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Just A Suggestion For Snipers...

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I know posting/suggesting this will make a lot of people hate me.

Ok here goes.

You know Snipers are very 'over-powered' if it is the right term.

With its high damaging skill Focus Arrow Strike and Double Strafing especially now Lord Knight's Parry is nerfed.

With that said, I see Snipers killing almost all classes with its high speed spamming and high damage.

So my suggestion is, to counter-balance this, I think Snipers need to have less REDUCTION in SHIELDS such as:

1. Frigg's King Shield

2. Vote Forsaken King Shield

3. Fosaken King Shield

... Especially on Frigg's King Shield with its reduction of 25% + 35%(usakoring)

... So maybe, if possible since Snipers are SUPPOSED to have no SHIELDS while wearing BOWS, why not make it to

like 15~18% Reduction if the character are using bows?

Cheers! :)


I haven't actually seen a sniper deal more than 30-35k on FAS unless I was wearing GR armor and they are using immaterial. I wouldn't call that high damage because that is the normal damage dealt by most classes.

Also, no sniper will live once we make their reduction down to 15%


Two thumbs up for rayray..

Its a matter of reducing the damage done by snipers by using different cards on armors.. =)

Snipeys are not really over powered..

Plus they don\t have parry, like LKs had.. Snipers don't also have high hp so no need to reduce the def of snipers.


-1 from me.as they elaborated.


I eat snipers for breakfast with my sinx crit or dex. Only time they would be OP for me is that if they are full buffed(with a pally I mean). Armor switching reduces way more damage than what you are asking from them. And I could also use pneuma acc for them as well but the armor switch is sufficient enough.



I main the Sniper class, and I REALLY disagree with this.

If we nerf the shields for snipers, it's like we're pushing the class to be as identical as a Gunslinger.


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