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" My Dreams " Semi-monthly Forum Event

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My Dreams

Semi-Monthly Forum Event


  • You'll need to pick a symbol or a picture or a screenshot ingame and post it here. Then give it an astounding caption that explains why that certain image depicts you and your dreams.
  • Have fun!


  1. Any image will do, you can edit it, put filters, use photoshop, anything that will make it beautiful (just don't overdo it)
  2. You can play with font colors/styles/sizes, it is included in the criteria (Make sure its readable though)
  3. You should make it clear what dreams you wanted to share, may it be for FRo, or in real life.
  4. You can put a simple caption, as long as its meaning is deep (I would like to be challenged)
  5. You can quote the sayings that were made by philosophers, famous people, etc.
  6. If you used a caption/saying without crediting the owner, you will be disqualified.


  • Image - 20%
  • Feelings - 20%
  • Determination - 10%
  • Caption/Explanation - 30%
  • Neatness, Organization, and Creativity - 20%


  • Grand Winner: 25 Event Tokens
  • 1st Runner up: 15 Event Tokens
  • 2nd Runner up: 10 Event Tokens


  • [GM]Armstrong
  • Yours truly

Start date: 8/30/15 (01:40:00 server time)

End date: 9/12/15 (00:00:00 server time)


My dream is to become a Celebrity Chef

I love cooking, and I love my family

I wanted to be able to cook for my family, as well

as become a role model, a STAR, someone they wanted

to be proud of, and to be grateful for having. In the end, I will

have something to say when they grow up, what is it you ask?

That everyone is a star, and deserves a chance to shine.

What's your dream?

You can submit your entries now!

Good luck to all the participants!

This Event will last for 2 weeks, in exchange for the Weekly Forum Event

I will be expecting more entries!

Edited by Victoria
  • Like 1

This is pretty interesting! I'll join in too!


My Dream is to become a Pastry Chef!

I love baking, making people smile with the things i create

I really enjoy baking for my family, they enjoy it as well.

I want to open up my own Cafe/Bakery so people can come in and relax and eat some good Pastries.

I really just want to see everyone smile from eating the desserts and pastries I make

I don't mind if I'm not a super star to the world, but in my Cafe/Bakery, I would be.

Everyone that would work there should feel like one as well!

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)


My dream or more like our dream is to become a legitimate house owner with TITLE. People with interest often come here in our place to demolish our house's since we are informal settlers having no "Land Title" they take advantage of it. That's why we created an association to protect our house's and we call it "WEST REMBO RIVERSIDE HOME OWNER ASSOCIATION" btw i'm leaving near a river "pasig river" . I'm fighting for our right not because i'm going to lost a house but i'm going to lose a very valuable thing "FAMILY MEMORIES" and our motto is "We are not the problem, we are part of the solution to the problem".

sry for my bad english! THE PINK GUY!!Zc6gZw9.jpg

Edited by borj29
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

My Dream...

Dreams are very important to a person's life. Without a dream life would be dull.

Dreams are what makes an ugly caterpillar push through its cocoon to see itself change into a beautiful butterfly.

Dreams are what makes the world spin through the darkest nights to the brightest days.

My dream is just simple...

:th_ok: to help and make everyone's dream come true. :th_ok:


"Don't let your dreams be dreams... JUST DO IT!!! DO IT!!"

-Shia Labeouf


Edited by casidsid52
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)


I am thinking about my DREAM, but my only DREAM is to be with my RO FAMILY everyday. This WORLD is a DREAM WORLD actually. We live to fight, we live to protect, we share feelings, thoughts, even our dreams in REAL WORLD or in the RO WORLD and more important is because of this DREAM WORLD we build our FAMILY..

A FAMILY that i DREAM of, a FAMILY that never back down on each other, a FAMILY that stay TOGETHER!!!


"Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience,

and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

-Harriet Tubman-

Edited by hell_bringer
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

well.. my dream is better expressed with a song...(grabs microphone) uhum..uhum.. :th_e29:

~~Boys call you sexy

And you don't care what they say
See every time you turn around
They screaming your name

~~Boys call you sexy
And you don't care what they say
See every time you turn around

They screaming your name

Now I've got a confession
When I was young I wanted attention
And I promised myself that I'd do anything
Anything at all for them to notice me

But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say

You don't know what its like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
'Cause see when I was younger I would say

~~When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies

~~When I grow up
I wanna see the world
Drive nice cars
I wanna have groupies

~~When I grow up
Be on TV
People know me
Be on magazines

~~When I grow up
Fresh and clean
Number one chick
When I step out on the scene...

but seriously i will be careful with this dream coz fame scares me :th_swt3:

--song: when i grow up by: pussycat dolls


being random on school roof top XD :th_heh: with my friends XD

well this is the perfect spot for relating a high dream XD "the rooftop"

Edited by Miku-Miku
  • Like 1



I'll make it simple, My dream (please don't rage or laugh) is to somehow add a feature to the game i always play ( which is Ragnarok specifically the forsaken server) in which a person can use the game to study , yes study.In other words, to use games as a way or another form of schooling so students could both learn and have fun, :th_swt3:

This could also make it simple to launch what other people call as " free schooling for the poor" :th_ok: :th_thx:

(and also it may promote the game itself :th_no1:
:th_e8: )

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

~ Healing ~

I only have one dream,

a dream to see the people happy and contented.

It may take a while to heal the world completely

but I hope in healing someone one by one

and it creates a chain reaction.

As a 19 year old, who loves to observe the crowd--

I've seen different emotions from people where others don't see.

The emotions that they hide within them.

Weather it's pain or love~

I'd like to see everyone with red faces from laughing,

and tears rolling down their face because of pure joy!

This is how I wish to see the future,

a world where we walk together as brothers and sisters.

Where act of kindness isn't rare.

I might get hurt trying to heal someone else but

through helping others, I also help myself.

The smile that I see from their faces is already enough.

I picture it as seeing only the other side of a hill,

and I wish to see everyone on the other side once I get there!

"Life is cruel, but it is also beautiful."


© Cansu Ozkaraca Photography

Edited by Calcifer
Posted (edited)


Grand Winner:

borj29 (borj)

*has redeemed his prize

Score: 92


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1st Runner-up:

hell_bringer (~babyME†)

*has redeemed his/her prize

Score: 88


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2nd Runner-up:

Calcifer (~ C h e l s e a ~)

*has redeemed his prize

Score: 86


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Comments for the others:

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Armstrong's words of advice to all the participants:

"You are a step closer to your dreams or goals whenever you take action,

or exert some effort for the sake of it. and here we are, seeing you guys lay out the plans.

If you've exerted effort in sharing what your dreams are to us in here, then I trust you can exert

more effort into making these dreams of yours come true."

Congratulations to all the winners! For the others, you still have many

chances with the other Semi-Monthly Forum Event, Good luck!

Thanks to:

[GM]Armstrong for helping me judge and give some words of advice to our participants

Edited by Victoria
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