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Have You Ever Been So Mad That...

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I'm bored, here and ingame. so... NEW GAME!

Simply complete the title with whatever you could think.
The person below will answer 'Yes' or 'No' and if you wish to give an explanation, go ahead.

For example:
Me: Have you ever been so mad that you hit a bird and named it Angry?
Person 2 : Yes. Have you ever been so mad that you used Throw Stone at PvP until that person dies?
etc etc etc

It doesn't need to be RO-related, it just needs to be whatever your imagination can make.
Remember these 3 words when creating your 'have you ever been so mad': ANYTHING CAN WORK.

Have you ever been so mad that you made it as your status on Facebook?

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No, did not make it my status by I've been so maaad. Anyway, have you ever been so mad that you never talked to that someone for like over a year?

*By talk I meant a real, long conversation, not a casual one.

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Yes! This bitch made me feel anger in a whole new level like oH MY FUCKING GOD I could actually bash your cheating cunt in with a spiked brick you whore! :th_e1: :th_e1: :th_e1: :th_omg: :th_omg: :th_omg:

Have you ever been so mad that while you heavily breathe, your nostrils exaggerately expands and retract and you accidentally sniff someone's B.O and KO-s you instantly?

Edited by mzvlle
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LOL yes... well...no.. i dunno i pushed this ass off the stairs and he just knocked over more asses LOL...

U have ever been so mad u did thiss.....?

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Nah, I just keep my temperance and I don't spaz unlike Mitomi. :3

Have you ever been so mad you made a Super Novice just to smack people with a bag of zeny?

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Carrying out several murder plans as I write this post ;3

Have you ever been so mad that you start cursing in several languages?

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Perhaps inside my head but can't let it out as I would stutter and it doesn't sound good lol

Have you ever been so mad that you secretly made a poem/story and kept it somewhere, and everytime you'd read it you remember how stupid it was then you laugh at it? :P

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LOL no not really...when i'm mad i spit fire yo... how can i write a poem when i'm in frikkn table-flippn mode XD



U ever been so MAD u started cooking ?


I might add sum poison to that omelete 8D MUAHAHAHA

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Lol Sakura so mad she made angry omelettes :L LOOOL xD

"Damn this long haired nigga Clow! I ain't his bitch! Yolo"

Ever been so mad you spilt hot coffee on yourself?

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No.... i do that on a regular daily basis xD just cuz i'm clumsy !

But I did throw coffee once on this bitch that jumped infront of me in line :0 she was wearing white pants..i felt so evil >:D

U ever been so mad u wanted to kill cyclist on the road lol...?


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I wanna go Flying Kick every cyclist.

Have you ever been so mad that you tried to toast some toast?

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I threw a knife as fast as I throw kunai's with imaginary Kiel cards at a wall. nah jk it was a pen

Have you ever been so mad you switched to a Ninja from a Super Baby and changed your member title to my title now?

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I've never done that no lol

@mitomi yeah I have thrown kitchen applicants at someone when they pissed me off. Largest one that's ever flown out of my hands was a large wok. Hit my cousin in the head and gave him a dirty disgusting bruise for weeks lol xD

Shouldn't have stolen my moneh betch!

Have you ever been so mad that you just thought fuck it & went to sleep

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Yes many times!....but then... Cant sleeeeeep!!! T___T

u have ever been so mad.....u....yea...



ahahaha nope

have you ever been so mad that you had to run away from the object of your anger, so that no injuries would occur?

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no why would I do that

Have you ever been so mad you suddenly got the ability of telekinesis and used it to choke that fagt?

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YES there was a SPIDER!!!


My roomie wasn't happy.. :th_e4: :th_heh: .lol but IDGF..it must dieeeee!!

U ever been so mad....!!!! That....u did nothin xD

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