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Another Update!

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New Updates!

As many of you know we have recently added the Safari Zone, which was in beta; we are now going to swap things around a bit, here are some of the changes being added:

1. Non MvP/Miniboss monsters will now be caught at a 10% catch rate , Step up from the 0X%s.

2. The timer will now be 30 minutes.

3. New Monsters/MvPs will be added.

4. Water Level is currently being tested and shall be added.

5. Entry Fee will be 5 coupons instead of the regular 10 coupons.

6. For those of you whom helped us test the safari zone; the mobs that caught at 100% will be reduced to a lower catch rate. How does this help you? You now are the proud owner of one of the rarest safari monsters available.

SVN Update as well as Source Modifications.

SVN Update

We are going to update the SVN to the newest stable Kro & Sakray Expansion. ( This includes Moscovia,Mobs,Santan Morroc and Warps)

This will also Include the Following Maps:

// --- Episode 12: Satan Morroc & Schwaltzvalt Seige ---

map: schg_cas01

map: schg_cas02

map: schg_cas03

map: schg_cas04

map: schg_cas05

map: sch_gld

map: cave

map: moc_fild20

map: moc_fild21

map: moc_fild22

map: que_ba

map: que_moc_16

map: que_moon

// Arunafeltz Seige

map: arug_cas01

map: arug_cas02

map: arug_cas03

map: arug_cas04

map: arug_cas05

map: aru_gld

// PVP Battle Fields: Tierra Valley, and Frebeus

map: bat_room

map: bat_a01

map: bat_a02

map: bat_b01

map: bat_b02

map: que_qsch01

map: que_qsch02

map: que_qsch03

map: que_qsch04

map: que_qsch05

map: que_qaru01

map: que_qaru02

map: que_qaru03

map: que_qaru04

map: que_qaru05

// Memorial Dungeon

map: 1@cata

map: 2@cata

map: e_tower

map: 1@tower

map: 2@tower

map: 3@tower

map: 4@tower

map: 5@tower

map: 6@tower

As you can see this is expansion 12, whats that mean? We are right on Gravity's tail with updates.

Source Code Modification.

As many of you know, @autolootitem has been a little buggy; picking up incorrect items and such; No longer. We have redone the entire atcommand.c and the header for it (atcommand.h) to improve the effectiveness of the @ commands as well as CPU usage.

The Following @commands have been added:

1. New, Revised @autolootitem.

2. @staff/@stafflist Sounds strange does it now? Here is scene where this might be useful.

Player A just told you he is [GM]Super ( for the sake of argument), and tells you to add him to contact him with your email; now you are wondering " Is this really a GM?", you would type @stafflist, get the Names of all the GMs; their jobs as Staff Members as well as their contact information.

Current Tasks being worked on:

1. Emperium Breaker Ladder, we all know how fun bragging on how great we are in WoE; now we can show them how great you are; with this Ladder the top Emperium Breaker will be shown along with his guild.

2. PvP Ladder, thats right this again; Only this time its not going to have SQL errors like the last one; it will broadcast as Player A moves up in the ladders and who replaces who in the Ladder.

3. Anti-NPC Broadcast, we all know the " Player A has a killer Spree!" message can get annoying; we are working on an edit that will completely block that if you choice to have it blocked; if you do not simply do not talk to the remover.

Smaller updates such as the following will also be made:

Forsaken Elite Weapons increased to Level 4.

Tao Gunka,Deviling,Orc Lord; removed from the Card Donation NPC.

WoE Guardian stats increased to 300 all stats.

By completing a complete modification of the atcommand.c and atcommand.h we will reduce CPU usage by 10% causing less lag.

( Specials thanks to Infinite for these suggestions)

Estimated time of completing for these Updates: 2-11-2008 to 2-15-2008. Thank you for your support.

lol wat a sexy update, but will the mobs @ those new fields appear?

Water Safari Zone? Yes.


This Friday.

other small updates include:

Full GRF redoing adding of all the new descriptions for all the new items.

Client redone.

Move from our 3.0 GHZ Windows Server 2003 Website hosting computer to a :

Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4.0

Single Intel Woodcrest 5130

Dual Core



Dedicated computer.

Tao Gunka,Deviling,Orc Lord; removed from the Card Donation NPC.

Maybe I have missed the topic, where this has been discussed in but, why ?


Alright, looking forward to the rest of the updates. Thanks again.

