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[ 08.07.2010 ] The Blessing Of The Valkyries

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[ 08.07.2010 ]


The Valkyries have bestowed powerful weapons upon the citizens of ForsakenRO,
Along with a warning that incredible danger lies ahead...

- Strike Eagle (High Priest only)
  Increase damage on demi humans by 30%, 5% chance of auto casting Kyrie
     Eleison when receiving physical damage, MATK + 25%
    Holy Light + 10% damage
     Int + 25, Str + 20, Dex + 20, Max HP + 25%
     5% chance of casting level 1 Lex Aeterna on an enemy when doing Physical Attack

- Black Halberd (Lord Knight, Paladins Only)
   For Lord Knight:
      Increase damage done to Demi Humans by 15%, Str + 15, Dex + 20, +10 Vit.
      .1 chance of casting coma when attacking.
      -10% cast time, increase damage of spiral pierce by 200%

  For Paladin:
      Increase Damage done to Demi Humans by 17%, Str + 20, Dex + 10
      + 15% HP

- Soaring Bird (Sniper, Rogue, Gypsy/Bard Only)
  For Sniper:
     Arrow Strafe & sharp shooting +40% damage, Falcon Assault +15% damage, +15% hp, 1% chance of casting strip helm, weapon, shield, or armor
     Agi + 30, Dex + 30
     Level 10 weight increase

For Gypsy/Bard:
    Agi + 25, Dex + 25
    +20% damage to demihumans
    +20% damage with double strafe
   30% Chance of auto-casting Lv. 5 Tarot Card of Fate when being attacked (or

  For Rogue:
      Agi + 30, Dex + 30, Max HP + 20%, +30% Damage against Demi Humans,
      - 20% damage from demi-humans
      Allows use of Level 10 Enlarge Weight Limit.

- White Rabbit (Super Novice Only)
       All Stats + 20
       + 50% HP, + 50% SP, -10% Cast Delay, -10% damage from demihuman
       + 25% damage against demihuman, MATK + 30%
       + 30% damage from Mammonite
       +15% increase heal
       When receiving damage, 5% chance of casting Lv. 5 Bash

- Dorcus (Champions Only)
       Effect: Dex + 15, Str + 15, Int + 15, Increase Damage on Demi Humans by 13%

- Highness Staff (High Priest, Soul Linker, Wizard, Professor Only)

For Wizard:
       Increase damage of Stave Crasher by 40%, -10% damage from
       demi human, +20% hp, Max SP + 10%, + 30 int, MATK + 35%
      5% Possibility of casting Strip Shield/ breaking shield
       Enlarge Weight Limit Lv. 10
Enable the use of level 3 Deluge and Volcano.

For Professor:
       Enable use of lv 1 Stave Crasher, Enlarge Weight Limit Lv. 10,
       Max SP + 15%
       Int + 35, Str + 35, MATK + 30%

For Priest:
       Decrease cast delay by -20%
       Increase Heal by 50% and Sanctuary by 50%
       Max SP + 10%
       Enlarge Weight Limit Lv. 5-10
       + 20% hp
1% chance of auto casting Kyrie Eleison when receiving physical damage.

For Soul Linker:
       Str + 20, MATK + 35%, Int + 25 *
       +30% hp
       Enlarge Weight Limit Lv. 10
       Enable use of Lv. 5 stave crasher, Lv. 10 fire and ice bolt
      5% chance of using Lv. 3 'Kaupe' when recieving physical damage
      -10% cast delay

Black Sword:

For Assassin Cross:
       Str + 10, Agi + 10, Int + 30
       SP + 20%
       +10% damage to demi-human
+ 5 ASPD

       Agi + 20, Luk + 30, Str + 20
       Critical Rate + 30
       Perfect Dodge + 10
       Inflict 15% more damage with critical attack
+ 5 ASPD

For Stalker:
      Int + 20, Max HP + 20%, MATK + 35%, SP + 15%
       Allow Use of Level 10 Enlarge Weight Limit
       When receiving damage, 30% chance of casting Lv. 5 Reject Sword
+ 5 ASPD

For Alchemist:
       Int + 30, MATK + 15%, Str + 10
       +15% more damage on demi-humans
       Enables use of Level 5 Fire and Cold Bolt
       .1% chance of casting coma
+ 5 ASPD

For White Smith:
       + 20% CT damage, hp + 30%, Str + 20, Dex + 15
       15% more damage on demi-humans
       10% Chance of casting 'Maximum Overthrust' while receiving damage
+ 5 ASPD

These Weapons are all 4 slotted, and are available using the Donation Shop here!

