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Leo `D

Legendary Wizard Staff Vs Forsaken Elite Wizard Staff

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I had finish making one of legendary weapon its for Wizard and I see the difference between of two

Legendary Wizard Staff stats is

20% Matk

20 Int

Weight Limit lvl3

1% Chance Strip Shield

Elite Wizard Staff stat is

20% Matk

20 Int

30 Str

Weight Limit lvl10

10% Hp

5% Sp

-5% Reduce Damage to Demi-human

lvl1 Deluge

lvl1 Volcano

see what the different between the two Elite Staff is better than Legendary :D can you do something about this?

Can you do change the Legendary Wizard Staff to

20% Matk

20 Int

Weight Limit lvl5

1% Chance Strip Shield

10% Hp

5% Sp

-5% Reduce Damage to Demi-human

lvl1 Deluge

lvl1 Volcano

feel free to suggest


I already pointed it out to Genesis that the new legendary weapons are not even close to our elite stuff( not only the wizard staff, but also on the sniper bows). the first batch of the legendary weapons are great(the bio mace was awesome at least) but some of the newer ones got lower stats than the elite. Gen already said that they are in the process of fixing the legendary weapons' stats. I was hoping that they come before Halloween though.

Posted (edited)

yes it was, a lot of us actually noticed the big difference on the elite weapons and the legendary weapons that just came out the previous updates. the first batch were awesome though, the ones with the legendary blades, bio mace and i think the clown weapon..

I actually vote that all legendary weapons should give at least half of what their valk counterparts give. because if it doesn't, most players that cannot donate or dont have the time to farm stuff to get the valks would always be left behind by those who can.

Edited by ZerO25

This should be fixed now, please file a ticket if there are any issues... thanks!

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