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Hi ~ i'll be giving a short/long guide for future newbies of fRO to help them know their ways around the server For starters as you know fRO is a high-rate server (for first time RO players it means your very OP - can lvl up quick - Godmode - can hunt almost everything). Ideally make a farmer (wiz/sniper) aside from ur main char to make it easier along the way since most likely some quest requires a lot of materials to be farmed. Either your a free to play or pay to win player ... it doesn't matter in the game since you'll still be able to go toe-to-toe with top players given time & effort. By the way if your having technical issues in playing fRO ... don't want you guys to miss out on the fun !! click on the link !! ~ might solve your issues XD LINK: ATTENTION ALL NEWBIES !! As of the lastest update (make sure to patch your fRO) you may now enjoy this OP freebie headgear !! P.S sorry my bad editing skills hahaha So we also have a lot of Custom Item/Cards aside from the normal RO stuffs that makes the server unique in its own way make sure to explore like the following links Custom Cards: Custom Items : - Basic Info : Main City : Forsaken City (go 25) Job changer : Located in Fcity @warp fcity 85 135 Set Up : Highrate Pre-Renewal - only trans no 3rd jobs Max Level : 255/255 - base/job lvl Max Stats : 300 Max Aspd : 195 No Cast : 150 dex No Cooldown (unli spam) : Equip 3 Kiel Mvp card (headgear) Refining & Decarding : 100% success rate (will not fail/break) *NOTE : When decarding make sure u got enough space on inventory/bag or it'll drop on floor TIP : Best map to lvl up fast is @warp for_fild06 ... will be a lot faster if you can find someone to boost you Common Commands used though if u want a complete list use @command & /help @warp/@go - @warp for warping to fields & dungeons though @go usually for towns only @ali/@autoloot - ali loot 1 item / autoloot all items that can fit ur inventory/bag @whodrops - shows what monster drop certain items (useful for hunting) @whereis - shows you where u can find a certain monster (useful for hunting) TIP : can use shortcut [alt+m] and edit for easier/faster application of commands ***As a Beginner doing the following will sure help u alot while exploring the game - path to Semi-Geared *** ❉ Forsaken Knight Quest ❉ - First Quest you probably need to do on ANY new character you make is called "Forsaken Knight Quest" - Its like a pre-requisite quest that will let u do other fRO customed quest (if u not do this - NPC would prob ignore u) - It will also give you a free knight set [2] slotted that you can use temporarily (can also talk to newbie npc in Fcity for freebies) - NPC location: @warp for_king 101 157 TIP : It also gives bonus stats whenever u talk to him everytime after resetting stats via kafra LINK : After that you can focus on gearing up while exploring fRO ❉ Legendary Weapon Quest ❉ - Best weapon for beginners , only 2nd to Donate weapons - Take note that you get the corresponding weapon for your class depending on what job class did the quest (repeatable). - To check different legendary weapon effect go to this link [] *NOTE : You only need to get 40m zenny ... the 100m zenny will be given by NPC *NOTE : Roast Rice Cake & Grilled Rice Cake are the SAME item LINK : ❉ Legendary Gauntlet Quest ❉ - Best accessory for newbies that gives +35 stats [0] but no slot for each hand but still better than any normal [1] slot acce (except donate) - Aside from this there's also +40 stats Forsaken Belt [0] (from Forsaken King room in Fcity) and donated accessory that gives +40 stats [1] slot .... but keep in mind for the quest - u need to do it twice to get 2 accessories (its 1 per quest) - NPC location : @warp for_elite 65 102 LINK : ❉ Vote Forsaken Armor Set ❉ - [2] slotted armor set easily obtained via vote with awesome set bonus that will surely help in stat balancing - Compose of blue vote valkyrie helm, armor, shoes, cloak - You can vote 2x a day (every 12 hrs) via ... can vote for multiple accounts one at a time right after another is allowed - To CLAIM vote items ... make sure u got sufficient vote points then on the left panel choose PURCHASE > choose item ADD TO CART > On top choose CHECK OUT > CONFIRM PURCHASE .... then you can claim it in-game via NPC (@warp for_bar 247 300) - Probably need 250 vote points to get vote set w/ shield TIP : Color of Vote Valkyrie Helm can be changed in-game through NPC @warp for_elite 67 102 make sure decard LINK : ❉ Legendary Aura Quest (mid headgear) ❉ - Mid headgear that gives +20 all stats but with the latest update , it gives additional stats normally half of what Donate Aura got - Donate aura of course is more powerful - has +20 all stats + additional cool effects like +mhp, +resistance, +atk/matk, +reflect etc ... *NOTE : Some Aura like Emperium Aura can only be obtained via Events (GvG,BR) or Castle drop (WoE) LINK : ✦ Zodiac Aura New Stats : All Stats +20 , Physical damage +3%, MATK +3%, Vit def -5%, Max HP +3% ✦ Mythical Flame Aura New Stats : All stats +20,Max HP + 3%, Add a 5% resistance against Water, Fire, Wind and Earth properties, Reduce damage taken from Neutral property by 3%. Reflect 2% of physical