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Official League Of Legends Thread!

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So who here plays League of Legends? What's your highest attained division? Favorite Champion?

S1 - Platinum

S2 - 2700 ELO

S3 - Challenger

S4 - Masters/Challenger

8) played in the LCS for a little so now an ex-pro player. Played a bit in the amateur scene but I just kind of stick to playing soloque.

What about you all?


for proof 8)

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What makes this so official? :O

I've played a little bit of League, more on other MOBA games such as DotA and DotA 2


I only joined this season(Season 4) and i make it to the silver 3 and i only got the silver border

My Favorite Champ is Volibear because he is a bit underrated and i like to use champ that is not mainstream like master yi , teemo and stuffs

Second Favorite beside volibear is Vladimir , he is weak early game but will dominate late game and he is underrated too

Posted (edited)
  On 11/14/2014 at 11:08 PM, forsakenlelouch said:

I only joined this season(Season 4) and i make it to the silver 3 and i only got the silver border

My Favorite Champ is Volibear because he is a bit underrated and i like to use champ that is not mainstream like master yi , teemo and stuffs

Second Favorite beside volibear is Vladimir , he is weak early game but will dominate late game and he is underrated too

Haha 8) I still remember the days of TheRainMan Teemo now it's all about that McCashDollar Teemo~

  On 11/14/2014 at 10:20 PM, LeanKun said:

What makes this so official? :O

I've played a little bit of League, more on other MOBA games such as DotA and DotA 2

I've played DotA2 amateur. Highest I could ever reach though (for MMR wise) was around 6200 I couldn't break past this for some reason. Just not enough dedication haha. But this was way back when 8) I barely play now since I'm mostly into League.

Well I didn't really see any other League threads (searched) and so I just wanted to make one for the forums :)

Edited by jaewonlol
  On 11/15/2014 at 4:28 PM, jaewonlol said:

Haha 8) I still remember the days of TheRainMan Teemo now it's all about that McCashDollar Teemo~

I've played DotA2 amateur. Highest I could ever reach though (for MMR wise) was around 6200 I couldn't break past this for some reason. Just not enough dedication haha. But this was way back when 8) I barely play now since I'm mostly into League.

Well I didn't really see any other League threads (searched) and so I just wanted to make one for the forums :)

Cool xD

I only have 3.5k scrub mmr

Well okay. It's cool to make a thread official I guess xD

  On 11/15/2014 at 4:28 PM, jaewonlol said:

Haha 8) I still remember the days of TheRainMan Teemo now it's all about that McCashDollar Teemo~

I've played DotA2 amateur. Highest I could ever reach though (for MMR wise) was around 6200 I couldn't break past this for some reason. Just not enough dedication haha. But this was way back when 8) I barely play now since I'm mostly into League.

Well I didn't really see any other League threads (searched) and so I just wanted to make one for the forums :)

Well , teemo is the most hated champion in NA

Posted (edited)
  On 11/16/2014 at 6:23 AM, jaewonlol said:

Pfft you think Teemo is most hated. imo most hated is Gnar atm for me in my division.

i just buyed shaco today , he is good at trolling enemy jungle xD

in early game , i stoled theyre blue buff by getting first skill then smite and then escape

then when i got lvl 7 , i ganked top then i take some damage then i go into the bush and used Ulti then invi theni let my clone go out then the Zed used Ult to my clone xD

Edited by forsakenlelouch

^ Which team you played for in the LCS? and which season? :)

I started around S2, but then i quit coz Iwas still a huge Dota Player.. Then revisited back in late S4, got to silver4 just for the silver border. I climbed from Bronze 4 though, started at silver 5..

I play in the EUW server and It's my favorite game atm which is also the reason why i've been inactive in the server :)

Posted (edited)
  On 11/14/2014 at 6:47 PM, jaewonlol said:

So who here plays League of Legends? What's your highest attained division? Favorite Champion?

S1 - Platinum

S2 - 2700 ELO

S3 - Challenger

S4 - Masters/Challenger

8) played in the LCS for a little so now an ex-pro player. Played a bit in the amateur scene but I just kind of stick to playing soloque.

What about you all?


for proof 8)

Oh nice! A league thread? This is awesome!

I play in NA server.

