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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Born2punish

  1. Trading blue emp for Purple plus ????
  2. Born2punish


    Dw, monkeys are there to operate it (:
  3. Thanks for the farewell message, I appreciate it.

  4. It's been 6 months I've been playing fRO, and this days has come to an end. I would like to thank everyone for the support and the fun they gave. I don't need to name people, if you were my friend then you will know who you are. I'll be leaving due to many studies I need to do. I will probably go back, or maybe not. So that's all, goodbye everyone. - chris out.
  5. Is it me or the Asura spam has a delay of 2 seconds too? Correct me if i'm mistaken. Thanks.
  6. Zack Fair is a Final Fantasy character lol.
  7. Born2punish

    Hey hey!

    Welcome homie.
  8. I never knew Mario is cute, until now.
  9. Born2punish


    A hernia is a protrusion of a tissue, structure, or part of an organ through the muscle tissue or the membrane by which it is normally contained. The hernia has three parts: the orifice through which it herniates, the hernial sac, and its contents. wikipedia
  10. Just trade rucky's is all (: Post your IGN here if interested. or pm me on PinoyChamp.
  11. hello there :)

    Im new to your guild

    " Tears of Blood ".

    And i want to duel you :P cuz everybody says your awsome. ( And im sure you are =D )

  12. Sup man.
  13. More Chris, I'm a Chris too. Welcome bro.
  14. Im quite active on the forums
  15. Born2punish


  16. This is funny yet a bit boring. But good job (:
  17. "public hair"
  18. Goodluck everyone.
  19. Sup Jerry, my brudda. Alts allowed?
  20. What the title says; [50].
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