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Server's Economy.

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Then ask genesis to throw 100k coups into the game and we can all be happy with the old prices xD

How will this help? Genesis can't ~throw 100k coupons into in-game then tell people to stop overpricing. People aren't just going to wake up one day and randomly think 'oh, i think I'll sell my TGens for 15 today!'. No, it just doesn't work that way. The only thing that has risen is MvP cards--while everyting else has lowered or maintained its price.


Its not a compulsion to play all day long to get gears, infact u don't even need to play all day long to farm.

Just pay attention and do it to you're fullest while you're doing it. Seriously, farm speed pots, or make elemental converters or farm fcp's in a group, or simply join guild's such as Capre Notecum(my bad i don't know how to spell that) and farm cards with them!

Also tell me on which other server you can get rich so fast, get good gears, learn to pvp, do a 100 quests, and have a amazing community which helps each other most the time, Lastly never get bored?

Yes, eventually everybody gets tired of the game, but we have updates nearly every week lol, if not twice a week!

Just learn to enjoy stuff the way it is, seriously if the prices came down to like 15 cupon's per card, I'm pretty sure u wouldn't wanna play here for the simple reason that, everybody would have the same gear and its boring once u got everything.. If new players didn't go through some trouble to get the gear they had, they wouldn't appreciate it, and that's a fact.

Have fun either way, i hope this makes a difference to ya'll


a server with all the same, well equipped players, where's the fun in that?


I have to agree on what the others said. Do you know how long it took me to get 1 f king part last time? took me more than 15 mvps to get it(the other mvps just dont drop their fucking cards). and now, just get two tgs and probably you have one part or better yet, an elite set AND one f king part.

Oh and Donators don't control the server, everyone does. and 100 people have thana? I haven't met 85 of them then. oh and the Vote Items are sxc.

It just depends if you want to get your gear or not. You want it, then you do everything in your power to get it(excluding donating if that is what you are pointing out). You don't, then I or anyone else can't help you.

As I said over and over again whenever one of this threads come up, I never donated anything(yet, I am paying for college so it is hard for me to donate). And, forgive me guys for my arrogance, as far as I know I am one of the decent sinx out there(I said decent, not great ok). I achieved that by hunting mvps, hunting yggs and just being patient.

p.s. Patient means not being angry on Ghostring when it didn't drop his card for the 54th time. He dropped it finally on my 55th last time. :p


This is like a real life, we are in CRISI and the server does. How to prevent it? Stop buying from players, let them have it in stock so when they want to sell it, will be like 10 qponz??!! Well that depends on the cards.


i dont even think the majority of the server donates, just some. i manage to get 3 fsets with cards without donating and im pretty sure there's many other that managed to get way more without donating.


Price = demand / supply

High Price = High demand / Low supply.

Low Price = Low demand / High supply

This is the basic outline for the economy, if you fix either equation, it'll stabilize the server's economy.

And every item is worth as much as people are willing to pay, there isn't a NPC setting the prices, players are.

If they can't sell their wares for the price they want, they will have to drop it.

The price stays high for several other reasons too:

The same people are hunting MvP cards, barely any competition on the field, so they have a monopoly position on selling the cards, there are exceptions, but those exceptions are people who donate for their gears/cards and thus don't have to bother with the server economy.

When people who hunt MvPs are geared, they stop doing it, they're 'rich' for the time being and a new player joins the server and takes over the MvPing stick and also takes the monopoly position of the previous person.

As there's competition lacking, the price will never go down, people pay for it anyway.

A year ago the prices were lower, but there were also 10 people trying to kill Turtle General for example, lots of competition, faster kills and more teaming up, agreements and rivalry.

You can do the following things; exploit the current economy prices, tag along and hunt your items/gears or sit and whine, gaining nothing.

The best player the server had didn't donate, he started one of the most successful guilds and geared a lot of people up, through hard work.

His name is Limitless.

So think twice if you want to bash the economy, you're part of it, if you're willing to say no to the overpriced items, others will follow at some point.

If you spend your time here all day anyway, don't sit and chat, hunt MvPs, berries, other cards or anything else.

You can still PM your friends while doing this, nothing changes, except you don't see their sprite next to you.