New Vote Items!
We've added quite a few new Auroras (and re-instituted some old ones) drop by the Vote Reward NPC for their effects and price!
Quick examples:
- Sunflower Aurora
- Candy Aurora
- Night Aurora
- Day Aurora

New Event Items!
We've also added a few new event headgears as well as a Scroll that allows you to summon a Thanatos. This Thanatos has a .02 chance of dropping the card!
Quick examples:
- Hokage hat
- Peacock Feather Hat

We would like to thank all of you for your support and dedication to making the server better, keep providing helpful suggestions! We have seen a massive transformation within the community for the better! We would also like to remind you to vote and participate in the DSi Competition. Let's make sure we have many other events like this in the future by showing your support!

The Administration of Forsaken Ragnarok Online.

- Added new GvG prizes (White and Teal Imperial Valkyrie Helms and White and Teal Rucksacks).
- Removed kills being counted toward the PvP ladder in all WoEs.
- Emperium HP Increased to 250,000,000.
- Fixed elite NPCs
- Marines Sphere HP increased hopefully giving Creators and edge and reducing cheating in Novice Dodgeball!
- Fixed RoP % HP from 3 to 8.
- Fixed Soul Linker Armor Bug.
- Added Icons for Cursed Water.
- Fixed Drooping Maya Hat effect.
- Made it so the Novice Dodge ball NPC doesn't give exp if it is used to summon waves of Spheres.
- Fixed Two-handed Lord Knight Spear weight from 100 to 550.
- Mastela Fruit is now allowed in the Annihilation event.
- Added "Enlarge Weight Limit Level 10" to Professor Book
- Scarves are now wearable on Super Novices and baby classes.

Please note that because of the size and the amount of time this update took, there might have bugs, report any issues immediately!

Previews by Barbie
Weapon Effects by Wish and Veracity
Marine Sphere fix suggestion by Ryuk
Weapon Sprites by Sae
ROP fix by Manifest
Several fixes were done with ideas from Memory
Todo List compilation leading to quick fixes by the entire GM Team
Posted (edited)

and what to do with elite weps?

Edited by Adamxd

SO SEXY. EYEGASM. Hope this won't count as spam. Can't wait to get my hands on one of these.


Because of their contributions both by donating and by being a supporting member for so long. Neil was the first to obtain these weapons followed by Drax. Thanks to the both of you as well as everyone else who made this possible.

  Adamxd said:
Do new weps got slots?

They're all four slotted like regular weapons.


For Gypsy/Bard:

Agi + 25, Dex + 25 * look into effect further

+20% damage to demihumans

+20% damage with double strafe

30% Chance of auto-casting Lv. 5 Tarot Card of Fate when being attacked (or


.01 chance of casting Coma

1.Is this weapon one handed? Or two handed?

2.And can you use Arrow Vulcan with it? Because it looks like a bow, but Arrow Vulcan is only useable with a musical instrument o.o.

Just some questions I have.


The gypsy bow is one handed. And you're right, you can't use AV with it. :'(

  Barbie said:
The gypsy bow is one handed. And you're right, you can't use AV with it. :'(

I'll prepare myself for some Thana DS Clowns/Gypsies. The Arrow Vulcan would, no doubt, be overpowered. Guess that's why they made them bows and not musical weapons ahah.


Wow great job, the weapons are so damn cool, i can't wait to get 1 (:





I almost died D: !



Is it a little ovepower? server maybe unbalanced. Y.Y


I'm concerned about the spiral pierce on LK weapon.




Fixed the asp issue with the Oriental Swords

Fixed Cursed Water not being consumable

Fixed Cursed Water duration.

The Donation weapons are now open for donation!

Posted (edited)

Well, money are slowly getting more important than personal in-game skills. Some weapons will surely be a bit too OP in my opinion. This is getting less fun, lol.

Edited by zaq91

They aren't even widespread, wait till then to consider anything "Overpowered", this feels like Déjà vu, reminds me of every new addition ever done. :cap:


Ooh my god! Finally, this is what I wanted! Say Hello, 2010! hahahah

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