damage taken ✦ Lighthalzen Aura New Stats : All stats +20, Maximum HP + 5%, Increase damage on Demi humans by 5% ✦ A few examples of other Quest/Event/Vote Auras that you can find in-game that also has the New Legendary Aura Stats as of 01/30/19 : SAMPLE OLD QUEST AURA STATS SAMPLE OLD EVENT AURA STATS SAMPLE ANY VOTE AURA STATS ✦ Other Quests that you might want to try : - - - For Snipers & Gunslingers you need legendary ammo's to deal the best damage : ✦ SNIPERS - u only need 1 pc of any arrow then it becomes UNLI , i suggest getting all elements for switching really convenient for raids LINK : ✦ GUNSLINGERS - u prob need 10 bullets each for some skill then it becomes UNLI , likewise u can get all elements though you'll mostly use this class for PvP and on some specific raids (ghost/shadow/fire/wind) LINK : ************************************************* BEFORE PROCEEDING ************************************************* Let me share some bonus info that might answer some of your other questions ✦ Different Tokens you'll obtain in-game that's very useful LINK : ✦ Different GM events that will spice up your day LINK : ✦ Silver MVP quest - are cards that gives 50% effect of the original card LINK : ✦ Safari Quest - Custom pets available for all ! LINK : ✦ War of Emperium (WoE) - Battle with the strongest guilds prove ur strength ! - Chance to get Emperium Aura[1], Eids[1], Imperial Helm[1] that only drops when u conquer a castle *NOTE : Color you get varies depending on what castle you get the drop from LINK : ✦ Dr. Bones Quest - Entrance to Pet Warehouse where u can buy Pet Accessories, food & taming items - Basic quest no guide needed (1 step process) - NPC location : @warp for_elite 111 58 ✦ Casino - A place where u can exchange 1 Forsaken Tokens for 10 Casino Chips and a chance to win Jackpot prize of 1,000 Casino Chips - Can exchange casino chips to various supplies/foodbuffs or a chance to win random cool legendary headgears - NPC location : @warp for_bar 249 133 ✦ Bingo Room - A place to enjoy relaxing bingo with your friends need 5 person per round !! [NO REWARDS GIVEN ATM BUT FUNCTIONAL] - NPC location : @warp que_bingo 46 29 - enter left portal to spectate & right portal to join bingo room ✦ Quest Room - Contains various NPC for different quest you can try when your bored ... some looks really cool too - NPC location : @warp fcity 63 117 ✦ Token Trader - A place where u can trade ALL tokens for different items - It is also where the "renter" NPC is located - NPC location : @warp for_bar 252 300 ✦ Forsaken King Room - Room where you can buy Forsaken King set , Different Monster/Fairy wings - 100 tokens each - Thought for some cases you can buy it cheaper directly from player rather than via NPC - NPC location : @warp for_bar 373 244 ************************************** SOME WAYS TO EARN TOKENS FAST ********************************** After getting the basic quest gears - you'll probably be Semi-geared and want to earn tokens for the next steps ahead ...... Now the next step to do would be is first to complete all your MVP cards that you need ... Second would be is to reach out to the next level which is end-game contents (donate items - upgraded gears etc) ... Here are a few ways to earn money in-game : ✦ Zenny Farming - you can hunt stone of sage (@ali 12040 - tha_t10) / treasure box (@ali 7444 - abyss_03) then sell it to NPC ... best job for farming would be wiz/sniper - can use merchant (overprice skill) to earn more zenny when selling to NPC - normal market price of zenny : ftokens at the moment is 500m zenny = 40 ftoks ... 1b : 80 toks ~~~ BONUS TIP ~~~ ~~~ o ~~~ credits to : @Yog ✦ Mvp Hunting - hunt Mvps in their respective maps for a chance to get cards and sell it to players to tokens ... like Kiel sells for 40 toks and the rare ones like Sinx card & High wiz card sells for 100+ toks each - take note that during weekdays : 10% drop rate ... floating rates during weekends : 20% drop rate (doubled) - you can also sell some Mvp/boss drops that are very useful and in-demand for some quest ... like Essence of Fire (detale) sells for 200+ toks ... then some not so rare loot 5~10 toks ea - we also have customed Mvp cards [] and mini boss cards thats sells pretty good like GR , Deviling etc ... - if your having trouble finding Mvps the normal way We also have a Mvp Room that charges 60m per summon though you can only summon specific mvps like Kiel, TG, FBH - we also go a Thana Room, the only place that spawns thana that opens every 2 hrs ... game system will announces before it opens & when it opens ... NPC location : @warp for_bar 168 218 ✦ Farming Service - getting hired by other players to farm materials (loots) for them and get paid with tokens - when farming normal loots ... rate is for every 1k pcs = 15~20 toks ... hard/rare/few mob loots are usually 1k : 30~50 toks - can farm mini boss drops (needed for quest) sells for 3~5 toks per piece such as Chills of Death, Cloud Essence etc ... - mini bosses usually spawns every hr feel free check [] and compare ✦ Ticket Farming - we have a ticket system in fRO from which 1 ticket = 100 pcs of an item (usually supplies) ... you can have them exchange via Ticket Manager @warp fcity 