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Gm Fan Club<3

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Hi guys this is Scarlet, if you guys still remember me :3

Well I still haven't been playing for a long time and that retired from doing many things in Fro.

If you guys see me ill just be walking around visiting from time to time, still stalking the GMs :P

But if you guys got any questions you can still contact me by PMs :)

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Lol re install a new patcher o w o, cuz we need the verazilla rangers :3

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Lol re install a new patcher o w o, cuz we need the verazilla rangers :3

goin back buds!

btw my Tree is back =)!

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Of course I do! I miss all of you guys. :(

Yay~ :D

naaah! Vera doesn't miss me anyway! >:P hahaha!!

She did, now get your butt over here! 3:

goin back buds!

btw my Tree is back =)!

Yay~ && Tree? o.o

Lol re install a new patcher o w o, cuz we need the verazilla rangers :3

Is it workin now? :3
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Every time I log on its either everyone I know is afked or not on xD

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Btw buddy I mite have to ask the GMs to chop down that tree of yours and replace it with a bigger tree :3

Edited by ScarletDevilmoon
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Sure you can join just ask the inviters ^^

Btw guys I miss you all but I'm just still visiting like an hour depends on the day , but if you guys want me to visit ontime just pm on forums and ill just log onto fro.

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Btw anyone in the guild that still plays? (just making a head count) :3

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Hey guys o w o if your on tell me :3

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Haio o 3 o I'm thinking that we should have a gm fan club page with decoratives on it. Or make a good signature that represents the fan club :3

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If anyone of the guild would like to create a signature for the guild plz do so owo I want to see how creative you guys are :3

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Hai hai bio welcome to this page of fun-ness owo

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