Good luck with fixing the economy, you don't have to do it alone, so plan it with your friends.


Sincerely, all you need to do.. is have a group of people willing to sell things a bit cheaper, and have them announce it, and the items will slowly decrease its price.. or in the other hand you can have a group of false sellers, selling things at a lower price.. and the economy might just get a little bit better....

if nothing works..

Obama Stimulus Plan ftw!


carpe noctem and tears of blood are actually trying to do this. what they lack now though, are mvp hunters. most overpriced items are mvp cards. so why not form a "band" of your own and start doing so as what sensation suggested.

i'd like to include here, i have started my own mvp hunting guild with a handful of friends and are already stocking quite a handful of mvp cards. it isnt that hard when you have a team working on it. one,two,or three hunts for the normal summons and some just summon them.

if you do the same thing we're doing, you dont have to complain much about these things(just as what most have been saying here)

Thana at 12k was better because everyone has it now. (No seriously i see like fucking 100 poeple with thana every day)

Emps should be more expensive because theyre not special anymore D:

You mean less, right?

I personally just find it funny that you guys are saying "Donaters".

When infact, most of the people selling for high prices, don't donate at all.

People work for their gear, their items, ect.

IF they choose to sell it at a higher price, it's their own decision.

It's not the people over pricing's fault, it's the people that are buying it at such a high price who are at fault.

Want to fix the econ? Stop buying.

Start farming things yourself.

@iMush, I completely agree.

Couldn't have said it better. The prices are not all linearly rising. For example, donate coupons can now be purchased for 16-18M if you have a good eye, vs the usual 18-20. Upper bounds of eq (ex. thana and emp have been mentioned) has dropped after unfounded inflation, but certain PVP MVP cards have gone up.

The sad truth is that it is the 'donaters' that are pushing prices down for MVP cards. Why? Because it makes more $ sense to buy a popular MVP card (ex. incant, phree, tg, tao) for 3.50 and sell it for 55 coupons (quick sale vs the usual 60-80 price) than to buy raw coupons (3.50 will get you 35?). In short, they are 'supplying' more MVP cards against the demand, which keeps the price lower. The backlash of such is that non-purchaseable cards/items will go up in price.

Sketchy says it best. If you want the price to go down, than you (and others) have to stop buying. When the supply overtakes the demand, the price will stabilize, or in the best case scenario, drop.


I changed the topic title so probably browsing the forums know what we are talking about in more detail.


I think it is a little funny that people are all complaining about economy is fucked up and things are too expensive.

But here's a question, when you are going to sell your item to others, will you sell it at the lower price which it used to be?

Well, you might say yes, but I bet more than half people will just say it but never do it.

So why complain about economy inflation while you are also lending a hand to it.

I think MVP cards' price are a little exaggerated now, but other than that is pretty good, items are dropping in their prices. (Sorry if I write something wrong since I were too lazy to read all the thing in this topic)

Some people are being hater just because donator donates for better gears and they are blaming all the bad economy to donators. Well, I didn't do much, but I donated 100 dollar before for bunch of mvp cards and sold it for lower price than other people would sell. But guess what, the next minute I sell the card, the player is already broadcasting and saying that he is going to sell the card he bought from me for 10~20 higher price. And people buy it.

So, inflation's problem is not all on donators, maybe part of the issue is from it.

But the real problem I think is greedy players in FRO and some desperate buyers.

Not some proper thing to say but, if you don't like it here, you can go find another place.

People who likes FRO will stay in FRO no matter how the economy is messed up and hard to play.

Oh, and I see people complaining how hard for non donator to get f set and stuff.

Don't complain about it.

If it was easy to get and everyone has it and become all pro.

What is the point of playing?

It is fun because you have a goal which is to hunt until you have the gear.

One of my friend farmed 300 yggdrasil berry ticket per day.

If you are doing more than her, you may complain lol.