86 149 - common supplies are Yggdrasil Seed/Berry, Concentrated speed pots, Curse Water, Full Chemical Potion, Enchant Deadly Poison, Aloevera etc ... - selling rate varies depending on market demand ... Ex : 5 ygg seed tix = 1 forsaken token - you can also rent "ticket pass" with tokens ... that will give you a ticket that will last 1~6 hrs that will take u into a custom map where u can farm specific supplies exclusively - rental ticket npc for "ticket pass" is located @warp for_bar 247 309 TIP : Click the rental ticket to warp randomly in the map for faster farming (fly wing effect) - there is also a yggdrasil berry room accessible via quest to farm unli ygg berry (not rental) ✦ Raid Service - some players hire raiders to help out in raids (side quest for storyline quests) and get paid with tokens - usual job classes needed are snipers/bio depending on what raid its gonna be - only for semi-geared players with experience/willing to learn since it got 1 hr time limit - there are different raids in the server ... some drops card , some drops quest items, and some dont - game system will always announce whenever a raid is open TIP : Best card set for Raiders are Forsaken Raider + Ghostring on armor ... Golden thief bug on shield ... 2 Deviling on cloak ... 1 Hyzoloist on acce (mobs inside raid have high hp ... this will help kill it quick ✦ Forbidden Rune - are customed runes that gives extra stats + mhp placed on accessories (substitute for cards) - sells for 160~180 tokens per set (2 pcs) ... repeatable quest - suitable for semi-geared players *NOTE : For first time makers ... u need to do the quest IN SEQUENCE till u reach the step for the stats you want ... when repeating u only need to do the step for making the rune itself no need to repeat from step1 Ex 1 : I want to make Str runes and first time doing quest ... i need to do Step 1 > Step 3c Ex 2 : I want to make Str runes again but did the quest already once ... i just need to do Step 3c LINK : ****************************** GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRAAAAAAAA - UNITED STATES SMASHHHHHHH ***************************** THATS MOSTLY ALL THE BASIC QUEST U NEED TO MATCH UP TO EVERYONE. Since basic gear is good enough to compete for MvP , PvP & Farming though for pvp if u wanna do more u prob need more end-game items. On that note I'll also share a few guides toward end-game contents which is mainly Storyline quest thats a bit harder and requires more time. *NOTE : This is for players who was able to explore enough on the server and is already semi-geared ❉ Friggs Shield Quest ❉ - Best Shield in the game that gives [1] slot +10% mhp , Str+ 5 , Vit+ 5 , Vit Def - 10% ... reduce damage taken from Demi-humans by 25% reflect 7% etc ... LINK : ❉ Upgrading Ring/Cape (lower headgear) quest ❉ - this probably one of the confusing part for majority in the game ... a short explanation would be is that ring/capes are the best lower headgear customed that gives additional damage + stats differently for every job ... - there are 3 types of rings namely Blessed/Cursed/Guardian rings from which each gives a different effect that boost for a different skill for each job - remember for every each type of ring ... it consist of diff variants that make it look different but has the same effect like the rest (ribbon, sword, ring, wings etc ...) - take note that there is a non-donate (quest material) & donate version (tokenshop material) where as ND rings are usually 30% less powerful than Donate rings Ex: Sniper Blessed - boost double strafe Cursed - boost focused arrow strike Guardian - boost blitz & traps *NOTE : ALL Quest regarding rings have a sidequest to clear specific Raids. Raids are technically dungeons that spawns monster by waves from which the ultimate goal is to kill all within 1 hr to clear the Raid Part I : Part II : ✦ Blessed ✦ Cursed ✦ Guardian To check different effects of diff rings check links BELOW : ✦ Blessed / Cursed Ring effects ✦ Guardian Ring effects ❉ Dragonist Armor ❉ - upgraded version of Forsaken King armor that works with F. king set bonus (not vote) ... gives more stats and enables skills for specific jobs such as Guard or Mild Mind etc ... - fueled by "fame" that can be obtained by killing other dragon knights or through specific raids such as black witch raid etc ... - to use skill & fame must enable dragon's fury (can be turned off) - NPC location : @warp turbo_room 99 94 - DA effects check link [] LINK : ❉ NEW ACCESSORY QUEST : CURSED ❉ - upgraded version of Donate Accessories (+40 stats [1] slot) - Wolf Fang Accessory +45 stats, MDEF +15 when combined together (pair) gives bonus stats Atk +10%, Matk +10% - New Accessory Effects check link [] LINK : ****************************** E N D ****************************** That's all from me for now hopefully this helps awoooooo NOOB / KING - Uncrowned Kings
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- legendary gauntlet quest
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- legendary gauntlet quest
