love, so I'll go for the 1 billion bucks and fly to England. Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yeah. Anything you would change about your life right now? Yeah. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? Yeah, never drank alcohol so far. Do you miss the way things used to be? A bit. Could you handle a long distance relationship? I hope. You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get? A heart, idk where. Maybe belly :3 Could you cry right now? Probably. Do you ever think about stuff and start crying? Yeah. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking? Very, very often. Do you have an older brother? Two. Are you okay with the life you live? A bit. Last person you told a secret to? Leni. Do you like hugs and kisses? Yeah. Are you interested in anyone right now? Yeah. Do you like to take walks? No, but I walk home from school 20-40 mins every day (depending on how often I have to walk home per day). Is there a meaning behind your Myspace song? Myspace? Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now? Yeah. Think back five months ago, were you single? Nope. c: What would you name your future daughter? Idk... :/ Gotta ask Leni~ Was the last person you messaged on your top? Myspace?.. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put your hood up? Neither. When was the last time you cried? relationshipproblemsqq How much money did you spend today? Nothing. What are you sitting on right now? A fairly comfortable chair. What's something you really want right now, be honest. Cuddling with Leni. >: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? As soon as I see Leni next. How do you feel about your hair right now? Gotta cut it soon, it's getting too long. Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret? Depends. Is there someone that makes you happy every time you speak with them? Yeah. Have you ever had something expensive stolen from you? No. Is someone on your mind right now? Yeah. Who's birthday is coming up? Idk, nearest I know is my dad's / brother's (one day apart) in 2 months. What was the last bad thing to happen to you? I burnt my finger. :/ The last good thing to happen to you? Leni. How long was your longest relationship? 6+ months and going on forever atm. Are you a really sensitive person? Yeah. Do you usually confront your problems or run away from them? Run away. Are there any obstacles you're trying to overcome right now? Yeah. What's your biggest fear? Losing Leni.. Have you ever starved yourself for an extended period of time? Not on purpose. A few days I guess then I realized how hungry I was.. Do all good things really come to an end? Only if you fuck up. Do you think today's youth is being corrupted/​messed up because of TV? Yeah. Fucking cellphones and music videos man. Do you often doubt yourself? Occasionally. What's something you used to care about, but really don't care about now? Ex I guess. If someone asks you if they look okay, do you always tell the truth? Depends on who I'm talking to. Are you more of a leader or a follower? Usually a follower, unless I'm confident with what I'm leading. Are you open-minded? Depends. Do you smile at random people? I only smile for one person. Do you ever take your anger out on others? Yeah. Are you extremely opinionated? No idea. Have your parents supported every decision you've made? Occasionally. Have you ever/would you ever help a stranger in need? Not sure. Are materialistic things really important to you? If Leni is materialistic.. When was the last time you felt unbearably guilty? Said something to Leni I wish I wouldn't have. :/ What do you think your purpose in life is? Procreate. Hehehehehehe. Have you ever felt like you were truly going insane? No. Have you ever been so sick you nearly died? No. How many people do you trust with your life? One. How often do you actually talk to your parents? More than I'd like to. What's the most drastic thing that's happened in your life so far? Uh... nearly got injured badly when a chemistry experiment went wrong. Do you have a role model? If so, who? My oldest bro. What do you plan to do when you're out of high school/​college?​ Try to get a college spot in England and move there. Have you ever liked a guy/girl that you really tried not to like ? No. Is there anything you've done with the opposite sex that you regret? Yes. Said things to Leni I wish I wouldn't have :/ Have you ever met someone who had multiple personality disorder? Yeah. I used to know a guy that had two personalities. Himself and a really close female friend of his that he witnessed getting brutally hit by a truck while crossing the road at a young age. Talking to them was like talking to two people, heh. You could even hear it. (Different accent) What's one of your most missed memories? Last December, when me and Leni fell in love. Ah, memories. Does it sometimes feel like life is moving too fast? Occasionally. What's something you absolutely must do before you die? Meet Leni and have a few kids. Do you like to listen to rock music/screamo music when you're angry/upset? I don't listen to anything when I'm upset. Not listening to anything right now either. I only *rarely* listen to music when I'm in a good mood, but I find it to distract me too much. Have you ever run with scissors? Yeah. Are you embarrassed to tell your parents you love them around your friends? Friends? What's something that you've learned today? Idk man idk. What's the most valuable thing that you own? Leni's heart. What's your favorite sappy/romantic song? No idea. I don't have favorite songs either, since I only listen to favorites in general. When you're upset, do you push others away? No. Do you think that long-distance relationships are ever worth it? Yes. Who was the last person to tell you that they love you? Leni. What's something you feel like shouting to the world right now? I LOVE YOU SFM LENI Do first impressions always stick with you? Sometimes. What's the most common misconception about you? That I'm depressed / emo. Are you too kind for your own good? Depends. Will you give someone a second chance if they can prove they deserve it? Yeah. Are you willing to pay more for designer/name brand stuff? No. I don't buy fucking brand name stuff, that is seriously the most retarded thing you could do. If you want it just because it has the brand name on it and are willing to pay up to 3x the normal price for it, you should shoot yourself. Make the world a better place. Have you ever cried so much that you couldn't cry anymore? Yeah. Do you believe in karma? Honestly idk what karma even is. Are you reckless? Idk. Have you ever intentionally hurt yourself? No. Do you like the band Karate High School? Don't even know them. What's the best book you've ever read? Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, undoubtedly. Do you like the smell of Sharpies? Nah. Which friend have you know the longest, and for how long? Honestly no idea. Is there anything that people ridicule you for? It's cuz I'm different
  8. ...fine, as long as it isnt shitty ;c