Also joining guild is a good income too. ( Salary)

Before join one, you might still need some gear though. ><

Well, that's all I wanted to say, thanks for reading <3

carpe noctem and tears of blood are actually trying to do this. what they lack now though, are mvp hunters. most overpriced items are mvp cards. so why not form a "band" of your own and start doing so as what sensation suggested.

i'd like to include here, i have started my own mvp hunting guild with a handful of friends and are already stocking quite a handful of mvp cards. it isnt that hard when you have a team working on it. one,two,or three hunts for the normal summons and some just summon them.

if you do the same thing we're doing, you dont have to complain much about these things(just as what most have been saying here)

Well you are right. As the Guild Master of Tears Of Blood, I can honestly say that we do lack mvp hunters. What we have in the guild right now are mvp summoners since almost half of my members got their own professors. And as of right now, I don't plan to hunt mvps for the sake of not fighting with Carpe Noctem because of competition. What we will do is summon mvps and sell them probably just slightly above the normal price(like incant for 40, tg for 40 and kiel for 45 and such). but as for me, We won't sell mvp cards more than 55(that would probably be fbh), While Carpe Noctem does mvp hunting and sell them below normal rate since they do theirs by order.


Selling the cards at a lower price won't help change the economy at all. Everyone would just take advantage of your garage sale and sell it on its original price.

As what law of supply and demand says, high demand with low supply will result to inflation.

Try to reciprocate the law and you will see the result that you all want.


The idea of selling low could work as long they have the supply to do it.

If their buyer wants to resell it, you just broadcast it for your own price again.

If the overpricers can't sell their wares, they made a bad investment.

Bad investments aren't worth spending your money on, so they will leave that market.

But as people sell every MvP card as soon they obtained it, the supply < demand and thus the price high (or forced high through reselling).

The smart people are the ones reselling it for a high price, they won't care if you flame them, if you don't buy it, someone else will.

Unless you're able to break that chain, the price will stay high.

Want to lower the price? Unite and work together to 'stabilize' the economy.

Coupons used to sell for 100m each instead of 20M, prices only doubled and coupons became 5x cheaper.

Enjoy basic math.


Well I do know others would take advantage of it. That is why we haven't sold any of what we have right now. I am planning to only sell them when:

1. My members got the cards they needed

2. We got enough supply of it

But as people sell every MvP card as soon they obtained it, the supply < demand and thus the price high (or forced high through reselling).

the reason why mvp cards are going up in price is not because they are worth more but because donation coupons are worth less. More and More people are donating and receiving more dqpns, making it easier to accept OP deals. Everything but dqpns are going up because of how many dqpns are in the economy. What im doing now is im investing my dqpns in mvp cards and hopefully at the same rate it will go up in price. :P

Well I do know others would take advantage of it. That is why we haven't sold any of what we have right now. I am planning to only sell them when:

1. My members got the cards they needed

2. We got enough supply of it

This would contribute to inflation because this is somewhat similar to hording.

Let's stop thinking whos/what to blame but instead let's all find ways on how to resolve the issue.



not so much because we are going to sell it back at normal price. And how come it would contribute to inflation? we summon our own mvps, not hunt them, so the hunters got enough mvps to kill.

And that is what we are trying to do, find ways to get the economy back...


so put it simply you are lazy and fustrated things dont go your way. you dont like to play long but you want things cheap and easy right? if everyone behaved and sulked like you there would be no economy. You're so hypocritical.. you say you liked thana for 14k but now that it is 4k everyone has one, oh wow.. the server is growing and more and more cards are comming out, i dont want everyone having tg's and ws's for 25 coupons like it use to be, high demands = higher prices thats how life and business runs deal with it.

a coffee use to be 2 dollars now its 4-5.. theres a good metaphore for you. get with the times and stop rambling like a goat or do something about it.. perhaps a time machine since everything else fails.


not so much because we are going to sell it back at normal price. And how come it would contribute to inflation? we summon our own mvps, not hunt them, so the hunters got enough mvps to kill.

And that is what we are trying to do, find ways to get the economy back...

Alright then. Just let me know when your going to sell it :wink:

Actually, no.

The prices were alot higher one, even two months ago.

Thanatos for 12k, is now 4k again.

Emp aura's going for 6-8k, are now 2-4k.

The MvP's are the only things that are still expensive, but as Oph stated earlier, it gives newbies the chance to get an fking set faster. (Considering they're still like 80-90 per piece).

All that people have to do is MvP, farm yggs, ect.

In about 3weeks to a month, they'll be pretty set.

It's all about patience.

Get me a thana at that price please(?)

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