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Good Day heres a Cheap Guide for new players who wants to earn tokens Zeny - is a good way to start farming for Forsaken tokens Zeny Farming is quite easy , you can farm for treasure box from Gold Acidus @ali 7444 for treasure Box and then @warp abyss_03 use a Merchant Class to sell zeny to NPC and convert them to coins which can be sold 1B zeny goes for 70 tokens, 500 M goes for 35 tokens or use zeny to enter MVP Rooms 60 M per spawn (which i recommend you doing it during float rates which are during weekends **higher drop rate) You can also farm for Yggdrasil Seeds just warp to for_bar 247 312 talk to renter and go for seed room . 1hr rental for Seed room is 100 M (recommend using Wizard for AOE skills) then convert the seeds to tickets to a NPC located @warp fcity 86 149 which then you can sell for 5 tickets for 1 token (1 ticket is 100 seeds) @ali 12405 for yggdrasil seeds or just @autoloot . **Best use Wiz or Sniper and Merchant to sell treasures to NPC 9 Realms Quest item A set of these items sells for around 200 Tokens per set, a set consist of 9 each of the following : Dew of Yggdrasil - drops from Shinning Plant 10% chance Prophetess Ward - drops from Isilla 10% chance Ymir's Heart - drops from Argos 10% chance Mighty Strength - Sword Guardian 50% chance Elixir of Alfheim - Mavka 10% chance Cloud Essence - Gryphon 50% chance Spiritual Whispers - Valkyrie (Mini-boss) 50% chance Dusk Glow - Salamander 50% chance Damp Darkness - Chimera 50% chance Chills of Death - Bloody knight 50% chance you can use @whereis <monster> for the maps the spawn at. RATA CARD I just found out myself that RATA is a Custom MVP im seeing players selling the card for 400-600 Tokens each 2 Rata spawns @for_map16 [which you cannot be able to warp to] instead @warp storyline15 34 252 you need to go in and walk from there to the portal [need to find it] Matk + 10% , Max Hp - 5%, Matk +1% per refine rate, HP - 1% per refine rate Slot : Armor You should also loot Spittle of bird dropped by rata (someone says it sells for 2-3 tokens each) Credits : Medellin Cartel **Best use Bio and Wiz DARK MAZE RAIDER You'll see this on broadcast as they are hiring Raiders. All you need is a Bio and proper gear . The gear is simple . All you need is Forsaken Knight Armor set [Questable] +Newbie headgear set and L.Bio weapon [Questable]. CARDS Boots: 2 Green Ferus Card Armor: 1 Hatii Card + Silver TGK/Ghostring Card Cloak: 2 Raydric Card Shield: 1 Golden thief bug card [MVP] L.Weapon: 4 Kingring card Accessories: 2 Int Gaunts [Questable] You can get paid 50 Tokens per run. Credits : Medellin Cartel **Best use Bio and Wiz MVP HUNTING Simple. Hunt for Valuable Cards through MVP Hunting and sell them for tokens . (See you there mwuahahaha) Card prices vary depending on stock and demand. You can ask players for appraisal/price check or just compare prices on Broadcasts. Broadcaster is located @warp fcity 94 135 **Best use Sniper, Bio, Champion or Wiz ESSENCE OF FIRE Essence of fire is a custom drop used for making friggs shield - the strongest shield on the planet Can only be dropped by Detale or I call him Big Red - 10% chance Detale spawns at abyss_03 every 3 hrs A pc goes for 100 Tokens each (might go for more) **Best use sniper, Champion or Bio FARMING FOR ITEMS Some players are lazy rather rich they hire farmers for tokens to get items for them such as cobwebs, stat foods, seeds, berries and alot more (yes there are a lot of things to farm ingame) Some Players pay 10 tokens for every 1k pcs of a certain item (ex. Chivalry's emblem) some pay 10 tokens for every 100 pcs (ex.elastic band) This depends on the rarity of the item. (you can also Farm and supply an entire guild depending on your contract with client) **Best use Sniper or Wiz THANA ROOM Located @for_bar 157 216 in this one you need timing, precision and FAST NETWORK CONNECTION to enter. Thana card goes from around 1.9k? tokens it is a 1.4% chance drop (DREAM BIG) **Best use Sniper GAME EVENTS There are A LOT of events you can join you also get to read it on broadcasts. Hosted by our GMs or automated. Free tokens for the taking . @go 38 and you will see all of the events. You get to win mini-tokens and event tokens. PoriPori Catcher Poring Catcher Dice Event Emperium Race (PVP and Non-PVP) MVP Invasion Parasyte Event Egg Collector Wicked Fly Infestation Treasure Hunting Fight Night Circle of Madness Bloodbath Moroccan Sprint Lost Orbs Cluck! Cluck! Boom! Battle Royale Guild vs. Guild Survival Event Novice Dodgeball Poring Ball Dice Event v.2 Novice vs Zombie Last Man Standing (LMS Warper) Jumbled Password Conquest Guess the Monster Some Events are Hosted by Game masters themselves. WOE Or you can just join guild and get paid with tokens :V (this is not easy AT ALL) SOME TIPS: I recommend you to do Legendary weapon Quest , Forsaken Knight quest and Legendary Gauntlet quest You can also pm me ingame for some starter Cards, im giving awat Silver Mvp Cards . Some Quest Items are sold on the market @go 37. What are these you see on broadcasts? S> = Selling B> = Buying T> = Trading OT> = Out of Topic PC> = Price Check LF> = Looking for Also dont forget to Vote here Vote for Credits , and redeem points for Vote Gears. WELL THIS ARE JUST SOME INFOS AND WAYS OF GETTING TOKENS DEPENDING ON WHAT OR HOW YOU DO IT INGAME ILL TRY TO UPDATE THIS IF I FIND ANY OTHER COOL WAYS.
