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Nerf Parry On Lk

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Posted (edited)

To sum it up though, the vital problem here is the PARRY + SPAM RATE OF BOWLING BASH = TOO OP. Remove/fix one, and it should be fine.

I've iterated it once on my original post that there are many reasons that contribute to LK being a top-tier class for PvP. It's not just the current implementation of Parry and their DPM. There's things like their walking speed and high HP modifier that make them very powerful. I think nerfing Parry is the right step. Demonstrated by the video I posted, it procs way to often to be considered fair for other melee classes fighting them.

just some suggestion:


remove parry for 1hand sword+shield -Don't just lower the chance rate of parry. REMOVE IT. It's an abomination.


decrease the spam rate of Bowling Bash -If you ask me, this prolly is a better option.

Their spam rate of Bowling Bash is fair. Why do I say this? Consider Sniper's FAS. I would say they output nearly the same DPM but note that FAS is ranged and hits through a line whereas Bowling Bash is limited to several cells in front of you and the skill knocks back the player making consistent spam impossible (unless RSX or against a wall of course). Edited by Forum~

From all the Input given in this suggestion I am up for a modification of Parry. I shall be discussing this with my colleagues to identify how we could balance the skill so that it becomes still viable e.g. for Knight/Legendary Set users. Since they do not have the high-end items. But that is just a quick thought. Nonetheless we will be working on it in the near future. Thank you everybody for your input! =]

Do not suggest skill edits or anything that would require source editing. We know it's not ideal, but since it can't be done at this time, try to be creative and work around it (e.g., suggest item/card effects, etc. -Veracity

Take out the skill completely, it's not even meant for 1handed weapons because it would be overpowered. Which is why this thread is made, because it is.


Thank you everybody here for the input and for the suggestion. We will be working on it! =]

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