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Ninja Final Strike (Too Strong Or Weak?)

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Come on, Spamming FS doesnt concern either attackspeed or after-cast delays. meaning, it's delay solely relays on how fast the variable casting time is, ignoring any server-side and client-side delays. however due to the fact that no-cast skills are achievable with 150 dex, FS is spammable af.you can spam FS like crazy even with168aspd and no kiels at all. all you need is a super good ping or if that's not achievable, pingzapper(just like most of te noobs)


Now, why put on kiels? you cant spam tatami/cicada/jump like crazy without kiels. that's a fact. 


So again, server-side or client- side delay is the only reason why we can spam FS. nothing else.


Jorge added server-side delay a lil bit faster than BB to "somehow" cope with the crazy damage that it's dealing.


And talking about kiels affecting FS/Soul, think again.

  On 12/8/2016 at 6:29 AM, Ares said:

Update for Final Strike : casting delay has been added. The spam should be fine even with 3 Kiel cards.


Let me clarify this once again. Casting delay was added to FINAL STRIKE only. 


at least now ninja cant 1s kill people...

ty for the update...

still deal pretty decent damage(100-150k without lutie), but still seed-able


I want to explain but no use explaining it to her lul

  On 12/12/2016 at 10:07 AM, Maiimaii said:

I want to explain but no use explaining it to her lul


give her brainfoods instead lolololol


I am still not happy with the changes we made for Ninja. I shall update you guys as soon as we've made adjustments. 

  On 12/12/2016 at 5:52 PM, Ares said:

I am still not happy with the changes we made for Ninja. I shall update you guys as soon as we've made adjustments. 


I think it was nerfed too much, increase the kunai skills damage like we mentioned before, the FS is okay as it is now, with apples it deals pretty good damage still

  On 12/12/2016 at 11:11 PM, Specter said:

I think it was nerfed too much, increase the kunai skills damage like we mentioned before, the FS is okay as it is now, with apples it deals pretty good damage still


I appreciate your comments but please stay in the topic. 

  On 12/13/2016 at 1:25 AM, Ares said:

I appreciate your comments but please stay in the topic. 


All the comments made me forget this topic was only for final strike, my bad. In my opinion.. the delay is alright, I've seen ninjas that with magic strings could spam the way they did before, but now they have to use kiels which is only fair I suppose. If the damage is going to be increased again, it should remain around 75% to make the class still playable (since most ninjas dissapeared now) , higher than that will just make everyone go nuts.

  On 12/13/2016 at 2:23 AM, Specter said:

All the comments made me forget this topic was only for final strike, my bad. In my opinion.. the delay is alright, I've seen ninjas that with magic strings could spam the way they did before, but now they have to use kiels which is only fair I suppose. If the damage is going to be increased again, it should remain around 75% to make the class still playable (since most ninjas dissapeared now) , higher than that will just make everyone go nuts.


I agree with you. However, it doesn't mean the damage should be lower than asura strike which is where I'm coming from.

Posted (edited)

i would like to pinpoint the comparison that you are making between Asura Strike and Final Strike.


• Yes, they are both 1-shot Kill in nature.

• Asura is melee while Final Strike is mid-range with 5-cell casting range.

•Asura and Final Strike are both Forced to neutral element.

•Asura deals a massive def-ignoring damage that can be increased/reduced by cards . Final strike deals a massive damage that does not ignore Def-calculation and can also be increased/reduced by cards. (This is the reason why there's a huge difference when it comes to Thana-user FS ninja)


Now, on the fourth bullet, Asura has this 'Incantation Samurai' effect. 

We must start from there. FS ninja build with Incantation Samurai Card should be no more/less compared to Asura.

After balancing that out, let's take a look on how will it work with thana, and the changes should be made from thereon.

Please look into this.

Edited by p3wp3w
I wanna get laid


Awesome good job GM's.


Next please!


Yes dont nerf it too much , like i said its okay to add 70-100% fs but put delays or lower the dmg but. Stay the spam as like that and also add dmg for kunais so job will not become useless

  On 12/13/2016 at 11:25 AM, Maiimaii said:

Yes dont nerf it too much , like i said its okay to add 70-100% fs but put delays or lower the dmg but. Stay the spam as like that and also add dmg for kunais so job will not become useless


I agree here xD Just keep it in mind that throw kunai is the normal choice. *coughs* Throw huuma shuriken *coughs* yeah :D

  On 12/14/2016 at 1:46 PM, Yatogami said:

I agree here xD Just keep it in mind that throw kunai is the normal choice. *coughs* Throw huuma shuriken *coughs* yeah :D


Noooo not huuma please it has slow spam hahahahaha

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