I'm planning to make ND rings and 500 white dyes is alot for two RAW wings. Where can you farm white herbs fastest? also efficient? (I know whodrops :P) but in this case the only spot I know efficient is khalitz (+chivs). So yeah you may give me one for fastest and one for efficient place i guess? Thanks in advanceeee PS: What I menan by efficient is having two or more mats at the same time. If thats not clear for some peeps hehe
Guild Nomin is Recruiting! We all know how it feels when starting out on a new game, it seems that late game high tier items are out of reach. This guild was created to bridge that gap of having quest items to transitioning to mid tier items. Our means is through helping newbies and farmers on having a stable source of income with a special rate on other essential items. if you are interested and want to know more PM me in-game, look for "ShinsenKajiya" my baby smith or my Baby Wiz "Shinsen-chan~~", I'm usually at the GM help desk or at go 19. For NEWBIES: our guild's aim is to help you to have easy options to get needed tokens to buy better equipment and cards. also, we can provide needed info that can't be acquired through guides such as strategies and ways to get stuff. We also answer general inquiry about things, of course, that are game-related. For FARMERS: Our guild will give you a sustainable business model of steady buy and sell options through our acquired market. This is our way of helping players like us to transition to higher tier equipment easier rather than doing it alone. A way to promote that our server is newbie friendly and that the players here are 100% helpful. (though we are not promoting spoon feeding everything [e.g. will farm for you and give away free hand-outs], hard-work is rewarded. of course.) Looking forward to your long stay in our beloved server! The guild is currently farming the following: FCP tix / FCP mats SEED TIx CSPEED TIX TREASURE BOXES / ZENNY (more to come soon) again, this guild is to help out newbies, this guild is almost non-profit.
V 2.0 (2nd Update) 2/28/2015 -Changed base stats -Added Screenshots -Added Stats with Vote Forsaken King Set -Added new details (Ring of Resonance and Ring of Flame Lord combo) -Fixed typos and all other errors This is the first guide I've done ever in my life about a game (this proves how I'm quite attached with ForsakenRo now) and I don't know if this one is original or not but I'm gonna go and write it either way because I wanna help newbies (I still am one as well actually) who struggle with not having enough zeny to buy themselves some useful stuff (CARDS!) either at the Vending Market or from other players. To begin this guide, INVEST some time and make sure you have done the: Forsaken Knight quest - Because those +200 additional stat points might come in handy for pumping a certain stat. Forsaken Dungeon Pass quest - For me, that's the best place where you can farm for items to sell for zeny. Abyss_03 may drop you Treasure Boxes (150,000 zenies each), but they don't drop at a consistent rate (50% only I think). But that's not the worst part. The map size is small, High Wizards who farm for it cast Storm Gust wherever the mouse pointer lands. Your sorry bum will get knocked back away from them Aciduses (while dying from the SG as well without even getting the chance to hit them yourself). AND annoying Snipers will FAS (Focused Arrow Strike) you even when there's not a single monster around you, poking your sorry bum with arrows to death for no reason but to show off how hard they can hit. Now to give you the easiest figures at how your stats must be for this certain job, I'll just tell you my Whitesmith's exact numbers (considering you have the 200 bonus stat points). NOTE: These are the BASE STATS. The bonus from your gear (I'll tell you my noobie gear too) will add up to these numbers which will form a certain number when summed up. Those will be mentioned next. You can tweak these settings of mine for your personal preferences. THE STATS STR: 295 AGI: 114 (As usual, before putting stats on AGI, put the ones on DEX first) VIT: 96 INT: 2 (Leftovers) DEX: 101 LUK: 98 *THE STATS UPDATE (v2.0) STR: 300 (300 because it maximizes your weight capacity to 14000) AGI: 114 VIT: 90 INT: 5 DEX: 101 LUK: 89 THE GEAR (v2.0) YOUR +10: Upper Headgear - Forsaken Knight / Vote / Forsaken King Helm with two SEYREN WINDSOR cards (For a total of +8 STR) Mid Headgear - Any Legendary Aurora here just for that + 20 stats boost. Mine's a Legendary Zodiac one which my WS inherited from my SinX. The BEST alternative here is the "Fallen Ghost" (like that of the MVP Fallen Bishop) (+20 stats) which you can get as a Vote item. Save up to 50 credit points (Which is pretty easy to earn. 24 total vote points in 1 day, 24 next day, that's a total of 53 in just two days!) and check it out in your Forsaken-RO Control Panel. Redeem it by going to the "Token Traders" building in Forsaken City and talk to the "Vote Redeemer" NPC inside. The best card for the Mid headgear would be