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Server is slowly dying.

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With all respect to both of you, whom are both working hard for the game's improvement, I (or all of the remaining players) think that the server is slowly dying. I've been in this game since 2014 and I've seen the changes that happened through the years. A lot of old players won't play again since they know that the server is dying. The market is stagnant, the number of players is declining every year, @go 25 is filled with alt accounts, raids and thanatos room have little competition. I don't know what to suggest but I think the main reason is that there is too little Forsaken Tokens in circulation and there are only few new players playing the game. Maybe what we need is some advertising so that new players will come and play, and also old players will come back, or another way to produce more tokens in circulation for the market to stabilize and return to its original state.

This is not a hate post, i'm just concerned and a tad bit sad about what's happening on this server. I hope the GMs notice this and they take action.


I'm sure that you think the server is dying but I'm a bit skeptical about the line "I (or all of the remaining players) think that the server is slowly dying."

I, myself also believes that the server is going a bit down but I don't think all players thinks the same. When you say all it goes to old and new players, I'm unsure if you did a survey about that or what.

Another one "A lot of old players won't play again since they know that the server is dying." I'm a player from 2009 and stopped at 2013. I had a massive read through the fRO updates on September 2018 to see what's been happening and to be honest most updates are very appealing. Then I decided to come back. I also know another old player that recently came back the same time as me this year. And when we came back, we met a lot of old players from 2008 who are still here.

So once again, I don't where you got the information that a lot of old players won't play again because they know that the server is dying. One thing that goes to my mind if they're not playing anymore is because they got banned or something for disobeying the rules. Lol.

I'm sorry for the come back. It's just because I'm a big supporter of Forsaken Ragnarok and I just wanted to share some insight and experience. And for the time I've been here, I've seen the server goes up and down, and even at the lowest point, the server always manages to come back thanks to the ever so hard working admins.


As for the others. @go 25 full of alts, raids and thanatos rooms no competition and the decrease of the circulation of forsaken tokens. I completely agree.

For what you've suggested about advertising, I think maybe we could do what we did before. I don't know if it was a success before but players post about our server FRO on different online social media platforms and we draw names at the end of the deadline. Prizes obviously would be tokens.

  On 11/4/2018 at 2:24 AM, Nadtorious said:

I'm sure that you think the server is dying but I'm a bit skeptical about the line "I (or all of the remaining players) think that the server is slowly dying."

I, myself also believes that the server is going a bit down but I don't think all players thinks the same. When you say all it goes to old and new players, I'm unsure if you did a survey about that or what.

Another one "A lot of old players won't play again since they know that the server is dying." I'm a player from 2009 and stopped at 2013. I had a massive read through the fRO updates on September 2018 to see what's been happening and to be honest most updates are very appealing. Then I decided to come back. I also know another old player that recently came back the same time as me this year. And when we came back, we met a lot of old players from 2008 who are still here.

So once again, I don't where you got the information that a lot of old players won't play again because they know that the server is dying. One thing that goes to my mind if they're not playing anymore is because they got banned or something for disobeying the rules. Lol.

I'm sorry for the come back. It's just because I'm a big supporter of Forsaken Ragnarok and I just wanted to share some insight and experience. And for the time I've been here, I've seen the server goes up and down, and even at the lowest point, the server always manages to come back thanks to the ever so hard working admins.


As for the others. @go 25 full of alts, raids and thanatos rooms no competition and the decrease of the circulation of forsaken tokens. I completely agree.

For what you've suggested about advertising, I think maybe we could do what we did before. I don't know if it was a success before but players post about our server FRO on different online social media platforms and we draw names at the end of the deadline. Prizes obviously would be tokens.


I'm sorry if I generalized. But when I asked people like "you still playing?" they said "nah, server's dead" I know you've encountered reactions like that. What I mean is i'm asking for some solution to prevent these kind of reactions. I myself am not a donator, so I know the feeling of grinding hard. Back when I started playing on this server. there were mvp parties, two or three parties competing for MVPs since the cards are essential for PVP. But today, only our MVP party remained and no one ever competes now mainly because 1.) they don't need the cards (old players) and 2.) No new players are buying cards anymore. So maybe, MAYBE, what we really need is advertising so that a ton of new players will play, and the market will be lively again.