Maybe I have missed the topic, where this has been discussed in but, why ?

MvP cards can be obtained via donation coupons anyways we did not see a reason to keep an NPC for just 3 of them. Making them just like all other MvPs ( available via drops) would add more stability.

Thank you Genesis for working so hard for this server, you rock. Keep up the work, you seriously deserve Position #1 in TOP 200 and any other.

Which means more voting, we lost our 2nd position to a NEW server.

Keep on voting!

MvP cards can be obtained via donation coupons anyways we did not see a reason to keep an NPC for just 3 of them. Making them just like all other MvPs ( available via drops) would add more stability.

Oh ok. That's right. (:

Thank you Genesis for working so hard for this server, you rock. Keep up the work, you seriously deserve Position #1 in TOP 200 and any other.


3. Anti-NPC Broadcast, we all know the " Player A has a killer Spree!" message can get annoying; we are working on an edit that will completely block that if you choice to have it blocked; if you do not simply do not talk to the remover.

Genesis, i love you.

Thank you Genesis for working so hard for this server, you rock. Keep up the work, you seriously deserve Position #1 in TOP 200 and any other.

Absolutely. Been here for like 4 weeks now and i actually NEVER found any Server where the GM's are so activ and hard working like they do here. Keep it up. ^_^

Vote Vote Vote !

This Server deserves Top Position.

And thanks so much for letting OrcLord and the others drop like they should do.


Oh one question:

Might it be possible to insert something like @ali2 ?

So u could loot up 2 items at the same time.

Would be uberawesome.


a simple happy player.



13034,Desert_Twilight,Desert Twilight,4,,,600,130,,1,2,0x00001000,2,2,2,3,70,1,1,{ if (isequipped(13035)) { bonus bMaxSP,20; bonus bMaxHPRate,5; bonus bHit,10; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,30; bonusautoscript "{ sc_start SC_INCASPDRATE,7000,100; }",10; } },{},{}

Its in the DB; all we need is to see if a monster drops it.


You sure do put in a lot of work, Genesis. I can't begin to think of another server that even comes close to Forsaken. Thanks for the updates (and hearing out a lot of our suggestions).


There is no high rate that comes close to Forsaken, period.

Vote for it, make it well known and make it the best listed.

More people is more fun.



1. Rebuild GRF done, patch this afternoon.

2. Exe hexing/diff done.

To do:

1. Edit Catch rate.

2. Test Water Level.

3. Redefine variables in header of the atcommands.

4. Enable silent mode for the PvP Ranker.

5. Increase Guardian stats.



1. Rebuild GRF done, patch this afternoon.

2. Exe hexing/diff done.

To do:

1. Edit Catch rate.

2. Test Water Level.

3. Redefine variables in header of the atcommands.

4. Enable silent mode for the PvP Ranker.

5. Increase Guardian stats.

1. I'll edit the pet_db in a bit.

2. Works Okay, variables still messed up for the getitem,100;

3. routed to atcommandheader.h do to empty/null variables.

4. Done, account and char option set.

5. Done.

6. Fixed Gypsy/Bard crash.

Current To Do:

1. Elemental Scrolls need to be recoded to allow the icon.

2. Having some problems with the mob.c and mob.h ( most likely due to null/empty variables)

3. General code review.

1. I'll edit the pet_db in a bit.

2. Works Okay, variables still messed up for the getitem,100;

3. routed to atcommandheader.h do to empty/null variables.

4. Done, account and char option set.

5. Done.

6. Fixed Gypsy/Bard crash.

Current To Do:

1. Elemental Scrolls need to be recoded to allow the icon.

2. Having some problems with the mob.c and mob.h ( most likely due to null/empty variables)

3. General code review.

No compile error? Any abnormalities ingame?

nice work gms lol i mostly wait for KRO updates lol...

Thank you for your support.


No, but we might want to do a few test though just to make sure we did not miss any variables.

No, but we might want to do a few test though just to make sure we did not miss any variables.

How long it will last?!! Where're in top 3 haha... U did a great Job GM!! :rolleyes:


not sure where to post this but one of my pets disappeared. I got a harpy, was away from my desk for awhile came back and it wasn't there anymore could a gm help me with this?


if these new pets are like the old ones. you have to feed them when their hunger reaches neutral or below. if they get to hungry they run away. if you have to leave you desk put them in their pokeball. also if you die to much they run away also. You have to be real careful with them on PVP maps. aka everywhere.

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