Vanberk. It means faster death. Lower Headgear - FREEBIE ADVENTURER'S BACKPACK IS THE BEST! (+10 All Stats, +10% Max HP and SP) Armor - Forsaken Knight / Vote / Forsaken King Armor with Silver Orc Lord / Orc Lord card (Reflect 15% / 30% of Melee damage back to the enemy which inflicted it) and PecoPeco (+10% Max HP) Weapon - Hurricane Fury with a Baphomet card. You can snag this weapon from an MVP called the Boitata which is found in bra_dun02 (It's not that hard to kill because it's got only a million HP compared to the customized HPs of other card dropping MVPs. But in any case be careful because it's attacks can still be pretty deadly.) Or, buy it from the Vending Market if available in there. Sometimes they're priced at around 50 Million down to 15 Million zeny only. - Here's also why and why not the Legendary Hammer. The Legendary Whitesmith Hammer might give you 4 card slots, a whooping +35% bonus to Max HP and a significant damage boost to High Speed Cart Ram (Cart Termination), but the Hurricane Fury has a special ability (one among 2 others) that when procced, will knock back enemies for 7 cells away while doing a painful amount of damage altogether. Just PERFECT for farming alone. The two other effects are: "Reduce damage received from medium-type monsters by 10%. Damage reduction from medium-sized monsters will increase depending on the refinement rate of this weapon." and "Attack Speed increases depending on the refinement rate of this weapon." The Silver Orc Lord/Orc Lord combo with the Hurricane Fury: - Lure a bunch of Usakorings, Pourings and all the other rings in there. Once you have a truck load of them behind you, you can either: Attack them and watch the Baphomet card work in all its glory AND/OR let the mob hit you (WHY?!). The Silver Orc Lord/ Orc Lord's reflect effect is enough to trigger the Hurricane Fury's Damage+Knockback effect. Watch (literally while getting ready to tap the Yggdrasil berry in case of emergency) the entire area around you go BOOM! Hurricane Fury's "Unknown-Skill" - I suggest you do the latter option whenever your weight limit is at 90% and you can't attack anymore BUT your 14000 maximum limit is still nowhere near 13900. Sometimes it's somewhere at 12000+ when you start to not be able to attack. That's still a couple or more Armors of Volcano in your inventory that's missing. Mantle/Garment/Cloak (whatevs you want to call it) - Forsaken Knight / Vote / Forsaken King Cloak with two Aliot cards (STR + 2, Max HP + 5%). Footgear - Forsaken Knight / Vote / Forsaken King Boots with two Antique Firelock (Firelock Soldier) cards (STR + 2, Max HP and SP + 10 %) Accessories - Two Vesper Core 02s - The deal here is that, I've tried to equip two Legendary Strength gauntlets for more damage BUT I've realized they're too heavy that they hinder you from gathering over 5 Million Zeny in each run. The Vesper Cores are light enough to give you a boost in attack, you never even have to look back. Accessories UPDATE (v2.0) - Ring of Resonance and Ring of Flame Lord Sort of the useless one... Meteor Assault and I believe that's the Tarot skill thingy. - Wow. Hey. Do you want to make life easier? Do you want your Whitesmith to become a RUTHLESS, MERCILESS, MURDEROUS, BLOODY KILLER? Well then, read on. Purchase a pair of those accessories the MVP Ifrit drops called the Ring of Resonance and Ring of Flame Lord (or if you happen to luckily kill Ifrit yourself, then you're good). They range from 125 Million to 45 Million in the Vending Market. Equip them (they also weigh the same as the Vesper Cores! Sweet!). Auto-Bowling Bash Getting ready for something... Now warp to Forsaken Dungeon and watch as your Whitesmith turns into a psycho. As you know, it allows you to auto cast "All kinds of skills" in an uncertain percentage. And still, the Silver Orc Lord / Orc Lord combo applies here, so now, even if you never attack them Usakorings and stuff, you are dealing tons of damage to them because of the insane amount of damaging skills the reflect alone triggers. If ever you're wondering, yes, all these skills stack with the Hurricane Fury's damage+knockback damage too. Quagmire, and... wait where'd all my SP go? What's that 627055 dama-- You mean I just... So who said ASURA STRIKE is for Champion use only? If I've seen that right, I made 600 thousand auto-Asura damage to a random target with my Whitesmith. Yes, the rings also grant you the Zen and Fury Champion skills automatically so if your SP suddenly goes 0 (all other skills that the rings cast cost 0 SP!), then you know damn well what the hell just happened. It's pretty hard to see the damage of the Asura though because of the crowd of numbers coming from all the skills the Rings can pull out. But be assured that it can reach that figure I've mentioned earlier (300 Strength for this Whitesmith guide, remember?) Other frequent skills it auto casts: - Bowling Bash - Sonic Blow - Aspersio - Fire Ball - Heal (to yourself, of course) - Meteor Assault (same skill animation as the Hurricane