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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Nick


    Cure quest? I think last time I caught it I just used the font of renewal. DLCs ftw
  2. Nick

    WHO WANTS?!?!?

    Done it once, not doing it again. o____o 5k page edits much
  3. Okay, exactly how do you intend on using a homunculus AI script on a professor? Retarded suggestion.
  4. How about making the tix NPC remember your setting for how many tix to exchange per-char. So you can exchange, say, 3 on sinx, 2 on champ and 1 on clown without having to input anything.
  5. On taekwon! During LMS! YEAHHHH
  6. so saying a server is shitty is advertising it. OIC
  7. how much more do you want
  8. also a menu to save/load hairstyle/color/palette would be interesting ..as long as you don't make the stylist as shitty as RebirthRO's.
  9. read up
  10. And any discussion about TM leads to ego threads
  11. MvPing is frustrating if you don't get the cards imo. Only purpose of mvping for me is to earn money. I find no pleasure in mvping for the same of mvping alone.
  12. Why not do both at the same time?
  13. okay (:
  14. Been taking lessons for 5-6 years and my teacher says I'm a natural at it, so I guess. ikr. your bed or mine? and ikr LOL.
  15. If you need help you can also PM me on Fujitsu Siemens, I'd be more than happy to help kill TM. Most of them should know my name by now. (:
  16. iiiiiilllllllllyyyyyyyyyy2222222

  17. Ah, calintz, not everybody has the intelligence required to associate the ingame avatar played by a girl with the girl herself. Please be more understanding of the mentally retarded next time you write a post. Tyvm (: Enough of this offtopic stuff. Here is a pic of my drums~ (Yes, that's a didgeridoo in the background).
  18. Yeah but the 30-40 coupons profit margin is what the hunter earns for collecting all da shit. Even I wouldn't be assed to buy all those one by one just for 30-40 coupons.. :/
  19. yes because didn't we buy our guitars for like 70 and the bow is worth like.. 3?
  20. LOL. Who's stalking and throwing random insults now? :3 (Spoilers: He's butthurt because he can't get a good girlfriend at all, not even long distance.)


    and y r u not on msn ;c

  22. NO, U
  23. yeah but gold collection images would be hot and you mean like data/idnum2displaynametable.txt 15071#Forsaken_Dagger# data/idnum2resnametable.txt 15071#´Ù¸¶½ºÄ¿½º# data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item/´Ù¸¶½ºÄ¿½º.bmp etc. meh would take aaaaaaaages.
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirvana http://the-clitoris.com/f_html/interco.htm (FOR ADULT ONLY)
  25. Not that Nirvana, fag. Nobody likes the ew-y shitty band. ;c IN SRAMANIC THOUGHT, NIRVANA IS THE STATE OF BEING FREE FROM BOTH SUFFERING AND THE CYCLE OF REBIRTH. IT IS AN IMPORTANT CONCEPT IN BUDDHISM AND JAINISM. (not rainism) also We are led to believe that if a heterosexual couple engages in vaginal intercourse they will discover nirvana, the ultimate in sexual fulfillment. Intercourse is said to be the absolute best sexual experience. It is after all what defines sex. It is "sex." We expect to experience intense sexual pleasure and an emotional connection with our partner during or as a result of this activity. The physical joining of our bodies should result in the merging of our spiri-- OIC 18+ but ya NIRVANA IS THE ULTIMATE IN SEXUAL FULFILLMENT.
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