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[市丸]Maximum weight 100%/Op leveling Star Gladiator[Basic intros]

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This basic guide would introduce star gladiator Aka taekwon Master jobs~~

Base-on maximum weight 100% and Op leveling w/ star gladiator in parties ❤️❤️❤️ 


Maximum weight 100%, we'll just need:

STR: 300-all

Weapon: Sorrowbringer


Solar, Lunar, and Stellar perception  Solar, Lunar and Stellar Perception.png

Effect:Permanently memorize a map. Can select the same map for the 3 Feelings if desired.
After 'memorizing' a place, when you use this again, it will display you the memorized location.
Do note, that you can use this only ONCE. Yes, only ONCE. You cannot assign a new place to memorize by using this skill again.
When you use it, the game will ask you if you are sure about memorizing that place.

Level Alignment
1 Sun
2 Moon
3 Stars

Feeling's reset-> Just goes to forsaken kafra, pls choose (Feeling Reset) / Type (@feelreset)


Solar, Lunar, and Stellar courier  Solar, Lunar and Stellar Courier.png

Effect:When you login the game on a map (only login, NOT by walking/teleporting) that is designated as Place of the Sun, or Moon, or Stars, this passive skill grants you increased weight capacity at +(10*SkillLV)%.
If you stay outside the Place of the Sun, or Moon, or Stars for too long, this effect disappears.

Level WL Bonus
1 10%
2 20%
3 30%
4 40%
5 50%
6 60%
7 70%
8 80%
9 90%
10 100%


Op leveling procedures for parties/Alts, we'll just need:

Solar blessings  Solar Blessings.png

Lunar blessings  Lunar Blessings.png

Stellar blessings  Stellar Blessings.png

Effect:Increases EXP given by Target of the Solar/Lunar/Stellar (monsters only) in the Day of the Solar/Lunar/Stellar by (10*SkillLV)%.

Level EXP Bonus
1 10%
2 20%
3 30%
4 40%
5 50%





Solar, Lunar and Stellar Opposition.png Solar, Lunar, and Stellar opposition->Designates the species/class of a single target as the Solar, Lunar, or Stellar for the use of certain skills. Alignments are virtually permanent and each can only be chosen once. This means that you can only have Target of the Sun, Target of the Moon and 1 Target of the Stars.

Level Alignment Restriction
1 Sun Small size monsters.
2 Moon Medium size monsters, whose Max HP is at least 6,000.
3 Stars Large size monsters, whose Max HP is at least 20,000.

Marking resets-> Just goes to forsaken kafra, pls choose (Hatred reset), would need 5x mithril coins+1000 blood thrist  as requirement ❤️ 


Solar Wrath.png  Solar wraith

Lunar Wrath.png  Lunar wraith

Stellar Wrath.png  Stellar wraith

Effect:Grants a bonus of +((BaseLV+LUK+DEX)/(13-3*SkillLV))% ATK against Target of the Solar/Lunar/Stellar mobs.

Best accessories->https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?product=sigrun-valor-1

Mix and match accessories->https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?product=freyr-gauntlet-1 https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?product=mimir-orb-1



Edited by niemono89
} 卍解: Kamishini no Yari {
  • Like 1

Added hatred reset option, due to latest updates within Fro :3

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