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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nines

  1. It's easy to tell all you do is whine and whine.
  2. M.I.A
  3. There's already a zombie event out there where they spawn zombies and they come in waves to kill people. Basically an invasion script with zombies. I like the idea kouch but why not make it like a kiting event? Like have the novices run from the zombies and as u enter you get some badges some speed pots and who ever is the last one alive wins. Could also make it like an apocolypse event. ( sorry kouch for expanding off ur idea ) Could make it so the people who keep attending the event get more prestige in the event or by winning the event you can get tokens to buy pieces for the event also. So say 10 people are in the event zombies spawn they fight them off one guy is alive. He wins now that hes the last man standing in the even he wins gets his etokens and gets his zombie tokens where he can go to a npc and buy items for this event once hes saved up enough ( the items wont be so big that he will always win but will be like do a little more damage to the zombies and maybe get a buff on chance. ) He can either sell these ( helps noobs since this is equal footing event they can sell shit make a profit ) or use it to try and win more. Could also set it up as a ladder kind of deal where your prestige builds up saying has x amount of zombie kills y amount of deaths. And resets every month and you gain a title like Ryan the great, or Mike the cutter. stuff like that and through these titles that you earn on the zombie ladder you get different bonuses. obviously the higher rank the better.
  4. Easy for people to abuse this. If your a guild you can either out number people easy or just out gear people like nothing. Plus no one would be willing to pay 200m to do an event. Also organizing this and activating a woe map for an event can't be done. You'd have to create a woe map of its own make a whole new woe sequence and create a new map. (its kinda like a less thought out version of my war for fcity event seems like im tryin to be a dick here but its just true. )
  5. So basically everything i've said before.
  6. And now they can wear a shield to? They've had the shield for months. And what major imbalance has happened? What major unbalance in pvp is there? Because when I look at for_fild and woe and gvg there are maybe three other snipers who can even be called a little hard to kill except for me. That would be Laura, Mello, and Bass. Not everyone that uses the class is insanely good. I've got snipers in my guild who suck at pvp. Everyone still dies, I die a lot on my sniper and so do the other ones who can be considered in the top list for snipers. As I said no reason to change anything. Just because one class has a little advantage over another now. You know what I've done this before Im going to do it again Im going to spell out this class vs every other class using all its skills to the fullest and all it can do. Sniper vs Sinx. Arrow Repel, Detect, Fas. Good combo to do damage on them. The sinx can still use rsx. to counter that but now we have a littler lower hp. Just use a shield a dispel hat. If you have sgw switch between dispel hat and sgw so the damage will suck. Sinx still does good damage to sniper with one hand. I've been pvping mello on sinx a lot >>. But yah if you go two hand you die. Oh also if the sniper goes on kobold hat and fas spam you can just sc armor make them lower their dmg again. Sniper has a little advantage but every class will have an edge over another. Sniper vs Champ. If the champ isn't a retard you'll have a damn hard time. As Juan mentioned they can decrease agility, pneuma, rsx. The sniper just got in a bad position. They can tank asura now so they can try to kit the champ and wait for one little opening maybe when they asura they move out of pneuma a bit and you can use that as your opening (What I do) well. They can also stone curse you since you want to take them out fast. If you play for long ball your dmg won't be good enough to kill them within that 1-2 second window. Now if the champ uses full asura build and does this we have no chance what so ever. If we got 2 handed they wouldn't even need to asura they could just toss. Sniper lost horribly. Sniper vs Prof. Sniper can arrow shower the prof out of wall of fog then continue spamming. Sniper can arrow repel the person. If the prof uses rsx they will have a hard time using skills but can just melee. They have the option of gtbing which is unfair but meh, I main both sniper and prof over any other class and I can still handle it. Option for prof is to stave if they have the wand. They can't really strip them or get close. And they can't dmg him well either. But well guess what mr prof. You just pulled a major bonus on your part. Your keeping that guy on gtb. So since prof is a balanced support/battle class it's meant to be used with a party so now your party will rape the sniper. Sniper is on even ground even while gtbing. Sniper vs Clown. The sniper and once again try to push back and will have an advantage for 2 seconds till they get into range and they need to push em back again. If the clown rsx's the clown can break/stone curse/coma/dispel/half their attack. And can use the spam from the sniper to increase their spam on the sniper. If the sniper lost its shield vs this class it would die in two spams of an av from any noob. Right now on equal footing only if they use range to their ability Sniper will loose if rsx is on. Sniper vs Pally. Only way to kill them is through strip. Pally is a support class not much it can do. I'll call this a wash since if your on a pally your not trying to pvp all that much. Sniper vs Priest. [ Same as above. ] Sniper vs Stalker. Stalker can strip....even if they're fcped they can wait 10 minutes and strip again. They also have more reducts than any class and can copy any skill they want. The sniper can arrow shower but the stalker can get into stalk before you can even damage him. The sniper has to wait for stalker to come to him try to arrow repel if that fails ankle snare and try to get some dmg in before they resume the hiding. Stalker has advantage in this case. Sniper vs Whitesmith. Whitesmiths spamming ability fast walking ability amount to carry tons of yggs while pumping out a damn good amount of damage way outdoes snipers. Vsing a good whitesmith the sniper will always loose. But if its a regularly geared person the sniper will obviously win just because of ankle snare and the fact they can only cloack if sinx carded. - Wash Sniper vs Alchemist Alchemist can destroy your armor then drop you in a heartbeat. If the sniper uses rsx they got low hp and are prone to stripping/decrease agility combo. Also they can bolt them. Once they use gtb + rsx combo your dmg with ad will once again over flood them. + Alchemist has amounts of yggs and seeds also. Alchemist will win lol hard as you may believe. Sniper vs Ninja. Oh god instant loss no reason to even explain. Only ninja out there is mike and he'll fuckin butt rape anyone in a 1v1. Sniper vs Gunslinger. Gunslinger is a perfect example of what this class will return to. Good damage. Die in two hits. Sniper wins easy vs gunslinger atm. Only reason gunslinger doesn't have a one handed valk weapon is because their desperado would be godly over powered. And once it does come out you will all resume your bitching instead of using a detale card. Because of their uselessness im not going to go on. You should see the point. Instead of just thinking in your own mind that they are on the top now.
  7. They also had range strip back then.
  8. They do have sprites. Just never been implemented :P
  9. Now time for the qq fail responses.
  10. See. Just qqing. Like I said.
  11. Why not make another soaring bird and equal them out. Change the one handed so the bonuses get cut in half. and make a 2 handed one for when you want to do real damage.
  12. Sinx don't get a dmg reduction from using a shield...They only loose damage because they take their other weapon off. And no it's been proven that just because your a sniper a shield and hp doesn't make you godly. snipers can die to a prof even if there wearing gtb >> snipers can die to any class. They are easy to kill for that one reason. They like to put mass damage so they're prone to stone curse. Also if you put a sgw on you cut the snipers damage by like 35% Most people will complain about taking the shields away not because they lost their shields. It will be everyone else complaining because they'll be getting hit by the power of an asura at 187 aspd spamming of fas. or 190 aspd spam of double strafe. And this topic has already been made. I believe it was shot down pretty easy to. Just a bunch of qqers going on and no real reason as to why they shouldn't be wearing shields except for. I can't kill them, how do you shoot a bow with 1 hand? They got to much hp and now a shield? Omg they can strip within 1 cell range. They are fine!
  13. nines