As far as ranking

S1 - none

S2 - 1700 ELO

S3 - wasn't active at all

I am currently a Silver II (and still climbing up) in my new smurf account for S4 since I couldn't retrieve my old account from when I stopped in S2.

I main support and occasionally jungle if I feel like it.

Favorite Champions

Support Role:

1. Lulu (I also use her for top laning)

2. Nami

3. Sona

4. Leona

Jungle Role:

1. Rengar

2. Jax (used for top lane as well)

3. Kha'Zix

Hit me up if you're defo in NA server.

I'd love to play some rift with you!



Edited by sshinytoyguns

I am a LOL Player but i dunno that, it means im nab?! OMG

  On 11/14/2014 at 6:47 PM, jaewonlol said:

8) played in the LCS for a little so now an ex-pro player. Played a bit in the amateur scene but I just kind of stick to playing soloque.

  On 11/20/2014 at 10:30 AM, plok123 said:

^ Which team you played for in the LCS? and which season? :)

I started around S2, but then i quit coz Iwas still a huge Dota Player.. Then revisited back in late S4, got to silver4 just for the silver border. I climbed from Bronze 4 though, started at silver 5..

I play in the EUW server and It's my favorite game atm which is also the reason why i've been inactive in the server :)

Yeah, I'm curious about this one as well. I'm an avid follower of the LCS to know who's team are getting dumped on and dominating.



Posted (edited)
  On 12/23/2014 at 7:03 PM, Sad Panda said:

Been playing since Season 2, clawed my way out of Bronze IV, got to Platinum since Season 3, can't seem to climb out of it.


  On 12/23/2014 at 7:20 PM, Opiate said:

plat is the real struggle, god bless

I'll have to agree with this one. I always thought it was Gold tier to be honest, but guess not.

I have a couple of Plat friends that I play with everyday and they said the amount of trolls you see in Bronze equals to the amount of trolls you encounter in Plat tier.

Sad story..."Plat players playing like Bronze" or "You encounter Plat players who play like in Master tier and constantly beat the shit out of you" is what I always hear them groan about. .___.

Edited by sshinytoyguns

I've Stomped so many plat and gold ADCs in EUW -_- i dont even understand how :P

Posted (edited)
  On 12/23/2014 at 11:14 PM, plok123 said:

I've Stomped so many plat and gold ADCs in EUW -_- i dont even understand how :P

I've done the same thing. Sometimes I wonder..."HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET TO PLAT???!" xD

Edited by sshinytoyguns

Been playing league for over 4 years now, But I'm not ranked, I also play on the NA server.. Haven't been on in the past few days since the internet is faulty currently...



Been playing League of Legends on the PH server for 3 years. (basically season 2 up to now, beta was the season 1 in PH.)

I would try EUW but from what I have seen from various rants about the server, I'm scared of DCs.


I've been playing for about 3+ years myself! I remember the days when Vayne was first released and shit would literally shit on everyone 1v5.

Also, someone carry me from Gold to Plat, pls n thx. <3

  On 12/31/2014 at 9:38 PM, Kuntbasket said:

I've been playing for about 3+ years myself! I remember the days when Vayne was first released and shit would literally shit on everyone 1v5.

Also, someone carry me from Gold to Plat, pls n thx. <3

I remember the days of AP Master Yi and his funny running animation during ult, Ryze top, and green buff. Also Lee Sin before the nerfs.

I'd duo with you if I can transfer my acc from PH to NA or EUW xD

  On 1/1/2015 at 2:24 AM, Aerofox said:

I remember the days of AP Master Yi and his funny running animation during ult, Ryze top, and green buff. Also Lee Sin before the nerfs.

I'd duo with you if I can transfer my acc from PH to NA or EUW xD

PH? Which server is that? Excuse my ignorant Americanism, haha.

Also AP Master Yi was the bomb. Getting nostalgic just thinking about it. And if you do end up ever transferring to NA, you should hit me up :P

  On 1/2/2015 at 6:12 PM, Kuntbasket said:

PH? Which server is that? Excuse my ignorant Americanism, haha.

Also AP Master Yi was the bomb. Getting nostalgic just thinking about it. And if you do end up ever transferring to NA, you should hit me up :P

PH server is run by Garena.

Also, if I would transfer, it would be indirectly. lets just hope a new server pops up xD

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