Fury's skill) - Occult Impaction (Infiltration/Investigate, another Champion/Monk skill) - Quagmire - Gloria Domini NOTE: The Ifrit Rings' skills' after cast delays (might) still apply. NOW. If you've followed the STATS and GEARS part exactly as told, this should be how your final stats would look like. (Tweakable like I said, according to your personal preferences) FINAL STATS STR: 295 + 75 AGI: 114 + 51 VIT: 96 + 50 INT: 3 + 43 DEX: 101 + 49 LUK: 98 + 52 HP: 153812 SP: NOT IMPORTANT ATK: 2155 + 70 MATK: 82 ~ 126 HIT: 415 CRITICAL: 58 DEF: 70 + 146 MDEF: 6 + 45 FLEE: 420 + 16 ASPD: 195 FINAL STATS UPDATE (v2.0) Forsaken Knight Set / Vote / Forsaken King Set STR: 300 + 71 / 300 + 77 AGI: 114 + 53 / 114 + 59 VIT: 90 + 52 / 90 + 58 INT: 5 + 43 / 5 + 46 DEX: 101 + 49 / 101 + 52 LUK: 89 + 52 / 89 + 58 HP: 152295 / 162733 SP: NOT IMPORTANT ATK: 2149 + 70 / 2156 + 70 MATK: 84 ~ 129 / 100 ~ 151 HIT: 415 / 418 CRITICAL: 55 / 60 DEF: 70 + 142 / 70 + 148 MDEF: 2 + 48 / 2 + 51 FLEE: 422 + 15 / 428 + 15 ASPD: 195 / 195 NOTE: The summed stats mentioned above are not yet affected/increased by any buff such as Maximum Power Thrust, Blessing, etcetera. Overall, I must say, the most expensive thing you'll ever need here is either the Baphomet card (100 Million or lower) or the Hurricane Fury. The Silver Orc Lord card is cheap, (hardly goes over 1 Million zeny, most of the time at 500 K) don't worry about it. *Update (v2.0) I've mentioned the price of the Ifrit Rings too, earlier. OF COURSE - You're not a true Whitesmith if you are not using your buffs. The main WS buffs I use are: - Maximum Power Thrust - Power Maximize - Crazy Uproar They last the longest and are the best damage boosters, that's why. The others last for only a short period of time and they only give a minimal bonus for something that you'll never even notice. Buff these three up and you're good to go for at least 3 to 5 runs! *Secondary Buffs to use (v2.0) - Adrenaline Rush - Weapon Perfection - Shattering Strike - You're not a true Forsaken Dungeon Farmer if you are not carrying at least 5 to 10 Yggdrasil Berries. Grab these while in there to use in case of emergency (your HP shrinks to a critical level while doing the mob-lure-hurricane-boom). THE PAYOUT - A normal run lasts for at least 1 to 2 minutes or less or lesser inside Forsaken Dungeon. A quick one and stopping once you get the 90% weight limit warning will give you at least 4.3 Million Zeny. A full house of Lucius' Fierce Armor of Volcanos though can garner you more than 5 Million Zeny. Both of those already include the added zeny you can get through the Overcharge skill. In less than an hour, if you're diligent enough just like me, you're cashing in at least 100 Million Zeny. Like it's nothing. WHOOAAT?! ADVANTAGE AGAINST ABYSS_03 ZENY FARMING - In my opinion, Treasure Boxes from abyss_03, although more expensive when sold individualy, are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay slower to obtain in bulk compared to the Volcano Armors. Not including the times when you die because of Snipers and High Wizards and re-warping and buffing again and again. Here, let me tell you this: For maybe five to ten minutes, farm for Treasure Boxes. Then get bored of constant troubles (such as choosing only to kill the golden Acidus) and finally decide to sell all those boxes only to find out you've only made 17 Million zeny out of them when you could have at least 30 Million already just by going back and forth inside Forsaken Dungeon in at least the same amount of time. BAH! DISADVANTAGE AGAINST FORSAKEN DUNGEON ZENY FARMING - Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh... this is the good thing about this because there is absolutely no Con about farming in Forsaken Dungeon. After doing this method for a week now, I've made at least 3 Billion Zeny (I'm not sure but I've already purchased an 80 Million Baphomet card (RESERVE!), a 900 Million and a 750 Million Turtle General card, a 650 Million Legendary Red Glasses, a 450 Million Dark Blue Legendary Zodiac Aurora and MORE! I'm not yet into purchasing things with tokens (which most likely will take me ages just to get a Cursed or Blessed Ring), so I'm enjoying my time spending the easier-to-farm zeny. *BRAG UPDATE (v2.0) ...I am so enjoying the cards and equipments I've bought with those zeny. Well, I guess it's time to end this here. It's 2:07 AM. I hope this'll help someone. I might update this because I'm thinking there's still stuff I want to say but my mind's all into sleeping now. Can't remember them. Yet. If you do encounter a Whitesmith named "MidnightEames" with clothes dyed in red and wears a Dark Red Legendary Zodiac Aurora inside the Forsaken Dungeon, then you've successfully met me IN-GAME! My Whitesmith at least! Thanks for reading folks, and HAPPY FARMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! A Non-Donator's luxury is being able to farm, as patient as he can, to gather his equipment. The feeling when you get it after all the hardwork is just priceless.