  9. No, I will not help you convert .spr to .bmp. You ~made your own server~ after all shouldn't you ~know this stuff~
  10. Nick


    who the hell uses mirc? :3
  11. Nick


    brb, filing nails. NOW THAT I KNOW WHAT BURNING FLESH SMELLS LIKE URGH. SRSLY THO LOL it went *TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSRT* and loads of smoke was rising from my finger.. the smoke smelt /horrible/. ;c and the burnt patch was smelling burnt for like 14+ hours. interesting smell tho, rly. makes me kinda hungry..
  12. GTFO SKRIPT KIDDIE pat, wut do u nid help with? u nvr told. My VB knowledge is limited but I know .NET in general so eh. Plus I can just translate C# to VB
  13. Nick

    Are you bored?

    Oh cmon, you guys don't even like yourselves?
  14. Nick

    Are you bored?

    Niklass Asskey* tyvm
  15. Nick

    Are you bored?

    A fact about the person you like. * She is rly sxc. What happened at 10:00 am today? * I was sleeping. Where did you last eat? * earlier 2day at my cousin's house Who's the most annoying person in your neighborhood? * wigger kids What were you doing at 8:30pm last Saturday night? * Oh god no idea. Spending time with Leni I guess. (or sleeping) What are you thinking right now? * Wondering about .NET's httpsock implementation's subroutines. Name some lyrics from the song your listening to now? * nothing What are you doing right now besides this survey? * Uh. MSN, Visual C# Studio 2005, Notepad++, cmd.exe, php stuff What are your plans tomorrow? * spending INTNS cuddling time wib leni What are you looking forward to in the next week? * leni Why did your parents give you the name you have? * They liked "Niklas" I guess... Also I almost got born on "Nikolaustag" (St. Nicholas Day). Mum wanted to name be "Sebastian" but my dad said no so Sebastian is my second name. THANK GOD, I HATE IT Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? * no Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? * Yes :wub: What was the reason you last cried? * relationship difficulties Where is your father? * work, last day before his holidays so prolly slacking Are you listening to music? * n Who were the last 4 people to IM you? * my bby;.. hmm.. Emes a while ago i think.. Honestly don't remember #3 or #4, so long ago. I guess Gen at some point.. What's the fifth text in your inbox say? Is there anything that you are craving right now? * uh.. a drink. When did your last hug take place & who was it with? * Sheryl via -ehug- ;; 5 seconds ago Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name? * YES OH GOD PEOPLE SPELL MY NAME "NICLAS" OR "NICKLAS" OR "NICC" (SRSLY) Have you ever started a sentence with "no offense, but"? * ya. I think it was "no offense, but you're absolutely fucking retarded. G'day sir" Do you drink tea? * occasionally. usually when im sick Who pissed you off last? * my mum, when she came in my room 10 minutes ago Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? * Yes, definitely. Do you know anyone with the same name as you? * some fag called iHunt
  16. VB SUCKS
  17. ...o VB.NET? fu pat i use C#.NET fu fu fu
  18. You're so qt n_n

  19. <3333 n_____n

  20. ya sup
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