    Ninja Stones

    No mike. It will not get accepted any time soon. <.<
  14. If this were to go through id say only veracity, and wish should be allowed to do this. A bunch of the gms carry grudges and would jump at the chance to decrease rep.
  15. why give the bow a reduction but take shield away? Because how can you shoot a bow with a shield? Dude its ro you think theres people out there calling down meteor storms? Just leave it as is. If i get my shield taken off i want range strip and 50percent dmg bonus on fas and 70 on ds >.>
  16. If snipers got a damage boost they would clear everything out before it even had a chance to touch them. Even back in iRO the class's were balanced so if the class wasn't able to hold a shield it still would be able to take some damage before dieing. Here the sniper needs a shield because if any sinx were to go dd for 2 seconds on a sniper they would die with the new weapons the way they are. Also champs could just toss rape them and if anyone were to be devod with defender its just game over. Snipers are still very killable. And there was already a suggestion on people hating on snipers having shields ( I wonder why ? *looks in the mirror* ) Snipers have been put into balance, no reason to give them a damage boost or take anything away from them. It's the goldy locks zone.
  17. AHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHAHAHAHHAHAH oh man. Yah I'd be glad to take advice on how to keep healthy from the guy whos liver is as black as aaron lololololol First to never stop trollin.
  18. Lol every post I make would take me 2 points up and 3 points down XD
  19. I got u covered dalton nub :O
  20. Im going to vote for #4. Bou. When I think of freestyle I think of something you find cool and out of the normal that you do for you and not others. This has a awesome originality, has a nice render, and kind of seems like a ticket to a skating event. Only thing I would change would be the size. Its a bit to tall and the Font Get Up Brothers is a bit out of place with the feel of the main part of the signature. Creativity: 5 Technical: 4 Execution: 4 Aesthetic: 4.5
  21. Nope. Thai has 12 carded in a ss. Also a screen of 30k tokens. + those are chris's thanas.
  22. Yah refering to me :P
  23. I only give grats to miracle :O
  24. nines

    Improving Woe?

    Quagmire removes buffs also so its better. And who cares if it also effects the guild members? Every up has its downs. And the reason most speed pots are sold is because of just Woe if it was only for pvp the price would drop and they'd sell in bulk a lot less. And stopping speed pots? only some one who defends a castle or trys to steal last minute would think that way. Who cares if its just speed pot x 10 - buff - break emp. This is a good buisness for noobs and most of the ones who go through with farming them and selling them make there way up the food chain in the server. Also no speed pots = trap hell = slow grace hell = quagmire hell = stun lock hell = hell all around.
  25. nines

    Ninja Stones

    This topics about ninjas not creators. And no creators shouldn't be able to have unlimited bottles. Why? Because well AD stun locks people down and doesn't use a lot of sp also you don't need fbhs to use this skill and do good damage so you can spam forever and the person won't even touch you if you use proper build.
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