Also, back then, when you broadcast. LF> Farmers, so many people will PM you. Why? There are a lot of grinders/new players that wanted tokens to buy their very first Sniper Cset/Wiz Set. Now, BCing for farmers for one hour and your lucky to find a single farmer ?

So please GMs, I am a huge fan of this server, I've played tons of private servers and this one is the best, I've been hacked two or three times but I still come back to play for this server because this is one of the best private servers I know ? We just need some token circulation and good advertisement. Peace ?



For a limited time, people can convert Activity Tokens directly to Forsaken Tokens? Just to increase the number of Forsaken Tokens in circulation.

Also, events which provide Forsaken Tokens as rewards instead of Event Tokens? (For a limited time also)

The market really really needs more forsaken tokens in circulation since a lot of tokens may be stuck up on old and inactive accounts ? 
Just some suggestions, cheers!


Hi! Thanks for your suggestion, and your support of the server! I'll get into some ways players like you can help us continue to grow, but first, I do want to address your concern that the server is "dying." This is something people will say frequently about servers, but I assure you, it's all part of a normal cycle for us. Certain times of the year are more active than others, of course, but the server is continuing to go strong! And it's not going to go anywhere, so please don't worry about that. ?

Thanks to your suggestion and some others from the community, we've added a sale on tokens in the Tokenshop where you will receive double the amount of tokens you normally would, to help increase the circulation of tokens in game. As for advertising, that's something players like you can always help with! Reviewing us on RMS and telling your friends to do so will help others discover the server, as well as voting and spreading the word to your friends. Advertising isn't something we can do alone and look to our players to help with too! ?

  On 11/4/2018 at 1:47 AM, Belong said:



With all respect to both of you, whom are both working hard for the game's improvement, I (or all of the remaining players) think that the server is slowly dying. I've been in this game since 2014 and I've seen the changes that happened through the years. A lot of old players won't play again since they know that the server is dying. The market is stagnant, the number of players is declining every year, @go 25 is filled with alt accounts, raids and thanatos room have little competition. I don't know what to suggest but I think the main reason is that there is too little Forsaken Tokens in circulation and there are only few new players playing the game. Maybe what we need is some advertising so that new players will come and play, and also old players will come back, or another way to produce more tokens in circulation for the market to stabilize and return to its original state.

This is not a hate post, i'm just concerned and a tad bit sad about what's happening on this server. I hope the GMs notice this and they take action.



  On 11/4/2018 at 2:44 AM, Belong said:

I'm sorry if I generalized. But when I asked people like "you still playing?" they said "nah, server's dead" I know you've encountered reactions like that. What I mean is i'm asking for some solution to prevent these kind of reactions. I myself am not a donator, so I know the feeling of grinding hard. Back when I started playing on this server. there were mvp parties, two or three parties competing for MVPs since the cards are essential for PVP. But today, only our MVP party remained and no one ever competes now mainly because 1.) they don't need the cards (old players) and 2.) No new players are buying cards anymore. So maybe, MAYBE, what we really need is advertising so that a ton of new players will play, and the market will be lively again.

Also, back then, when you broadcast. LF> Farmers, so many people will PM you. Why? There are a lot of grinders/new players that wanted tokens to buy their very first Sniper Cset/Wiz Set. Now, BCing for farmers for one hour and your lucky to find a single farmer ?

So please GMs, I am a huge fan of this server, I've played tons of private servers and this one is the best, I've been hacked two or three times but I still come back to play for this server because this is one of the best private servers I know ? We just need some token circulation and good advertisement. Peace ?


Im totaly agree for both....Many Times alrdy post about it. But up until now got some ppl didt admit or still saying there is market nowdays with some reason without any suggesting on to make it better.

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