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Its so annoying that when I put my seed in my Storage. its only capacity is 30000. they should increased it to save time for the Seed ticket room or maybe they should make an NPC to hold your seed and redeem them later. just suggesting guys, i'm just a everyday farmer. disregard this suggestion if you dont like it guys :) :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ok: :th_ho: :th_ho: :th_ho: :th_ho:
It's not really a big issue, but I was just wondering - if items such as cursed waters, ygg berries and seeds can be converted into tickets, why not aloeveras as well? It might lessen the weight when carrying all of the items and may be easier when in groups of hundreds. (I've been told before that there is a way to convert aloes into tickets, but I'm not entirely sure, so please, someone correct me if I'm wrong)
Greetings fellow newbies, Have you ever met a few people who said they are faming Thanatos Tower with ease and suggest you to do the similar thing? We all know those people usually are wizards who have 4 or more MVP cards in their gear, AoEing the crap out of mobs and act like they are cool. When I started to look around the official site and and the forum and I realise most article or suggestion for farming required MVP gear to farm zeny, which is all fine and good (and normal) if you play through all the awesome features that this AMAZING forsaken server provided. BUT they are not at all newbie friendly or they required weeks to gather gear in order to speed farm Thanatos Tower. As I am also a newbie in this server, I feel like at least one "True newbie farming guide" should be out there as an option for anyone who are interested. ***Notice that this is a true newbie farming style, you have to avoid certain MVP or sticky situation like when 10+mobs is attacking you*** 0. Why pick smithy? and what stat? 0.1 I chose to use master smith to farm zeny since you will have relative lesser action step to sell your loot and make zeny smoother. (With their built in weight and over charged. you dont need to type @storage or switch character as much but its all comes down to personal preference.) 0.2 Stats are around Str250, Agi150, Vit61, Dex41, Luk150. 1. Where and what to farm in Thanato Towers? 1.1 Maps are usually tha_t07, tha_t08, tha_t11, tha_t12 (Depends on your job and your preferences of combat) 1.2 You are farming Angels, know as "Mistress of Shelter", "Dame of Sentinel", "Baroness of Retribution", "Lady Solace". 1.2.1 Those "Angels" will spam :th_heh: to laugh at you as they are killing you with their "Jupitel Thunder" and other damage. 1.3 @autoloot those "Stones of Sage" and equipments they drop and sell them to NPCs with your merchant/smithy. 1.3.1 Remember to save the "red feather" in @storage for future use/ sell them to players. 2. Cards 2.1 Cards required (Normal cards only! :th_no: ) 4x Skel Worker (weapon), 1x Dokebi (armour) 2.1.1 (Optional cards required) 1x Cornus (shield), 1x Choco (garment), 1x Fox (boots), 1x Giant Hornet (headgear) 2.2 "Skel Worker" @warp mjo_dun03. "Dokebi" @warp pay_fild10 2.2.1 "Cornus" @warp spl_fild03. "Choco" @warp um_fild02. "Fox" @warp for_fild06. "Giant Hornet" @warp gld_dun02. 3. Gear 3.1 Refined +10 with 4 sloted weapon, preferably that they do 100% damage to medium mobs. 3.2 Freebie Oliver Wolf hood + Strong shield 3.3 all the sloted gear you can buy from the mall in @warp for_dia 155 115 4. Farming style and tips 4.1 As a smithy, you just cast all you buff(Maximum power-thrust, Adrenaline rush, etc.) then just left click the angels and kill them in 3-5 sec (better if you can kill them in 1-2sec) with critical attacks 4.1.1 YOU NEED TO KITE and kill "Dame of Sentonel" FAST, since she will cast a "Safety Wall" and kill you with "Jupitel Thunder". HOWEVER, the Strong shield and Dokebi should allows you to immune the "suck-in" effect by her "Jupitel Thunder". Just remember to kite and kill her asap. 4.1.2 the rest of the angels are cookies, you can just cut them with ease. :th_e2: 4.2 since you CAN NOT use "fly wing" :th_hmm: , you should just type @warp <map>. So it will just warp you at a random spot :th_pif: . Conclusion Its obviously not the fastest way to farm the tower, BUT it is newbie friendly and has an acceptable zeny per hour rate. And I personally prefer another area to farm zeny. Happy left click farming (unless you are left-handed :D ) and enjoy this awesome forsaken server! :th_no1: p.s. Thanks forsaken for providing servers with pure awesomeness. Nate My Newbie characters are Nathaniel Runepaws(sinX 255maxed), (Master Smith 255maxed), (Sniper 255maxed), (Soul Linker 255maxed), (Lord Knight 255maxed) etc.
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